
  Chapter 1017 Token 1

After following Rhodes to the Tomb of Death, North's heart was filled with Unable to calm down for a long time.

The large number of Lichs appearing all around has already shocked North. He can't imagine that the most distinguished Lich in Dia can be seen everywhere here, which is not surprising at all.

Before this, in North's cognition, the most powerful undead mage, in addition to Rowlin stationed in Verning, was only the existence of Rhodes, as for the more powerful Lich, North It is only in various classics that I have seen their deeds, and there is no way to see them with my own eyes.

North has always been very curious about the status of Lich normally, and how they spent these long years, perhaps only by asking the real Lich, North can figure out all this.

Before following Rhodes to this place, North was undoubtedly very excited when he heard that he was going to Dia and met those Lichs among them, and he realized that this might be the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time.

However, when North saw Lich with his own eyes, all he could feel in his heart was fear. Those doubts were all thrown aside by North.

What North is very concerned about is the attitude of these Lichs towards Rhodes. Due to the existence of the Divine Item on Rhodes, except for a few Lich who are obviously hostile, the rest are vaguely only Rhodes. The meaning of the horse's head is to follow, which is something that North has not thought of before.

Even before that, North had already realized that Rhodes had great strength, but through these Lich's attitudes, North understood that he still failed to correctly predict Rhodes' strength, Rhodes' true strength , has long been beyond the scope of his imagination.

While Rhodes was talking with a group of Lich, North had no room to interject at all. Due to the difference in rank, he did not dare to express any opinions of his own, and could only listen to them. conversation.

North has no idea about the battle that Lich and Rhodes talked about. Even if the battle starts, he probably won't join it like other undead mage. Until now, he has not controlled any An undead creature.

North thought that when everything was over, Rhodes might let himself raise his doubts with one of the Lichs, so he had been waiting for this moment to come.

However, the situation did not develop as North imagined. He just understood clearly that in these Lich's words, the decision to establish a target, North himself, was pushed by Rhodes. In the eyes of all Lich in the field.

While North wasn't knowing what to do, he noticed Rhodes' eyes on him, and at the same time, Rhodes' voice sounded in the field.

"Since you have no doubts about the candidate, he will be the nominal Divine Item holder in the next battle. North, do you have anything to say?"

Hearing Rhodes' words, North's expression suddenly changed, until now, he still doesn't understand what Rhodes really means.

Seeing that North didn't respond to his words, Rhodes just shook the head and said to him simply: "I hope you can seize this opportunity and become the undead mage you really think."


From Rhodes' eyes, North seemed to realize his idea. Rhodes didn't seem to forget his promise to North. Everything that happened at this time was Rhodes helping North to achieve this.

After realizing this, North just wanted to say something, but Rhodes didn't give him a chance to continue speaking. Rhodes said to Lich in the field:

"I believe everyone can feel the strength of this undead mage. In order to prevent the enemy from being attracted in the next battle, he was seen through by the inner undead mage. I hope that Lich can give him what belongs to you. Token."

"The token given to North can be something related to Lich's identity, or it can be other types of treasure. The quality of the token will determine the extra amount of the original Witch King I transform into. The number, even if nothing is given, there will be a share of one hundred corpse witch kings."

One hundred corpse witch kings are the initial number of corpse witch kings provided by Rhodes for Lich who participated in this battle.

The strength of these corpse witch kings, equivalent to a hundred high-level creatures, is enough to change the situation of a small war.

It is impossible for any Lich to take out so many corpse witch kings in a short period of time. It must be mobilized from various Death Knights under his command to do this. Some Lichs who have not existed for a long time, even It is simply impossible to take out so many corpse witch kings.

The battle has not yet begun, these corpse witch kings are enough to improve the strength of each Lich, not to mention that the Lich can rely on the corpse witch king to convert all the corpses accumulated in the territory into corpses. witch.

Relying on the existence of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes can provide more corpse witch kings for these Lich, but there is no need for this. One hundred corpse witch kings can already meet the needs of Lich, Lich then assigns the corpse witch king to his Death Knight, and it is enough to complete the transformation of the corpse witch.

As for the start of the battle, if the corpse witch kings are not allowed to enter the battlefield, but only the corpse witches are transformed, these corpse witch kings will not suffer too much loss.

If you want to get more corpse witch kings in the Early-Stage campaign, all Lich can do is to use the precious treasure as a token according to the meaning of Rhodes' words, or other Anything to North, this is Rhodes' last request.

Lich in the field naturally saw the relationship between Rhodes and North. In their view, in addition to the tokens that really prove their identity, those precious treasures are likely to fall into the end. Rhodes, but they don't care, it depends on the value of these treasures, how many corpse witch kings can be exchanged for them.

Because he was in the tomb of death, Rhodes naturally turned his attention to Stephen who was beside him.

Stephen also understood what Rhodes meant. After thinking for a while, he took out a scroll-shaped thing from the space ring.

A ghost appeared beside Stephen and took the scroll, then quickly came to North and handed out the scroll.

Seeing this, North had no choice but to take the sealed scroll from the ghost's hands. The curiosity in his heart made North involuntarily unfold the scroll.

In an instant, the majestic death energy spilled out from the scroll, almost completely drowning North. According to North's prediction, this level of death energy was enough to corrupt an undead mage , to die in pain.

However, North was not eroded by the energy of death, but felt a warmth from this special energy of death.

(end of this chapter)

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