
  Chapter 1387 Trading

Under the golden light, death and life are reversed repeatedly, which originally symbolized Spring of Life, with its extreme life, looks like a pool of stinky water. If it wasn't for Erich's reminder, Rhodes would have been hard-pressed to discover the abnormality of the spring.

"Spring of Life..." Rowlin exclaimed and quickly made a prediction, "big brother, with these springs, you can completely restore your original body, but..."

Rhodes nods, knowing the effect of Spring of Life, he naturally understands the preciousness of Bai Quanshui: "The prophet once said that I would be near the city of still water and get what I need, and I think she is referring to this. "

"Have you considered it?" Ehrlich asked slowly not far away, "Spring of Life is as fragile as it is precious, and violent mana fluctuations will destroy the The original effect of spring water, I think, you don't want to see this happen."

"I promise you, if you want to stay in Dia, then stay in Dia." Rhodes didn't hesitate to think. He complied with Erich's request.

"big brother!" Rowlin exclaimed, she didn't expect Rhodes to make such a decision.

Even Erich also did not expect that Rhodes agreed so readily, he pondered for a while, as if he made some calculations in the heart, his face gradually became ugly: "Divine Item's Bearer, why are you deceiving me?"

Rhodes' expression remained the same: "How do you know that I was deceiving you?"

"I saw my end. If I am leaving now, and before long I shall die at your hands." Erich said solemnly.

"putting it that way, from the very beginning, you don't believe I'll let you go. Since you've anticipated your end, why are you making this deal?" Rhodes said with a sneer.

"I can't believe your words without any proof. I need one thing as proof, something that will ensure my safety even if you go back on it in the end." Erich said slowly, "The 'crown of the world' that once belonged to me should now be on you, and I can feel the breath of this treasure. Give it to me and the deal can go on."

Listen When Lich said this, Rhodes seemed to remember something. There was indeed a special crown in his space ring, and the former owner of this crown was Erich in front of him.

The crown is all around, which can be inlaid with twelve gems with different functions. Eleven now exist, and the effect of this treasure can be truly activated by inlaying the last gem.

For this special crown, Rhodes had collected many gems, but could not find a suitable one that could fit into the gap of the crown.

"Impossible." Rhodes refused without hesitation, "Why don't you want me to give you the Divine Item directly? Wouldn't it be better?"

Erich Shook the head: "I can feel...you have not activated the true power of the 'crown of the world'. It is in your hands, perhaps not even an ordinary treasure. Except me, no creature understands this treasure."

"Give me the crown of the world, and you can reap a full elf fountain, and more importantly, the friendship of a Lich, and I will help you in your future battles." Richie said confidently.

"But my prophet said that you will be my scourge in the future, which is not what you said." Rhodes questioned.

Facing Rhodes' gaze, Erich shook the head, and asserted: "Prophets? I have met countless prophets who professed to be For the prophets, I don't know who gave them this courage."

"O holders of the Divine Item, don't be deceived by false words, all believe oneself infallible, false prophets who spread false news , will be punished in the end," Erich said slowly.

Rhodes frowned the brows, and after a moment of silence, looked at Rowlin beside him: "Rowlin, what do you want me to do?"

Hearing Rhodes ask this, Rowlin a Time was a little flustered: "I...I don't know..."

Rowlin's heart was full of hesitation, on the one hand, let Rhodes recover and make up for his original mistake Spring of Life, on the other hand in the city of Sao , Leah, who was waiting for North's return, Rowlin didn't know what to do for a while.

However, Rhodes didn't care about the two things that Rowlin didn't know how to choose. He was used to Lich's body and didn't care about other things.

What Rhodes really cares about is Erich in front of him. He wants to see what kind of means this ancient Lich has, and what kind of reward he can get after killing him.

After struggling in the heart for a long time, Rowlin let out a dull sigh and asked Lich beside him, "Has North's consciousness really dissipated?"

" I can answer your question." Aisha, who was always smiling, said, "Rowlin, North's consciousness is already not in, and the Revelator of the Dead will not allow North's consciousness to continue to exist."

"Really..." Rowlin sighed deeply, "I will pass this news to Leah's big brother in Sao City, please agree to his request."

Rowlin finally made her own decision, and Rhodes was always on her mind. However, Rhodes seemed to have found something, his pupil suddenly shrinking, staring at Erich in front of him.

Rhodes noticed that as Rowlin said Leah's name, Erlich's face twitched unnaturally, and was then suppressed by him.

The situation where the body is out of control, in the real Lich, it is almost impossible to happen, as the Lich who integrates the soul into the body, they can maintain control of the body at all times, and because of this, Erich's abnormal The move, in Rhodes' view, was so conspicuous.

"Have you made a decision? I think we can proceed with this transaction." Erich said slowly, his move just revealed the urgency in his heart.

"I found something interesting." Rhodes slowly said.

"Aren't you going to make this transaction? It's a pity that such a precious Spring of Life can only be turned into turbid water in the end." Erich's imposing manner changed.

"No, the deal will go ahead, but the conditions of the deal need to change." Rhodes said with a sneer.

Erich pressed on: "Don't you want to hand over the 'crown of the world'? If you have other suitable treasures, I'm not unacceptable."

"No... ..." Rhodes whispered, and the cold breath was released from him: "The content of the transaction is changed to, you give me Spring of Life, and I will silence you again, your era is over, it's time Back in the dark."

(end of chapter)

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