
  Chapter 1044 Perception

After raising the ghost dragon to the shoulders of the titan, Rhodes found a sneaky follower The titans went through the gate of time and space together, and came to Rowlin here.

In Rhodes' sight, Rowlin's condition at this time was not very good, and his expression seemed to be a little lost, and there was no sense of joy when Rhodes returned.

Obviously, what happened below still touched Rowlin a lot and affected her own emotions.

Divine Item can't contain the transformation of the corpse witch king, especially when there are a large number of corpses of ordinary creatures, any dead creatures will join it, far exceeding the transformation effect of all undead mage , so that the outcome of this battle from the very beginning is doomed.

The existence of the Titan Corpse Witch King alone is enough to cause great trouble to the creatures in the city, not to mention the addition of a new Corpse Witch King. As more and more corpse witch kings appear, all resistance in the city will be completely disintegrated under the influence of the cloud of death.

Dark clouds spread through the city, and it may not be long before this place will be completely turned into a dead city, and there will be no living creatures in it, and at that moment, Rhodes also satisfies Stephen's request, To be able to hand over this undead city to her.

Rhodes naturally has his own ideas about how to deal with the dead creatures in the city. For creatures with low rank or even no rank at all, Rhodes will transform them into corpse witch kings and use their spiritual imprints. control it.

As for those creatures that were originally higher in rank, such as dead priests, Rhodes did not transform them, nor did they have to take them away, but left them to those who acquired the town. Two Lich.

Looking at everything below, Rowlin seemed to recall something. Although her expression was a little low, she sometimes didn't even want to look at the scenes below. She just turned her head to the side, but in her eyes. , but there is a hint of perseverance, and it seems that he has already made a decision in the heart.

Perceiving Rowlin's state at this time, Rhodes above the ghost dragon advised:

"Your state is not very good, why don't you return to Sao City to rest first."

Hearing Rhodes' persuasion, Rowlin looked the head: "I want to stay here."

Rhodes frowned: "I'll be able to end the fight in a moment, and I don't need you here. The enemy who shoots."

Rowlin replied softly: "But I want to help the big brother, didn't the big brother also say that he must need my help?"

Rhodes for a while There was no response, just looking at Rowlin not far away, and Rowlin looked over without showing weakness, Rhodes could see the complex look of firmness and pleading in her eyes.

The information contained in the bloodline perception made Rhodes aware of Rowlin's thoughts at this time. As if remembering something, Rhodes could only faintly sighed.

Since Rhodes got the Divine Item, he has neglected Rowlin's existence and focused on the battle of the second expansion, and even many other things are no longer what Rhodes cares about.

Perhaps because of Rhodes' state, the effect of bloodline perception has become much weaker than before, which is why Rhodes failed to immediately discover Rowlin's arrival.

Because the effect of blood relationship perception is mutual, this attribute of Rowlin is provided by the treasure of hero Elliot, the value will not change, the problem can only be Rhodes.

The appearance of the Divine Item and its powerful effect completely occupied all the thoughts in Rhodes' mind. With the existence of these two Divine Items, Rhodes is not afraid of ordinary Lich, just waiting for the battle Complete, you can become the Sovereign of the world.

In this case, Rhodes paid much less attention to other things, even the existence of Rowlin.

The previous Rhodes didn't realize this, until now, after realizing Rowlin's thoughts, Rhodes realized that he ignored Rowlin.

Rhodes could sense the worry in Rowlin's heart from the bloodline perception, a worry about loss.

Rowlin seems to be more worried about losing Rhodes, afraid that the Divine Item will change Rhodes' thinking, and it will not be the same as it is now. Thinking of this, Rhodes was silent for a while.

As for Rowlin's own low mood, it may also be related to the behavior of the Titan Corpse Witch King at this time, and the death of innocent creatures, which evoked some bad memories for her. Even so, Rowlin still wanted stay here.

Understanding what Rowlin was really thinking, Rhodes didn't insist on her going back.

At this moment, the effect of blood relationship perception has been enhanced a lot. A sense of mutual understanding emerges between the two. It seems that a single thought in the heart will be perceived by the other party.

Feeling the state of Rhodes at this time, Rowlin's overall state has also recovered from the depression, and she knows that Rhodes has agreed to her request.

Without needing too many words, Rhodes came to the side of the dragon's body and stretched out his hand in Rowlin's direction.

It was obviously a teleportation that Rowlin could come to the ghost dragon body, but Rhodes chose such a move, maybe just to help her save mana, Rhodes couldn't tell, he real thoughts in mind.

Holding Rhodes' hand, Rowlin jumped on top of the ghost dragon with this traction, and he was still reluctant to let go after he was done.

Seems to have found something, Rowlin said actively: "big brother, the managers in the city are ready to give up their resistance, and the organization is evacuated in the area where the cloud of death has not yet spread. In a short while, there will be a team of griffins in Southwest, Flying away with a lot of people."

Hearing Rowlin's words at this time, Rhodes felt a little puzzled, just relying on his perception ability, how did Rowlin know about things that he didn't even discover himself of?

The existence of kinship perception made Rowlin aware of the doubts in Rhodes' heart and explained: "It's not what I sensed, but what it reminded me."

said Then, Rowlin pointed to the Titan Corpse King ahead.

Following Rowlin's direction, Rhodes understood what was going on.

The unique effect of the Divine Item enables Rhodes to go over the spiritual imprint, give instructions directly to the Titan Witch King, and feel where it is, but Rhodes cannot accept any information from the Titan Witch King. information.

This is why Rhodes asked Death Knight Green in Valen City to follow Lich Modo, just to feed Modo's information back to himself in time.

The only one who can accept the information from the Titan Corpse Witch King is the existence of its actual owner, Rowlin.

Because of his size, perception ability was brought into full play on the Titan Corpse Witch King. Everything in the city was in its perception, but Rhodes could not receive this information, only Rowlin, able to transmit information.

After hearing the news, Rhodes had no doubts at all, and immediately controlled the ghost dragon and flew towards Southwest in the city.

(end of this chapter)

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