
  Chapter 1049 Allotment One

The huge dark green Transmission Gate opens again, and out of it is equally huge creature. Only the gate of time and space of this size can allow the Titan Corpse Witch King to pass through smoothly.

Compared to other creatures, the Titan Corpse Witch consumes more mana when it passes through the gate of time and space. If it wasn't for Rowlin's full mana beforehand, he wouldn't even be able to cast spells to make the Titan Corpse Witch. The king returns.

Compared with the Titan Corpse Witch King, the mana consumed by taking away the Corpse Witch King transformed from the city is nothing at all.

Consuming a high amount of mana, the Titan Corpse Witch King can quickly achieve teleportation between the two positions, and the effect is naturally excellent. Under the cloud, it can be regarded as a unique tactic, and it has a good effect unexpectedly.

After passing through the gate of time and space, under the control of Rowlin, the Titan Corpse Witch King returned to the valley specially made for him, waiting for the next call in the spiritual imprint.

After returning to Sao City, Rhodes first returned to the depths of the underground quiet room, transformed the corpses accumulated during this period, and cooperated with the Witch King brought back from Harmondale. , and then called all the generals under his command to prepare for the next arrangement.

Soon, with or without the control of the spiritual imprint, upon learning the news, a large number of creatures began to gather in the space of the underground quiet room.

Among the creatures that came, there were many who had followed Rhodes at first, such as vampire and the centaur leader. After learning about Rhodes, they rushed here immediately, the centaur leader. He also led some powerful undead mages to come here together.

In addition to them, Rhodes also met the City Lord Elrond, and many undead mage who survived the last attack and still chose to serve for the city of Sao, and have now become the backbone .

As Rhodes returned together and placed the Titan Witch Queen, Rowlin also appeared in the quiet room, like all creatures appearing here, waiting for Rhodes' orders, but her Identity, obviously different from any creature present.

When all the creatures arrived, Rhodes looked around and saw all their appearances in his eyes. He knew that the creatures in front of him were his own forces.

All the way to the present, even though Rhodes did not deliberately pay attention to the recruitment of generals, with the continuous improvement of his strength, he still gathered a considerable force.

Rhodes has a hunch that it won't be long before the battle is fully opened, and the city of Sau will become the center of everything, attracting a large number of undead mage to join. By then, the situation will become more complicated. These creatures are undoubtedly extremely important.

The creatures who came to this space had almost all experienced the last battle in Sao City. Naturally, they were deeply impressed by the underground space in front of them that allowed them to survive the flames. .

Although they didn't know why Rhodes chose to convene in this space, no one questioned it. The power left in the heart.

At this time, although there were many creatures gathered in the field, there was no unnecessary sound, and everyone looked at Rhodes, waiting for his words.

"Listen to me, everyone." Rhodes' voice came out slowly to the surroundings, which shocked the creatures' hearts and focused their attention.

"It won't be long before the immortal Lich in Dia will use the power of the Divine Item to attack Erathia, and I have made some agreements with Lich."

"I don't know. Do you still remember that there used to be a large number of corpse witches here? It was created with the help of the power of the Divine Item. Under the influence of the power of the Divine Item, all dead creatures will be transformed into corpse witches and continue to fight."

"With this power, Dia's expansion will be unstoppable, and the time for the undead mage will come, and you will be the leaders of many."

Hear Rhodes The words spoken, the breathing of the surrounding creatures gradually became faster, and they could have a hunch that the meaning contained in this remark language might be the opportunity that the undead mage had been waiting for for a long time.

Only a few creatures who know Rhodes very well can understand the anomalies in the words. They clearly know that the original corpse witch king here is simply the transformation of Rhodes himself, which undoubtedly can Explains many other pieces of information.

"In order to cooperate with Lich's actions, I need to occupy the entire Vernin in the shortest time in order to launch the next offensive."

"I am impossible every battle. I shot it myself, so I need your help.”

As Rhodes said, he could shoot himself in every battle, similar to the attack of the Titan Corpse Witch King just now. If you can't activate it a few times, all the mana will be consumed. Apart from this, Rhodes can't take into account the entire battlefield due to the elongated battle line.

If you want to occupy the entire Vernin, Rhodes alone cannot achieve this in a short period of time, let alone the control of this area after the occupation is completed. For this reason, Rhodes Need to use the power of other undead mage.

"But... without your assistance, our strength is simply not enough to defeat the defenders in other places."

Rhodes' words made the undead in the field mage. , There was a burst of imagination in their hearts, and they could imagine that the moment that belonged to the mage of the undead came.

However, many undead mage have doubts in their hearts about what Rhodes said, and even can't understand the matters.

In the eyes of these undead mage, the only thing that can gain something in this kind of battle is the undead mage that is already extremely powerful.

As for the other weak undead mage, even if they join the battle, they probably won't attract attention, and they can play a very limited role. With their meager strength, I'm afraid it's hard to gain anything. , at most only get some low-level undead creatures that powerful undead mage does not want.

With the low strength of these undead mage, they are naturally not qualified to lead other undead mage as Rhodes said.

The strength of the undead mage itself, and the way they increase their strength, determines this, and this is always the case, whether in Dia or not, as long as it is the area where the undead mage exists.

Because of this, when Rhodes stated his plan and planned to let these undead mage go to complete, one of the undead mage raised such a question.

(end of this chapter)

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