
  Chapter 1018 Token II

The death energy spilled from the scrolls also caught the attention of other Lichs , at the same time, Stephen's words also echoed in the field, as if deliberately speaking to other Lich's:

"The record in the scroll is the spell that I am best at, and it is also the heroic identity that brings me My specialty spell, Death Ripple."

"This spell may not cause any harm to the undead mage, but it is the token that best shows my identity. All undead mage who see this scroll, Everyone will understand my existence."

"I wonder how many Witch Kings are worth this scroll?"

Rhodes did not answer with words, but proceeded to the undead creatures. transform.

The death energy belonging to the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique spreads out from the field once again. All Lich can clearly perceive this, even Aisha, who is hostile in his heart, once again. Feeling this level of Soul Evocation Technique, the expression became solemn.

The dead bones that can be seen everywhere in the Tomb of Death are undoubtedly the best raw materials for transformation. The remaining dead bones may not be able to meet all Lich's needs, but it is obviously not a problem to meet Stephen.

Soon, under the transformation of Rhodes, a large number of corpse witch kings climbed up from the dead bones of the dead tomb, together with the corpse witches that Rhodes transformed not long ago, but did not control. The king, guided by the energy of death, gathered not far from here, and all Lich could perceive their presence.

"There are three hundred corpse witch kings in total, and Lich Stephen is also invited to perform spiritual imprint on them."

Rhodes' words revealed the number of this group of corpse witch kings.

For this large group of unowned corpse witch kings, all Lich's hearts felt a hot formation eye, but they didn't do anything unusual, this is not their undead creatures.

At this moment, what these Lichs are thinking about is what kind of treasure they should take out in exchange for such a number of corpse witch kings.

Even Stephen himself was extremely satisfied with the number of these three hundred corpse witch kings.

According to Rhodes' words, Stephen's spiritual imprint instantly spread among the group of corpse witch kings, and different things began to flash in the corpse witch king's Soul Fire.

After controlling the group of corpse witch queens, there was a hint of surprise in Stephen's eyes. She thought that Rao had accumulated the ability to control the undead creatures through countless years of deep meditation. After killing this group of corpse witch kings, most of them will be occupied, and it is not even enough to completely control them.

However, what Stephen didn't expect was that these corpse witch kings didn't occupy much of her control ability at all, and even compared to before, Stephen couldn't feel any difference at all, she realized, This is the power of Divine Item.

After controlling about 200 corpse witch kings, Stephen did not continue to control them, and prepared to assign the remaining corpse witch kings to his Death Knights.

At the same time, Stephen also understood in his heart that the scrolls he took out were simply not worth the new three hundred corpse witch kings. Rhodes was willing to provide himself with this amount. The corpse witch king, perhaps for the sake of helping him many times before.

Deeply moved towards Rhodes in the center and took a look, until he really controlled these corpse witch queens, Stephen finally understood why Rhodes dared to unite with Lich to launch this battle.

Rhodes did not hesitate to transform the Witch King, which naturally touched the nerves of all Lich in the field.

With just one death ripple magic scroll made by Lich himself, two hundred corpse witch kings were replaced. Such a good thing is not something that can be encountered at all times.

With North, who received the token, Lich's eyes gradually became more eager.

"The evaluation standard for the token is completely determined by me. For the sake of fairness, it is better to determine the amount of the corpse witch king in the witness of all Lich, and then I will go to your station in turn."

Rhodes' words came out again, and soon, he got a response from Lich.

"This is a treasure in my collection, I call it 'The Spirit of Imprisonment', it can greatly improve the imposing manner of the holder, and if you want to use it on this undead mage, it will appear extremely Appropriate."

The voice of Lich, who had appeared many times in the field before, reached Rhodes again. Same as before, this time, Rhodes still did not see the silhouette of this Lich.

At the same time, the space in front of Rhodes began to distort. With the emergence of a deep black mist, a baring fangs and brandishing claws, a ghost-like creature, appeared in front of Rhodes.

As soon as this creature appeared, it brought an extremely strong oppression. Even Lich in the field was affected by it. Looking at this creature, Rhodes felt a surge of involuntarily in his heart. The feeling of fear is like facing a real Legendary creature, and even the idea of ​​being unable to defeat and fleeing is vague.

Although it felt a strong oppression from the ghost, the ghost did not attack Rhodes, but always showed the intention to attack.

Rhodes took a closer look, and beneath the imposing manner of the incomparably powerful ghost, there was an orange-yellow lamp pot, and that special ghost was released from it, similar in shape. The Djinn that Rhodes had seen, but more powerful.

According to the words of the previous Lich, Rhodes realized that the lamp pot in front of him was the main part of the treasure.

After discovering this, the original oppression in Rhodes' heart dissipated more than half, Rhodes reached out and held the orange-yellow lamp pot.

At the same time, information about this treasure is also presented in the system log.


【Spirit of Imprisonment】

Quality: Treasure

Type: Pendant

Equipment requirements: none

Basic attribute: lowers the morale of all creatures in a large area, hard to destroy

Special attribute: provides users with an unparalleled imposing manner, shocking all creatures, It can be switched on/off freely. If there is no user, the image of Evil Spirit imprisoned in the treasure will be released, which cannot cause any actual damage.

Review: The lamp pot that imprisoned the ancient fierce Evil Spirit, which can suppress the morale of all creatures, including the user himself, was once a favorite collection of Lich Shante.


After checking the information on this treasure, Rhodes did not hesitate to hand it over to North.

The actual effect of treasure does not directly bring about the improvement of combat capability. It can only release the imposing manner of powerful creatures. Rhodes holding nature is useless, perhaps only on low-level undead mage. make the most of it.

The system's evaluation of this treasure also conveyed a special message to Rhodes, that is, the identity of the owner of this treasure.

(end of this chapter)

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