
  Chapter 1389 Battles

See Erich speak out about those ghouls, Rhodes's His face suddenly changed.

About the Divine Item's control of those special corpse witches, Rhodes can't let other Lich know in any way. If this news spreads, Rhodes will become the public enemy of all Lich and be in an extremely dangerous situation.

Because of this, Rhodes couldn't let them go no matter what, knowing the secret Erich and the two.

"Are you finished?" Looking at Erich in front, Rhodes said coldly, "I will send you back to the darkness where you should stay."

Without waiting for Erich to respond, Rhodes body flashed, and the next moment appeared in front of him.

Sensing the approach of danger, Erich immediately responded, using teleportation to distance himself, trying to avoid Rhodes' attack, but Rhodes wouldn't let him off easily, and cast his teleportation again. Move to follow.

For a time, the silhouettes of golden and black kept flickering in the space. The entire cave was filled with phantoms left by their teleportation. Even Rowlin at the back was very difficult to fight. Distinguish the real from the phantom.

After performing teleportation several times in a row, as the dodging side, Erich had more pressure in his heart. Finally, after a teleportation, Erich revealed a weak spot, a sword with lightning attached to it. The blade swept in front of him, and the electric current on the blade poured into the body, causing high damage, but also paralyzing Erich's body.

The Rhodes of the gloomy face, appeared in front of Erich, the blade in his hand swept sharply, and the next blow would end the life of the reborn Lich, leaving him forever in a dark silence .

However, the blade that Rhodes swung was blocked by a deep green barrier. Even if Rhodes used all his strength, the blade could not advance any further.

In perception, the one who released this barrier was not Rhodes' enemy, but an existence he was very familiar with.

"Rowlin, what are you doing?" After realizing the source of the green barrier, Rhodes lowered his voice and asked the person behind him.

Rowlin hurriedly explained Rhodes' question in his ear, "big brother, you see, North's consciousness still exists in his body, you can't just kill him, you promise I've..."

Rhodes felt helpless for a while, this was one of the few opportunities to solve Erich permanently. Just as he was about to say something, Erich in front of him had already recovered from his paralysis.

An extremely strong golden light bloomed from Erlich's body. With a burst of irresistible force, Rhodes' entire body was blown out and hit the rock wall behind. Above, several cracks were left.

Noticing the golden light that suddenly appeared in the field, even the other Lich who were facing each other couldn't help but move towards the direction the golden light came from.

"It doesn't look like it's going well..." Aisha muttered, noticing the scene where Ehrlich nearly died.

"You made the wrong choice again, Aisha." Aside, Naagh, who was shrouded in white mist, said slowly. In this special environment, his ability also occurred. changed.

"That's not necessarily the case, the end of this battle hasn't come yet, has it?" Elsa lightly said with a smile.

Following Elsa's words, the corpse witches who had passed through the Transmission Gate and should have been under her control, in this brief moment, faced Elsa one after another, and at the same time a pale cloud formed.

Aisha's eyes became solemn, and the control of spiritual imprint was completely ineffective on these corpses: "It seems that what Erich said is true, is this the power of Divine Item?"


Seeing that the enemy in front was approaching, Aisha waved her hand and said, "You two are weaker than I thought, far from being my opponent, and only the purple-haired girl on the side can be Make me feel a little threatened. I suggest we stop here and wait for the outcome of the battle over there, how about that?"

"Do you think it's possible? Now that you have the upper hand, you are eligible to call for a stoppage, isn't it? You." The weak Modo said solemnly, "It was you who coveted the Divine Item and persuaded us to shoot Rhodes, which made us end up like this."

"I'm not coveting the Divine Item. Item, I am asking you to try if he has the qualifications to control Divine Item, it is you who covet Divine Item and end up like this." Aisha retorted.

"Besides, I thought you were prepared for failure before you shot." Elsa laughed, "I want to take the Divine Item, but I don't want to take the risk of failure, only You will push the mistake on others, Modo, until the end of your life, you are a failed Lich."

"Damn." Being laughed at by Elsa, Modo was annoyed, Just when he was about to order the undead creature to attack Elsa, he was stopped by Naagh.

"Why not order the undead to attack? What are you waiting for?" Mordo asked Naagh's.

Naagh Shook the head, slowly said: "Aisha is right, the protagonists of this battle are not us, we don't have to fight useless battles, just wait for the final result to appear. "

Following Naagh's words, Modo also understood what he meant. After the coldly snorted, he no longer paid attention to Aisha beside him, but looked into the depths of the cave.

There, Rhodes with a blade, is confronting Erich who is covered in golden light.

"Older of the Divine Item, I heard your name from Elsa." After recovering from the paralysis, Erich said slowly, "What a pity, Rhodes, we Could have been friends, but what you've done has disappointed me."

Rhodes sneered: "I'll kill you and plunge you into eternal darkness."

Bathed in golden rays of light, Erlich slowly put the "crown of the world" on his head, and in an instant, a magnificent and strong breath was released from his body.

If the Ehrlich Rhodes first saw in the cave was only at the level of entering the Legendary stage, then now, he has come to the apex of Legendary creatures, far from any other existence that can compete .

The source of all these changes is the fine gold crown on Erich's head. Rhodes didn't expect it. It was still a broken crown in his hands and could not play any role. After being in the hands of Erich, Erich's strength actually changed Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Feeling the danger coming, Rhodes immediately opened the door of time and space for reception.

Soon, the ghost dragon on the ground got the signal from Rhodes, quickly passed through the gate of time and space, and appeared in the space below.

(end of this chapter)

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