
  Chapter 1019 Token III

From the prompts given by the system, I learned that the treasure master’s After the identity, Rhodes said:

"Lich Shante, with the spirit of imprisonment as a token, will get two hundred initial corpse kings."

As Rhodes' words fell, the dark Shante seemed to have some doubts. It remembered that he did not tell Rhodes his name. Perhaps it was the information Rhodes collected in advance that allowed him to understand his own habits and guess his identity.

This scene that happened in the field was naturally seen by all Lich.

Hearing that Rhodes had promised the number of corpse witch kings after receiving the token, many of the remaining Lich's eyes suddenly became hot, and even Elsa and her party began to disagree at this time.

After learning that Rhodes will provide a large number of Witch Kings, the first person to change his mind is Modo, one of the three Lichs.

I don't know when, Modo took the initiative to widen the distance with the other two Lich, and looked at Rhodes in the field alone, wondering what he was thinking.

Aisha and Naagh saw Modo's behavior in their eyes, and there was a lot of complaints in their hearts.

In the process of testing the strength of Rhodes before, they have always shot, Modo did not provide any help for this, and at this time, Modo was the first to change his original position, as if he wanted to. Get rid of them.

Modo's behavior naturally made the other two Lichs despise, and even felt extremely angry, but due to the large number of Lichs around, they were not easy to attack.

In addition to these Lichs who didn't recognize Rhodes at all, when Rhodes promised the number of corpse witch kings, the other Lichs in the field also changed their attitude towards Rhodes.

Rhodes dispelled the only dissatisfaction in the rest of Lich's heart for the number of corpse witch kings allocated by Stephen and Shant. For a time, many Lichs took out the tokens they could provide and asked Rhodes to check the efficacy.

"Mother of Souls, two hundred and twenty corpse witch kings."

A Lich took out the Mother of Souls of extremely high quality, far exceeding the purity level The one Rhodes once found.

Although the mother of the dead is of high quality, it is not contaminated with witch monster aura, which cannot be proved to be a Lich token. Rhodes finally only gave the corpse witch king slightly higher than the imprisoned spirit. quantity.

"Skull ring, the negative effects are too serious, one hundred and eighty corpse witch kings."

The skull ring in Rhodes' mouth is a very special treasure, created by the field One of them, Lich, provided it as a token of his own.

After wearing the skull ring, the wearer will always be affected by the highest level [Curse Possession], and will increase the erosion of death energy to himself.

In Lich, increasing the erosion of death energy is equivalent to speeding up mana recovery and making the body constantly nourished by death energy, but in undead mage, this erosion will make their life force passing quickly.

This is a Lich-exclusive treasure, which is not suitable for undead mage to wear. Although this treasure contains strong Lich traces, North cannot use it at all. Rhodes finally gave only one One hundred and eighty corpse witch kings.

In the process of collecting the token, Rhodes also got a special thing.

That is an air-dried arm, covering all the tissues from the palm to the forearm. The muscles above have long been dehydrated, and the finger bone is more slender due to muscle contraction. species.

The energy of death gathers towards this arm faintly, it seems to be driven by the energy of death, and the slender fingers twitch slightly from time to time.

Rhodes can faintly perceive an extraordinary meaning from this arm, and even his Soul Evocation Technique is touched, it is difficult to imagine what kind of creature it corresponds to.

Rhodes also learned the origin of this arm from Lich who took out the item. The original owner of the arm was a Legendary Lich who had long since died in Dia. It is said that this Legendary Lich died. In its age, the arm, the arm of the most powerful Legendary magic assassin, is the only relic left.

Because the age is too old, except for this arm, there is nothing to prove the existence of that Lich.

The rest of the Lich in the field also proved this to Rhodes, they all knew about the Legendary Lich, but this arm, they also met for the first time.

The one who took out this arm was Lich named Heath, whom Rhodes had not heard of before.

The body belonging to Legendary Lich was handed over to North as a token. Any creature who sees this arm will understand its connection to Lich.

On the level of token, not practical treasure, nothing can compare to the arm in front of him. In the end, Rhodes gave two hundred and sixty corpse witch kings.

A gathering to gather all the Lich's in the entire Dia, even in Lich's mind, such an opportunity is rare.

In the process of viewing the token, Rhodes faintly noticed that there was a sign of competition between these Lichs. Although it was not clearly shown, they still hoped that the token they provided could be exchanged for the most corpse witch kings. .

Soon, most of the Lichs who wanted to join the battle gave their tokens to Rhodes. Some Lichs who were originally neutral also had the intention to join. Rhodes was in this process. Among them, eight tokens were collected.

Rhodes will naturally have no opinion on these Lichs who have just joined, in exchange for the number of corpse witch kings marked, which is also consistent with the original Lich.

In the process of receiving the token, Lich even asked whether he could provide two tokens in exchange for more corpse witch kings, but Rhodes refused.

Rhodes asks these Lichs for tokens, and more importantly, an attitude from them, and a reason for them to transform more Witch Kings to attract neutral Lichs to join.

In terms of the value of these tokens alone, they are naturally not worth so many corpse witch kings. Getting more tokens is of little significance to Rhodes. Therefore, Rhodes did not agree with Lich's suggestion.

In the end, the only one who agreed to join the battle, but never provided a token, was Esri in the field.

In the process of Rhodes receiving the token, Asri did nothing, just watched all this happen, which made Rhodes wonder what kind of token she would come up with.

Since Rhodes provided Lich with the token, there is no functional requirement, any treasure, magic scroll, or even something without any function can be provided as a token, but there is no Lich said, nothing Do not take it out.

For this reason, Rhodes believes that Esri, who is in the Legendary Lich, saves herself to the end, and the token she takes out must be extremely special.

(end of this chapter)

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