
  Chapter 1011 United II

Aisha realized that the situation at this time was extremely unfavorable to her.

It moved towards the darkness behind it, and neither Naagh nor Modo meant to continue to shoot, but quietly watched the front and waited for the changes in the field.

In this case, Elsa is more impossible to take action directly.

The habit for a long time makes Elsa more inclined to watch everything from behind, just like all the other Lichs present. If it is not forced by the form, and there is no suitable candidate, it will not be willing to appear in the field.

At this time, Elsa looked towards the black robed man in the field who was looking at the sky. In this case, Elsa can only put her hope on his attitude. This man is the last object Elsa intends to fight for.

"Smed, do you also want to follow the prophecy? You have also seen the effect of the Divine Item. If it stays on the undead mage, how can it be suitable for Lich? You have no idea. ?"

Hearing Elsa's words, Legendary Lich, known as Smead, moved his eyes to it, and simply shook the head, without any words, obviously neither Divine Items, or anything else, could not interest him.

Seeing Smed's reaction, a sense of powerlessness began to spread in Elsa's heart. She knew that there were many Lichs in the field who wanted Divine Items, but they were unwilling to take the initiative to stand up. Is waiting for the right opportunity.

In Aisha's view, the years of silence have made these Lichs completely dizzy. Maybe they can't be seen until the real melee occurs, but before that, don't think about them. Get any help there.

Especially at Smeder in front of her, Elsa wanted to ask Smeder what was going on in the sky that deeply attracted him as Legendary Lich.

Although she couldn't stop her thirst for the Divine Item, Elsa was reluctant to bear the possible danger, and she also understood that for some Lich, what the prophecy about the Divine Item meant? what.

Compared with ordinary undead mage, Lich's identity is naturally extremely noble, but Lich also has unspeakable difficulties in some aspects.

There are dozens of Lichs in Dia, and there are many powerful ones like Stephen. These Lichs divide Dia into various areas, which are not harmonious with each other, but they will not be like ordinary undead mage. So nervous. These Lichs form their own formations. No matter how powerful a single Lich is, no matter how many undead creatures it accumulates, the effect it can play is extremely limited.

Looking beyond Dia, whether it is Erathia or Eri, a large number of Legendary creatures, combined, are enough to firmly suppress Lich.

Lich appears to be powerful, but is actually deeply suppressed in Dia. Once he takes a step out of Dia, he will be besieged by Legendary creatures.

For a long time, since there are few battles between Lichs, Lich's strength has nowhere to play except to accumulate undead creatures and study spell knowledge.

In addition to the slow growth of spiritual imprint and the improvement of spell knowledge, which can make Lich feel a little satisfied, it is difficult for other things to touch him.

Part of Lich, who was unbearable in this state, tried to fight against other forces by the strength of oneself. The final outcome can be imagined. This is the only reason why Lich fell in Dia's long history.

In Elsa's view, if there's anything that convinces these Lichs that it's useful to accumulate undead creatures and improve spell knowledge, it's the existence of this prophecy, the existence of this prophecy, It deeply influenced all Lich's ideas.

It is the appearance of this prophecy that gave Dia's Lich a hope that maybe in several decades, or even hundreds of years later, there will really be an undead mage holding two Divine Items. Come, and then they will be able to end the long time of accumulating undead creatures.

Because of this, Aisha knew that when the news that Rhodes had two Divine Items had reached the ears of all Lich in the scene and fulfilled the content of the prophecy, if she forcibly shot Rhodes, she would eventually die. The trigger may be a melee between Lich.

The appearance of the prophecy made it impossible for Elsa to use her Lich identity to suppress Rhodes in the field, and even Elsa herself had a tendency to be faintly affected by the prophecy. For this reason, Elsa could only put on a gloomy look and said no more.

Finally finished dealing with those Lichs who were trying to seize the Divine Item on the surface, Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that the union with Lich at this time had already succeeded more than half.

At the same time, Asri's words came from Rhodes' ears:

"There are six Lichs in total, willing to join me in this battle. Among them, there is nothing I can do about the rest, and it is up to you to fight for it."

"If you can, tell me about the plan for this battle, a battle without a plan, even with Divine Item It is difficult to achieve the final victory.”

“You can rest assured that all the Lichs present will not spread this information.”

Speaking, Asri He deliberately swept Aisha and Smeder aside.

Faced with Asri's gaze, Smead ignored it, still staring at the original target, while Elsa took the initiative to look aside.

Hearing Esri's inquiry at this time, Rhodes knew that this was the most critical time. As long as these Lichs believed that the plan was indeed feasible, then the union at this time would be considered a smooth success, and it could even attract a lot of people. Several other Lichs joined in. In case of serious deviations in their own plans, Lich could not be satisfied at all, and they might even fail.

Rhodes sorted out his thoughts, and then said:

"About the effect of Divine Item, I believe Lich has seen it, the corpse witch king transformed by me can continue to Transform any dead creature, regardless of rank, into a fifth-order necromancer."

"In order to maximize the effect of the Divine Item, Erathia is a human city-state with a large population and a large number of low-rank creatures inhabited. , will undoubtedly become our primary goal.”

“In Erathia, there are many small and medium-sized towns without high-level creatures stationed there, and the defense of these towns is far from strict. The strength can easily convert thousands of people in the town into corpse witches."

"As for large towns with tens of thousands of people, if you Lich are willing to cooperate with the undead creatures you have accumulated over the years, you can also construct It's not a threat."

"I believe everything will go smoothly in the Early-Stage of the battle, the only thing to worry about..."

Speaking, Rhodes raised his hand and pointed to the top of his own head.

"It's the angel in Cloud City."

(end of this chapter)

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