
  Chapter 1047 Replaces

Just as North was thinking about it, the battle was over Near the end.

Facing the undead Legion under Lich's command, due to the disparity in numbers, these elf rangers who are good at guerrillas cannot make a decent resistance at all, and almost ended the battle in a one-sided state.

After realizing Lich's arrival, the group of elf rangers had no idea of ​​fighting him at all, but started to evacuate early. After losing about 30% of the lives of their companions, the remaining elves evacuated smoothly.

It is undoubtedly an extremely difficult task to completely encircle and suppress this team of Rangers, even if it takes a lot of energy, it is difficult to achieve this.

Of course, these elves were able to successfully evacuate so smoothly, in addition to leaving behind their broken companions, it was also related to Lich's lack of pursuit.

After the battle, both Elsa and Smeder put their eyes on North who was beside him.

Looking at the injuries on North's body, the two Lichs had nothing common with each other's reactions, Smeder's eyes were indifferent, while Elsa looked preoccupied.

The cloud of death that shrouded North before, and the Titan shield that blocked the ranger's attacks, were all released by Elsa.

Aisha also did not expect that the Elf Ranger would take advantage of the moment when the cloud of death had not yet solidified, rush into it, and try to kill North in the center. Because the Elf Ranger was extremely fast, he died. The cloud did not completely erode his body, and undoubtedly gave him such an opportunity.

Fortunately, Elsa reacted in time and cast a Titan shield on North in the cloud of death, which saved his life.

Although North survived, he couldn't hide the extremely obvious injuries on his body. The two Lichs in the field understood this.

Before arriving here, Elsa did not allow Caesar to send the rest of the people to follow. The only thing that is favorable to the status quo is that there are no other members of the royal family except Lich and North, and the undead creatures.

"Catherine will let you fight with us, which only means that the Mother Earth did not tell Kathery your true identity."

next moment, Elsa From the original position, he appeared directly in front of North and said so.

Maybe because of the pain from the wound, North didn't answer directly, just nodded.

Confirming the news from North, Elsa seemed to realize something, fell into deep thought, and made a decision in the heart after a while.

"Take your arm out of the space ring, and I'll help you reconnect it." An incredible look.

Before that, North didn't expect that Lich would be willing to help him like this. With Lich's help, he could reconnect his arm, and he naturally didn't have to worry about revealing his identity.

However, just as North was about to take out his arm, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly hesitated in his heart.

In the end, North's expression firmed up, and he took out his arm from the space ring and handed it to Elsa.

Aisha had already turned into a skeleton-like face, and there were faint changes: "I'm talking about your arm, not Erich's arm."

Nuo What he took out from the space ring was exactly the cut off arm of Legendary Lich Erich that one of the Lichs handed over to him as a token in the Lich assembly.

After learning that Elsa was willing to use the secret technique to connect her arm, North immediately thought of it and took it out.

Looking at the removed Erich's arm, North only felt that the pain on his body was relieved a lot.

"Can't it?" North asked.

"Of course you can connect it as your arm. In Underground World, replacing the body of other creatures with a part of your own body was once popular among the magicians, and the magic Academy even An award will be awarded for this."

Aisha's tone changed: "But, have you heard the story of Fire Eye?"

Aisha mentioned a promise This is a completely unfamiliar name, so North can only shake his head: "I haven't heard of it, please ask Elsa to answer my doubts."

For some reason, I heard Elsa mention the fire-eyed man. , Smed took the initiative to look over, and it seemed that there was finally something that could attract his attention.

"In the distant era, the Erathia sect where the fire-eyed people were, believed that the world was made of fire. To put it simply, they believed that there was only this Fire Element magic element in the world, and all the other magic elements were just Fire Elements. A branch of the Element element."

"Spell knowledge has developed to this point and has been able to prove that this is completely false, the four elements magic elements together make up our world, even if from Lich's standpoint, It is not unreasonable to believe that the Earth Element magic element is the only magic element, but the four elements are the World Source, which has long been the consensus of all sorcerers."

"However, the sect at that time did not believe this, Opponents were once persecuted, including many priests.”

“Over time, knowledge of spell from Bracada deeply impacted the core idea of ​​this sect. . In order to verify the correctness of the concept, one of the believers in the sect is willing to cut out his eyes and replace them with the eyes of the fire Essence in the depths of hell, hoping to see the truth of this world.”

North I was deeply attracted by Elsa's words, and for a while completely forgot the pain in my body, but I didn't hear anything new for a long time, so I hurriedly asked:

"What happened to this believer after that? Have you successfully verified the concept of sect?"

Aisha sighed: "Think about the spell knowledge you have learned, which classics teach that there is only Fire Element magic element this in the world? The Fire-Eyed Man naturally failed in the end."

"The power from the Fire Essence spirit backlashed the believer's body, and flames continued to emerge from his eyes, burning his body to the ground, The spirit of Essence was reborn in Erathia, and finally opened a Gates of Hell, causing a catastrophe..."

It seems to be recalling something, whether it is Elsa or Smarck who is listening. De, their expressions were a little dignified, but North didn't see this, only that they were also attracted by the story of the fire-eyed man.

"This is the legend of the fire-eyed man. Do you still want to continue the original idea?"

Aisha's words made North came back to his senses from the shock.

North understands what Elsa means, and rashly attaching Legendary Lich's arm to himself may cause some unknown changes. The most serious consequence is that Legendary Lich is reborn with the help of North's body. , Once this situation really occurs, North's natural life will be worrying.

However, North didn't want to let this opportunity slip by. The arm belonging to Legendary Lich is the only hope that North sees to improve his own strength. As long as he can attach it to his body, just digesting the death energy contained in it is enough to improve North's rank. .

If he hadn't been cut off by the elf ranger, North would never have been able to cut off his arm himself and replace it, but at this time, North realized that this was undoubtedly his own. opportunity.

Seeing North's resolute look, Elsa didn't say anything more, but there was a hint of coldness in her expression. In her opinion, after taking this arm belonging to Legendary Lich, the sight in front of her eyes was wide. This undead mage may not end well.

Legendary Lich's backlash is far more violent than Fire Essence's inspiration. Even Lich, who originally held an arm, would not dare to do such a move, but Noth insisted on doing so, which undoubtedly made Ai. Sarah doesn't like it. But Aisha didn't mind, seeing what would happen after North took Erich's arm, which also belonged to Lich's curiosity about the unknown.

Elsa took out a black cloth and instructed Noth to lie on it.

When North lay down, Aisha, who was holding Erich's arm, said, "Put your severed arm up on the side."

Following Aisha's Instructed, North raised only the back half of his arm sideways. After half a day of healing magic, blood no longer overflowed on the section of the broken arm, and turned into a bloody piece.

Healing magic alone cannot solve such a serious injury. If there is no Lich Tenos to continue his arm, how to prevent the wound infection from worsening is what North should worry about most.

At the same time, Elsa picked up Erich's arm and docked it against the broken arm of North, who was lying on the ground.

North noticed that Elsa took out something similar to potion from the space ring, and dripped a black liquid on the wound on her arm.

In an instant, the original pain at the wound disappeared completely, replaced by an indescribable itching sensation that Noth could endure.

If it was just pure pain, North might be able to grit his teeth and persevere, but this kind of itching, relying solely on will, couldn't bear it at all.

Fortunately, this abnormal feeling did not last long, and soon, the pain once again occupied North's consciousness.

Under the action of the secret technique performed by Elsa, death energy began to emerge from Erich's arm.

Along the position where the arms were docked, the energy of death began to spread over North's body, and on the surface of his body, one after another purple blood vessels emerged.

At this time, North could not feel anything but pain. Under the severe pain, his body twisted and curled up to the side. It was firmly fixed by the Titan shield cast by Elsa, and was not affected by the body itself at all.

Smeder on the side, seeing this scene in his eyes, couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Instinctively driven, North kept wailing, as if being tortured. Even Elsa couldn't help but want to cast spell and seal his mouth.

At the end, even the strength of howling, Nos has not much left, can no longer make any sound, the body curled up on the ground, only the arm fixed by Elsa, can still stretch straight. Then, at the farthest palm of the arm that originally belonged to Erich, the index finger twitched slightly.

(end of this chapter)

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