
  Chapter 1013 Planning II

At that time in the previous life, the whole of Erathia, was completely destroyed by Sander Suppressed by the Lich led by Lu, shrouded in the shadow of death, even the supreme angel has nothing to do with this Lich.

And that aurora appeared just as Sandro was about to capture Erathia's capital, Standwick.

Recalling the plot of these expansions, the aurora released by the Divine Item, Rhodes seems to realize something.

Rhodes discovered that those angels, who seemed to be at the first in the battle, did not use this Divine Item, which was intended to release the aurora.

Because of the story of the third expansion in the previous game, Rhodes knows what kind of existence is coming to the surface world.

In the third expansion, the demon of hell, together with the sorcerer, will attack the surface world, and in the hands of the protagonist of the third expansion, the one with the same name as the expansion will be held. Divine Item, Blade of Doom.

In such a huge battle, Erathia's angel failed to release the aurora again, but let the allied forces of hell destroy it.

Rhodes also found something unusual about these situations from memory.

Rhodes realized that the angel of the third expansion piece may not be unwilling to release the aurora, but that it no longer has the ability to release it again.

Recalling what he saw during the inheritance mission, Rhodes believes that such a powerful aurora that can almost destroy any designated creature must have extremely strict restrictions, even if it is released by the Divine Item, there may be some With an extremely long cooldown, it is impossible to use it at will.

According to his own understanding of the expansion process, Rhodes seems to see the truth behind the expansion.

The aurora that was supposed to act on the Hell Alliance in the third expansion piece was forced out by Sandro in advance in the second expansion piece, which led to a series of subsequent situations.

If Sandro couldn't rely on the power of Divine Item to push the entire Erathia into a corner, this aurora might simply not appear, and the situation of the entire expansion will change.

Although there is no way to verify this with Angel in Cloud City, in Rhodes' view, the information he has speculated is close to the real situation of the expansion.

In order to follow the original expansion story, and also to better achieve his own goals, Rhodes realized that the aurora, he had better force it out in the second expansion, After all, as long as it exists, it is a threat to itself.

Rhodes didn't plan to follow Sandro's example and went to Erathia in person to advance the transformation of the corpse witch. If he wanted to force out this aurora, he could only rely on the group of Lich in front of him.

According to the strength of the Lichs, combined with the effect of Ghost King's cloak, it may not be able to put the entire Erathia in a desperate situation like Sandro in the previous life, but there is no problem in suppressing it temporarily.

The existence of the aurora is currently known only to Rhodes.

The scene in the inheritance mission is too far away from the era when mage appeared, these Lichs will never know, and the follow-up of the second expansion piece belongs to the future, only Rhodes knows These.

Because of this, it is difficult for these Lichs to find anything unusual about what Rhodes said, and for Rhodes to give up Erathia and go to Eli, it can only be regarded as a manifestation of his sincerity.

After learning about Rhodes' plan for this battle and how to maximize the effectiveness of the Divine Item, Asri's old face also showed a hint of surprise.

"You said so much, the only thing you didn't mention is your own purpose. What is your reason for launching this battle?"

asked this question In other words, it was Aisha not far away. At this time, it was also shocked by the content of Rhodes' words. If everything develops as Rhodes expected, the undead mage seems to be really beneficial to the top of the world.

However, the pursuit of a higher level Soul Evocation Technique still drives Elsa, making it still question Rhodes.

"I said, I don't want to find any reason, do I have to have some terrible excuse, or some painful experience to launch this battle? The existence of Divine Item is enough to explain everything ."

In the face of Elsa's doubts about herself, Rhodes gave this answer.

Naturally, Elsa would not be satisfied with such an answer that seems right but actually isn't. Just as she was about to continue questioning Rhodes, the other Lich's gazes, and the indifference in them, also Let it be wise not to speak.

Seeing that the situation has become extremely clear, the rest of Lich were obviously influenced by Rhodes' words. Aisha knew that nothing she said would have any effect, so she stopped staying in the field and immediately cast it. spell , returned to its original position.

After returning, Elsa noticed that the original Modo figure had been disappeared, except for Naagh, who was still in a dark fog.

In the field, seeing that Elsa didn't say anything, she used teleportation directly and returned to her original position. Esri could only shake her head slightly.

At this time, Asri put his gaze on another Legendary Lich, Smeder who appeared with her, and asked:

"Smedley" , do you want to join the battle? This is one of the few opportunities for you to avenge Erathia."

As Asri asked, Rhodes couldn't help but turn his eyes , and put it on this Legendary Lich who looks very special.

Rhodes has a slight impression of the name Smead.

Rhodes recalled that in the previous game, when Sandro's abilities were fully displayed, and all the Lichs in Dia took action to create the corpse first, Smeder seemed to be the only one who never joined the Shadow of Death battle. Lich.

Because of this, in the middle and late stages of the second expansion, Sandro, who became Legendary Lich, had a deep suspicion of Smeder, who was not willing to join, and ended up in Phoenix. Under the provocation, Sandro took the initiative to get rid of Smeder, shocking all Lich.

Rhodes at this time naturally did not have the strength to kill the Legendary Lich like Sandro. Not many creatures in the entire world can achieve this.

apart from this, from Asri's words, Rhodes realized that there seemed to be some contradictions between Smed and Erathia, which seemed to have not been resolved.

However, in the face of Asri's persuasion, Smedshook the head.

As before, Smed didn't say anything, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.

(end of this chapter)

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