
  Chapter 1012 Planning 1

I heard Rhodes in his speech, mentioning angel, the most unique Creature, Lich in the field couldn't help but turn serious.

Even Smeder, who had been staring at the ghost in the sky, in this brief moment also turned his attention to Rhodes in the field.

The cloud city above Erathia, and the angel that lives in it, are unavoidable existences in the process of fighting against this force. All Lich knows.

As one of the most powerful species, angels have reached perfection in all aspects. Even the weakest angels have the degree of sixth rank, and they can surpass those of the same rank in all aspects. other creatures.

At the same time, angel also has a strong spellcasting ability, although in effect, it is not as good as the real Legendary mage cast, but it is enough to outperform most conventional creatures.

Able to be on par with angel in terms of strength, or even suppress angel in reverse, probably only the real Legendary mage.

Many Lichs in the field are very aware of this. During the battle with Erathia, angel will undoubtedly be the biggest resistance they will face. In previous conflicts, the ordinary undead Legion has long been confirmed. can't pose a threat to angel.

At this point, listening to Rhodes mention those angels, these Lich also want to know, what is Rhodes' countermeasures.

"I don't recommend that you face these angels in the Battle of Early-Stage. Fighting these angels before the corpse numbers increase will cause great losses."

"Before all angels are dispatched, I need all Lichs to accumulate as many corpses as possible. In order to expand the number of corpses, those small towns with weak defenses should be the focus of attention."

"The transformed corpse witch can also play the effect of Divine Item, and continue to transform dead creatures into Resentful Soul. You may wish to hand over your corpse witch to other undead mage control, and let them join in In the transformation of undead creatures, to attract the attention of some angels."

"Wait until the middle of the battle, when the number of corpses rises, through these special undead creatures, all of Erathia's regular defensive power , is not enough to be afraid of, any town will be easily captured, even those angels cannot break through the layers of clouds of death."

"At this time, what you need to worry about is that The mage reinforcements from farther south, Bracada, are also difficult to deal with by the corpse alone."

"But I believe that by that time, Erathia will be completely fallen, and it will be only a matter of time. With only one step left, we can take this opportunity to attack the former Mage Empire."

Because the strength of a single Lich is strong enough, and his subordinates even control a large number of undead Legions, Rhodes' The information mentioned is more based on strategy, and the real tactical formulation, such as how to use undead creatures to cooperate with each other, launch an attack on a certain place, or send bait to attract angel's attention, or Lich after the start of the battle, It is more appropriate to decide for yourself.

Knowing this information from Rhodes' words, Stephen on the side seemed to have found something wrong and asked:

"What about you? In this battle, What are you going to do?"

Rhodes, having anticipated this point inquired by Stephen, replied:

"In order to express my Sincerely, I would like to give the Erathia area, which is located in the center of the continent, has the most fertile land and is also the most populous, to Lich for the transformation of the corpse witch in Early-Stage. I believe that in the Early-Stage of the battle, Lich also does not I don't need to join in."

"And I myself will lead my undead creatures to Eri to fight against high-level creatures in Eri. I believe that when you fully occupy Erathia, I'm almost done on my side."

"If all goes well, when Erathia is completely occupied, I will lead you to launch a final attack on Bracada, so far, except for some scattered In remote areas, such as areas such as Kru Lord, the surface world will be completely occupied by the undead mage."

With Rhodes' words, his thoughts were also known by Lich in the field. The message contained, especially Rhodes' own ambitions, deeply deterred Lich in the field.

It's just that Rhodes didn't share some special information about this battle.

Rhodes, who is familiar with the plot of the expansion, deeply understands the reason for the failure of the Shadow of Death battle in the previous life, that is the Divine Item controlled by angel.

Faced with the endless Legion of Corpse Witch, Erathia has almost no ability to resist. Once the members participating in the battle die, they will join the enemy army in the form of Corpse Witch, which is enough to destroy the morale of any lord.

The result of this battle should have been consistent with what Sandro had predicted in the previous life. The undead mage would conquer the entire world, but the appearance of the aurora completely changed this.

Under the aurora released by the Divine Item, all the corpse witches transformed by the Ghost King's cloak were destroyed, and even Sandro in the previous life fell under the aurora.

That special Divine Item, and the aurora released through the Divine Item, is something that Rhodes has to guard against. Rhodes doesn't want to repeat Sandro's mistakes, but he didn't counter that. Means of Divine Item.

It belongs to the unique power of the Divine Item, and there is no way to counter it. It can only be done under the rules of the Divine Item. This is true for any Divine Item. Although Rhodes foresees the existence of the Divine Item , but cannot change this.

Just like in the first expansion, mage knew that the effect of the forbidden magic ball would dispel all the magic elements in it, but had to fight with barbaric creatures under the cover of the forbidden magic barrier, belonging to Divine The special effect of Item cannot be countered by anything.

For this reason, Rhodes' choice was to give up Erathia, which was originally the main battlefield, and instead put his target on Eli. Even if the power of Divine Item appeared again, he would not be like his previous life. The Sandro directly perished like that.

Rhodes recalled that in the game in the previous life, Sandro's decision was not what he did now, but he personally led the undead Legion to attack Erathia.

Relying on the two Divine Items he owns and the corpse witches that increase sharply as the battle progresses, Sandro can easily resolve them even in the face of a large number of angels' siege. Erathia's many heroes who have united to try to resist the attack of Legion, the undead witch, are also not the opponents of Sandro.

In this case, some of the weaker Lich were not allowed to join the battlefield of Erathia at all, and could only go to other areas to find a way, such as Erath mentioned by Rhodes.

(end of this chapter)

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