
  Chapter 1048 Identity

Relying on the Titan Corpse Witch King's raid under the Gate of Time and Space, Rhodes is extremely In a short period of time, all defenses in Harmondale were dismantled and successfully captured.

According to the agreement with Stephen, Rhodes immediately tore open a special magic scroll, which did not record any spell, but would let Stephen know the news.

Soon, under the guidance of the space calibration on the crown, the dark gate of time and space opened again, and Lich's figure came out of it.

After finishing the battle with the other two Lich and returning to the Tomb of Death, Rhodes asked Lich, who was still in the Tomb of Death, to record his own spiritual information in the space gem inlaid in the crown. above, as the premise of casting the gate of time and space.

At this time, Stephen also passed through the spell of the gate of time and space and quickly came to Harmondale.

There was another silhouette of Lich who passed through the gate of time and space with Stephen, who was only seen in a wine red robe, together with a hood covering the top of his head, and there was no flesh and blood on the surface of his body. Only a skeleton-like body.

The previous experience in Lich's rallies allowed Rhodes to recognize the identity of this Lich. It was Heath, who used Legendary Lich's arm as a token. It also joined forces with Stephen and planned to go from Verning to the border of Erathia. Lich attacked.

After stepping out of the Transmission Gate, Stephen raised his hand, and a strong death energy rose to the sky, and quickly spread all around, until Rhodes could not perceive it.

With the use of spell, Stephen seemed to confirm something and said: "This is Harmondale, which connects the border of Erathia, Rhodes, you have achieved this faster than we expected. A lot."

Seeing Stephen's actions in her eyes, Rhodes realized that what she was casting should be the spell of penetrating the earth, and she could know all the surrounding topography and landforms, so as to determine where she was. position.

"Mr. Lich's been waiting," Rhodes responded simply.

Seems to have found something, and Stephen then asked, "Who are these people around you?"

Beside Rhodes, there are a few other people who Stephen didn't originally know. He cared about the existence of these creatures, but the abnormality in one of them caught Stephen's attention.

Following Stephen's words, Rhodes raised his hand to one of them and introduced: "She is my younger sister, Rowlin. Rowlin, this is one of the immortal Lich who rule Dia, and Stephen, the other One is Heath."

Hearing Rhodes' introduction, Stephen and Heath gestured to Rowlin's nominee, approving the existence of the undead mage.

Especially Stephen's keen perception allows her to perceive more things from Rowlin, including Rowlin's heroic identity and some residual secret technique traces.

“I can perceive the existence of the secret technique of energy absorption from her body. It seems that when you came to the tomb of death and asked me for a solution to the erosion of death energy, it was for her. "

Stephen's indifferent words came out, Rhodes did not answer, on the contrary, Rowlin took the initiative to look at Rhodes after learning this.

Rowlin recalled that Rhodes once mentioned that the secret technique she learned was developed by a Lich. Rowlin at that time only thought that Rhodes was in the Dia and found out in some way. With this secret technique, didn't expect Rhodes to seek the real Lich.

Rowlin can imagine the dangers fraught with the process, but Rhodes doesn't say a word, just taking the secret technique into his own hands.

Even though he had promised in the heart that he would do everything possible to help Rhodes, in this brief moment, Rowlin was still moved.

Hearing Stephen's words, Heath turned his gaze to Rowlin, and there was no change in his expression, making it impossible to see any of his thoughts.

Without saying much about the matter, Rhodes continued:

"As for the others... let them introduce themselves."

Beside Rhodes, in addition to Rowlin, there were two other people. One of them had his hands tied back with ropes and his mouth was stuffed with rags. Even so, he still glared at everything in the field with red eyes. There is no restraint on one person, and it appears more calm.

In front of these two people, Rhodes found the important figure when he led the ghost dragon to chase the griffin who was trying to escape from the city, so he left them alive and brought them to Lich.

Under Rhodes' gesture, the man who was not restrained said respectfully: "My name is Carey Swain, I am the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, the branch Head President in the Werning region, and I would like to extend my greetings to all of you. Tribute to mighty creatures. Intelligence, weapons, gold coin, whatever you need, I'm willing to provide within my power."

For the immortal Lich, whether it's gold coin or anything else, Naturally, they won't be attracted by them. What Lich really cares about is the important information that can help the battle.

Through his own accumulation, Lich may know the secrets of Erathia better than any creature, but in terms of some current affairs, the information Lich has grasped still has certain flaws.

As such, upon learning of Carey's identity, Rhodes realized the value of the intelligence he held and placed it in Lich's hands.

Carey also understands his own situation, without any resistance, he is extremely respectful, compared to the other person, it is much more difficult to handle.

Rhodes had just removed the rags that had been stuffed in the other's mouth when he heard a snarl of expletives.

"Damn undead mage, you are like worms in the stinking ditch, flies that fly over as soon as they see a corpse, wantonly destroying the beauty of people, there is no creature that is more disturbing than you. Nausea, disgusting..."

This person was extremely emotional, while speaking, his body couldn't help shaking, but before he finished speaking, Rhodes swept over.

The powerful impact instantly hit this person's face. Rhodes' power attribute, which is not weaker than that of melee creatures of the same rank, was brought to the extreme at this moment, and he was almost fainted in an instant. For a moment, my brain was completely empty.

Kerry, who was on the side, saw this scene, and took the initiative to explain:

"He is Mark Kendall Knight, the son of General Morgan Kendall, Yu Meide. He came to Harmondale during the war, and although he did not have an official title, he was still one of the highest-ranking people in the city."

Carey's words also made Lich in the field understand this. Human identity, Rhodes chose to keep Mark's life, and it was precisely this point.

With this identity, Lich can use him to hold Erathia's important generals hostage, or he can directly transform his undead, allowing him to return to Erathia to deliver important information.

These matters, Rhodes believes that even without his own reminders, Lich can handle them well, it just depends on what method Lich is willing to use.

After handing these two people over to Lich, Rhodes took care of everything in town.

After passing through the gate of time and space and coming to Harmondale, the two Lich opened multiple time and space gates one after another, and a large number of undead creatures emerged from it. Fill the vacated city.

This scene, which fell in Carey's eyes, naturally shocked his heart. He realized that something important might have happened inside the undead mage. Even Lich, this time, personally led the undead creatures. Appear.

Seeing that everything in the city was carried out under the arrangement of the two Lichs, Rhodes immediately took Rowlin and other undead creatures and prepared to return to the city of Sao.

(end of this chapter)

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