
  Chapter 1015 Puppet II

Even Rhodes had to consider the meaning of Phoenix's words.

Sandro, who held the Divine Item in his previous life, was able to rely on his own strength to deal with the siege of many Legendary creatures. In terms of spellcasting ability, Sandro did not behave like a Lich, but instead. Like a real Legendary mage.

For Rhodes at this time, relying on the blessing of two Divine Items, it is extremely difficult to face an ordinary Legendary mage. Once the number of Legendary creatures increases, Rhodes also There is no suitable response.

The existence of the Divine Item has a crucial impact on this battle. Rhodes needs to try to avoid the possibility of the Divine Item being lost. Elsa's words at first mentioned the same situation, but Rhodes didn't pay attention.

Because of this, Rhodes also had to consider the proposal to establish a target in Phoenix's words, or, more intuitively, to support the puppet.

Not only Rhodes, but other Lichs in the field were also attracted by Phoenix's suggestion, and they also understood how such a deception method would work in subsequent battles.

There is no Lich who objected to Phoenix's suggestion. From the attitude of this group of Lichs, Rhodes felt a kind of acquiescence, and even Asri, who was mentioned by him, also did not express any objection. .

At this time, Asri was watching Rhodes, wanting to see what kind of decision he would make.

As if realizing something, Rhodes looked back at Phoenix, who was not far away. He knew that it might not be an accident that Phoenix mentioned Asri in his words.

According to Asri's strength, calling him the holder of the Divine Item will naturally not arouse doubts from other creatures. Such a Legendary Lich, relying on his accumulated strength for a long time, is enough to deal with Offensive of any Legendary creature.

However, Rhodes would be in a very awkward position themselves if Aseri were chosen as a target on the surface.

After all, Esri's strength is too strong, and the legends about her can even trace back to the era when the god of mage was at its peak. At that time, she mastered the supreme method of reincarnation and rebirth. It is the Lich at this time, when calling her name, they all need to use the honorific title of the mother of the earth.

In Rhodes' view, if she chooses Asri, what she has become is not just a target. With her strength, she can become the real leader of this battle. , which eventually made the situation completely out of control.

At this time, Asri may still support Rhodes' attitude, but Rhodes has to worry that in this case, once the time is right, Asri will lead many Lich to seize himself Divine Item in hand, thus putting yourself out of the game.

Ethri was unwilling to accept the threat of those Legendary creatures in vain, even for the sake of battle. What price could Rhodes pay to satisfy Asri's needs?

As for choosing the weaker undead mage, there is no such concern. Even if the undead mage wants to snatch the Divine Item, his strength will not allow him to do so, and he can only obediently become a puppet controlled by Lich. .

Rhodes realized that Phoenix had dared to make such a suggestion, and perhaps he had already guessed in his mind what choice he would make.

Finnis is definitely a better choice than any Lich on the field.

According to the trajectory of the expansion in the previous life, Phoenix has indeed become a puppet controlled by Lich, and has made great achievements in the second expansion.

As a Divine Item holder recognized by many Lich, Phoenix does not need to take action to have a very high status in the hearts of all undead mage, even more than those Lich themselves.

If only one Lich admits, the common undead mage may not believe it, just consider him a puppet of Lich, just like the royal family in Dia, but when all Lich in Dia agree so, and only When he followed his lead, the ordinary undead mage had to believe it, and there was no doubt in his heart.

This is the power accumulated under Lich's long rule over Dia, and the undead mage dare not question Lich's decision.

Relying on the blessing of Lich's power and with Phoenix's own ability, it is no wonder that he was able to become the king of Dia in the latter stage of the second expansion of the previous life, even if the existence of Sandro finally appeared in all In the eyes of creatures, it does not affect this at all.

"If that's the case, then choose the latter. What do you guys think of Lich's?"

There was silence in the field, and no Lich objected to this.

Stephen on the side took the initiative to say: "It is appropriate to choose the undead mage to become a puppet. The low strength of the undead mage is just convenient for our control. I believe that you do not want to see a Lich become another biological symbol. In the end, there was a situation of dominance."

As Stephen's voice fell, a trembling joy appeared on Phoenix's face, and dark pus kept dripping from his face, But he didn't care at all, he realized that the opportunity he had been waiting for had finally come.

However, the next moment, the joy on Phoenix's face completely solidified. In his sight, accompanied by a sense of crisis on his back, a violently jumping lightning was moving towards him. Come.

Before he had time to make any excuses, Phoenix hurriedly performed teleportation moved towards and fled aside.

Just as his figure appeared and he was about to say something, a lightning bolt happened to pass through here, and just appeared here in Phoenix, as if he had deliberately used his body to take on this lightning bolt and was directly hit by it. .

As the violent white light flashed past, Phoenix's charred figure fell heavily into a pile of dead bones, and then was buried deep, and no more breath came out.

Meanwhile, Rhodes put away the Titan Arrow in his hand again.

Just by waving the weapon in his hand twice, he released two spells with power comparable to fifth-order magic. The scene in front of him was naturally seen by all Lich.

If before this, when Naagh was testing, due to the occlusion of the black fog, Lich in the field, although he sensed the appearance of the spell, could not see the specific process, how did Rhodes cast it? The spell that repelled Naagh's, and the power of the Divine Item, were unknown to them.

At this time, Rhodes' action also made Lich in the field deeply understand that the unique power of Divine Item, and the evaluation of Rhodes' strength could not help but change.

Before Rhodes waved the weapon in his hand, there was no Lich, and he noticed the condensation of magic elements. The spell was formed for a very short time. There was almost no way to prevent it except to predict the danger by perception. .

(end of this chapter)

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