
  Chapter 1014 Puppet One

Seeing that Smed didn't mean to join this battle, Ace After inquiring about it, Rui stopped trying, and Rhodes didn't ask any more questions even though he found something unusual from the Legendary Lich.

Rhodes knew that even Sandro in his previous life did not let Smead join the battle, and that his attempts might be in vain.

"If you have no comments, next, I will go to the area where Lich lives in order to complete the transformation of the initial corpse king for you."

Completed the relevant Looking at the Lich in the field after the battle was planned, Rhodes said.

In the Tomb of Death, the broken bones that can be transformed by Rhodes have already been transformed by Rhodes in the process of these several transformations. Lich assigns, in order to provide them with enough corpse kings, Rhodes can only go to the area where they live and transform the corpses they have accumulated in the past.

"I still have some ideas."

The sudden words disturbed Rhodes' thoughts, Rhodes moved towards the direction where the voice came from, and saw that he said this. The remark language is not far from Phoenix.

When many Lichs in the field did not speak, Phoenix took the initiative to speak, which seemed to foreshadow something. There were some inexplicable expressions in his eyes. Although he was affected by many Lich imposing manners, he His presence seems unremarkable, but a firm will can be detected in him.

"What do you want to say?"

Looking at Phoenix, Rhodes also wondered what he was trying to say on this occasion.

Whether it is the situation in the previous life expansion or the current contact, Rhodes realizes that Phoenix is ​​not a simple existence, although he may not be as powerful as Lich in terms of strength, but the level of trouble is Probably better.

For this reason, Rhodes had to listen to him, even if he didn't want to have too much contact with the undead mage.

"It is foreseeable that once the battle starts, the number of corpses will increase sharply. When the efficacy of the Divine Item is exposed to the eyes of other creatures, it will inevitably attract a lot of harboring for the holders of the Divine Item. Creatures with malicious intentions."

"Whether it's Erathia or Eli, will not let this happen. At that time, even Legendary creatures will join hands to deal with the possession of Divine Item. ”

The meaning in this remark of Phoenix doesn’t sound much different from what Aisha said before, all of which indicate the ownership of the Divine Item and should be placed in a powerful existence body.

What makes Rhodes puzzled is that when the situation is so clear that even Elsa has to retreat temporarily, Phoenix It shouldn't be saying these words. , maybe he has other intentions.

Sure enough, Phoenix's next words verified Rhodes' guess, only to hear Phoenix continue to say:

"I'm not like Mrs. To question the ownership, I just express to the owner of the Divine Item, is it not good to expose the existence of the Divine Item to all other creatures?"

"You know, Eli Many great heroes in the territory, plus Legendary creatures united, will be an extremely powerful force, you may face endless joint assassinations from these creatures, and even Legendary creatures from other forces will be present. Once the Divine Item There is a problem with the existence of , and this battle will not be played."

From Phoenix's words, Rhodes did hear the difference between his and Elsa's ideas, and from this, he probably understood. After realizing his purpose, he took his words and asked:

"Then do you have any good suggestions?"

Not only Rhodes, but also other Lich, this When he also looked at Phoenix, the words of the undead mage also caught their attention.

"Of course I don't have any suggestions for the planning of the campaign, but I have some ideas about the use of Divine Items. I suggest that in the Early-Stage of the campaign, do not reveal information about Divine Items, especially It's about the owner of the Divine Item, which is your existence."

This suggestion from Phoenix about the Divine Item immediately caught the attention of Lich in the field, and then there was a wave that had never appeared before. A low voice began to spread in the field.

"This is what Impossible does, the effect of Divine Item, there is no way to cover it up, even if we don't expose it, other creatures can detect the existence of Divine Item based on some clues, and will eventually track it down. To Rhodes."

Finnis's expression remained unchanged when he heard the words of the unknown Lich, and said slowly:

"So before Rhodes' identity is really revealed, we need to A target on the surface, all Lich speak in a unified way, calling it the holder of the Divine Item."

"This target can be powerful and not afraid of the existence of Legendary creatures, such as The great mother of the earth, Asri, can also be weak and weak, even if sacrificed, it will not be a pity existence, such as..."

Said, Phoenix looked at Rhodes again, This time, Rhodes truly saw the light in Phoenix's eyes, an ambition no weaker than any other creature.


Phoenix's general remarks did not arouse the disgust of Lich in the field, but caused them to think deeply, they are very Clearly, once the battle really starts, what kind of situation will Divine Item holders face.

When the effect of the Ghost King's cloak is fully demonstrated, on the frontal battlefield, the explosion of corpse witches will appear unstoppable.

In this case, the only way to curb the growth of the corpse witch is to directly attack the holder of the Divine Item, destroy it, and destroy the Divine Item in its hands.

At that time, the Divine Item holder will naturally have to bear the greatest threat. What he has to face is the Legendary creatures that appear in batches, and the Legendary creatures mentioned by Phoenix are from the Legendary creatures. joint assassination.

In the Thief Guild, the bounty for Divine Item holders will also soar to the highest price in history. In order to solve the Divine Item holders, the creatures of the entire surface world will do everything possible just for this purpose.

After all, once the surface world is completely occupied by Lich, under the rule of the undead mage, all the previous rules will be changed, which is undoubtedly unwilling to see any veteran forces.

There are no normal creatures who want to live under the rule of the undead mage, which means that the entire world will be full of death and despair, and there will be no trace of beauty at all.

As long as there is a slight possibility, the surface creatures will actively look for an opportunity to defeat the undead mage, and killing the holder of the Divine Item will undoubtedly become their unified goal.

(end of this chapter)

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