
  Chapter 1042 Harmondale-

As the Erathia Expedition, initially established in Verning The town of Harmondale has a high status in this area.

Due to the mutual scruples and checks and balances between the forces, no one can completely expel a certain force from Vernin. Under the continuous development, Hammondale has become the Erathia station in Vernin area. The most important towns drive the economic development of surrounding towns.

In Harmondale, there is a completely different atmosphere from Erathia. There are no high taxes like Erathia's territory, and residents don't have to worry about being forcibly recruited by the lord at any time, just to satisfy their own selfish desires. Can rely on their own labor, gradually become rich, and even ordinary slaves can be treated equally.

Even in Erathia, there are many people eager to come here, and some people even plan to quietly escape from the original territory, but this behavior is undoubtedly a serious crime in the eyes of their original lords. .

No one would have thought that this town, which was originally established by the expeditionary army and was not managed by the nobles, could develop to this point.

The interior of Harmondale is also a peaceful atmosphere. Residents in the city can often see elves appearing, which is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing. a little.

However, at this moment, the tranquility of this area is about to be broken.

In the sky above Harmondale, a ghost dragon with a pale aura shrouded its whole body, and its figure is faintly discernible, making it extremely unreal to the creatures below, even if it is occasionally noticed by other creatures staring at the sky, but next The ghost dragons that moment disappeared will only make them an illusion.

With the help of the cloud cover, there is no creature in the city that can detect the arrival of the ghost dragon.

And on the back of the ghost dragon, Rhodes is alone and independent, watching everything below, which is the only creature on the back of the ghost dragon.

Rhodes was holding a crown inlaid with various gems and crystals, a treasure he had obtained from Naagh's. In the crown, an emerald gemstone was inlaid, and it was shining brightly at this time.

Rhodes closed his eyes and sent some information through his own special perception, and then the ghost dragon began to drop.

At the same time, an uncontrollable feeling came from the crown in Rhodes' hands. Under the action of an inexplicable force, Rhodes involuntarily lifted the crown.

As the emeralds released rays of light, the space in front cracked outwards, and an incomparably huge deep green time-space gate appeared in front of Rhodes, extending all the way to the city of Harmondale below. .

The Transmission Gate in front of me is far bigger than any Transmission Gate Rhodes has ever seen. Compared to that, the Transmission Gate that Rhodes opened before to let the ghost dragon pass through is undoubtedly small. Can't get any smaller.

As soon as such a huge gate of time and space appeared, the creatures in the city were in turmoil. Anyone who saw the huge Transmission Gate falling down from the sky would appear not knowing what to do. thing.

Even the experienced warriors in the city understand that this is the gate of time and space cast by mage, but the size of this Transmission Gate still makes them extremely shocked.

A human being just below the Transmission Gate was directly involved in the Transmission Gate because he did not dodge in time.

Under the effect of space turbulence, his body was rapidly torn apart at the next moment, but not even a trace of blood splashed outward, but was taken to an unknown space by the turbulence. among.

The riot did not last long, and soon, new changes occurred within the Transmission Gate.

Because of the huge size of the Transmission Gate, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the somewhat concave inner space, and then an extremely huge creature walked out of the Transmission Gate.

It was a skeleton giant that was many times bigger than normal creatures. Its stature almost filled the entire Transmission Gate, so it was worthy of passing through it.

As soon as the giant skeleton stepped out of the Transmission Gate, he stepped on a lot of buildings, which immediately caused the creatures below to panic. According to the terrifying appearance of the giant skeleton, and the sudden appearance, anyone could Its harboring malicious intentions can be seen.

Before the defensive force in the city arrived, the skeleton giant made the first move, dropping a large number of pitch-black clouds downward, covering a large area in an instant.

The creatures below, although they could sense a deep sense of strangeness from the falling black cloud, tried to evacuate quickly, but how could their running speed catch up with the speed of the black cloud spreading? In the end, the figure disappeared into the black cloud.

Aware of the arrival of the enemy, the fully armed Knight has not yet played any role, and the black cloud will act on their bodies through the gap between their armors.

Even if a bunker is found, or a creature that locks itself in a room, under the invasion of the black cloud with no opportunity, its body will be severely eroded and eventually die.

In the city, a group of members dressed as priests, facing the black cloud falling from the sky, jointly released a white barrier, trying to resist it.

Above the white barrier, the light of purification flickers, just like the effect of the undead killer, but it is not for attack, but to resist the erosion of death energy.

For a time, the falling black cloud could not help this white barrier in the slightest.

The barrier covers a wide area, and even some common creatures that are fleeing are included in the barrier's shelter.

The sudden catastrophe made these lucky enough to be sheltered by the barrier, and the surviving creatures didn't know what to do, they didn't know what to do, they saw the home they lived in and were attacked by the skeleton giant. and the destruction of the black cloud.

Due to the sudden arrival of the black cloud, many creatures were unable to obtain the protection of the barrier, and were left in the black cloud forever. Most of the creatures did not even realize the danger. When he arrives, the darkness occupies everything in front of him.

Even if it is an ordinary creature that is sheltered by the barrier in time and has not suffered much damage, the only thing they can do is to pray in the heart, pray that someone can solve all this, and pray that they can survive.

For these ordinary creatures, facing the black cloud far beyond the limit of their ability, they can't do anything except pray, they can only look at the monk in the field, hoping that they can find a way, solve the current predicament.

The sad atmosphere continues to spread within the barrier, followed by a lingering sense of despair. No one knows what all this is for.

The shroud of black clouds made it impossible for these ordinary creatures to see things around them. Besides the skeleton giants, they didn't know if there were any other enemies.

(end of this chapter)

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