
  Chapter 1043 Harmondale II Creatures under the cloud of death, their bodies are rapidly changing.

Most of the eroded flesh and blood faded from their skeletons, and the rays of light of scarlet burst out from the originally dim eyes. As the body stood up again, a large number of corpse witch kings were born.

The corpse witch kings who existed in the cloud of death of the same species were not affected by the energy of death, and they focused their attention on the white barrier not far away.

It seems that they got some kind of instruction. At the same time, these corpse witch kings raised their hands together and cast the cloud of death towards the position of the white barrier.

The effect of the superimposed cloud of death becomes more and more powerful, instantly suppressing the white barrier a lot, and the scope of the barrier shrinks sharply, which immediately makes all the creatures in it terrified. Fear filled their hearts, and for a while, screams, cries, and wailing within the barrier continued one after another.

At this moment, a priest in the barrier suddenly trembled, accompanied by a hideous expression caused by pain, he was relying on his own strength to gradually compress the The barrier held steady.

Through his corpse witch king, he sensed the appearance of this scene, and Rhodes also roughly guessed how the priest achieved this.

In Rhodes' impression, the priests and monks of Erathia master a variety of secret techniques related to spiritual aspects, such as permanently depleting the spirit attribute in exchange for a large amount of mana, or in exchange for a huge increase in spell effect , are within the ability of priests, which is also their difference from the orthodox mage.

In the past life, Rhodes was a little puzzled about such a powerful secret technique, which was not owned by Bracada's mage, but appeared on priests and monks.

It wasn't until later, after his own investigation, that Rhodes realized that in Bracada, this type of secret technique was all classified into the ranks of sorcery, and orthodox mage was not allowed at all. master.

Once the mage is proven to master this secret technique, members of the magic guild will forcibly banish it to other areas outside of Bracada, with even more severe punishment.

Because of this, Rhodes seldom heard of mage even in previous games, and mastered such secret techniques.

Appearing in front of Rhodes at this time, the priest used to resist the erosion of the cloud of death is such a secret technique belonging to priests.

By recklessly losing spirit strength, any priest who uses the secret technique can stand up for a long time in the face of a powerful enemy, and even defeat an enemy higher than his rank.

Although after the battle, due to the side effects of using the secret technique, the priest's spirit will be in a state of severe debilitation and will not be able to recover for a long time, but this choice is obviously better than directly killed in battle. more worth it.

Inside the barrier, there were several members dressed as monks, who performed the same secret technique. For a time, the barrier that was suppressed and contracted, and could be broken through at any time, suddenly stabilized, and the The energy of death all around expels a lot.

For ordinary corpse witches, releasing the cloud of death is the only ability they have, and is not limited by mana, just like elemental creatures cast spells, the same is true for the corpse witch king .

In this case, these monks may be able to resist the erosion of the cloud of death by consuming mana and sacrificing the spirit attribute, but this is certainly not a long-term solution, there will always be When everything is exhausted, on the contrary, the Corpse Witch King does not need to worry about this.

If it continues like this, the final result will definitely be in Rhodes' favor, but at this time, Rhodes doesn't want to be held back by this team of monks, so he raises his hand to condense a bolt of lightning.

The lightning that infused Rhodes with a lot of mana, shot straight down from the air, opened a bright path from the dark cloud of death, and finally hit the white barrier.

The throbbing lightning instantly destroyed the original balance of the barrier and completely shattered the barrier.

Affected by this lightning attack, all the monks and priests who guided the barrier's existence only felt a strong shock in their minds, as if they were hit by a heavy hammer.

The white barrier released by the monk may have excellent resistance to the erosion of the cloud of death, but when faced with other types of spells, it seems powerless.

Without the shield of the barrier, the cloud of death spreads rapidly, engulfing all the original creatures in the barrier in an instant.

In the air, Rhodes on the ghost dragon body saw this scene and felt more satisfied.

Just when Rhodes was going to use the flying ghost dragon to continue to disintegrate the possible resistance in the city, he suddenly found some abnormalities in his perception.

The abnormality in the perception of blood is something that Rhodes has to pay attention to. Following the call in perception, Rhodes makes the ghost dragon climb rapidly.

Soon, the ghost dragon rose to the right shoulder of the Titan Witch King, and Rhodes also saw Rowlin standing on the Titan Witch King's blade.

In this original operation, out of some concern, Rhodes did not intend to let Rowlin follow, but planned to lead the Titan Corpse Witch King alone to capture this area, wait for everything to be completed, and then let Rowlin follow. Rowlin is here.

Relying on the effect of Divine Item, even without the existence of spiritual imprint, Rhodes can control the Titan Corpse Witch King at will. The only regret is probably that he cannot get any EXP in the process.

What Rhodes is worried about is not that Rowlin is not strong enough to deal with the enemy that appears in front of him, but that he is worried about how the scene in action at this time will affect Rowlin.

In Rhodes' view, although Rowlin has little resistance to undead spells, it may be extremely difficult for her to use killing to transform a large number of undead creatures like undead mage.

Due to her knowledge of Rowlin, Rhodes realized that even though she had acquiesced in her actions, it would not be easy for her to do these things herself.

In the past, Rowlin had cast spells on many powerful existences, but he had never cast spells on ordinary creatures. It was precisely because of this concern that Rhodes did not intend to let Rowlin follow him.

Bringing the space calibration to the sky above Harmondale, Rhodes also told Rowlin that after opening the gate of time and space, she only needs to let the Titan Corpse Witch King enter, And she didn't have to enter, waiting for her to convey other news through her bloodline perception. Rowlin also agreed directly, but this happened.

In order to deal with the creatures in the city, Rhodes didn't immediately pay attention to this. Until this time, Rhodes realized the existence of Rowlin when he felt the abnormality in his bloodline perception.

(end of this chapter)

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