
  Chapter 1002 Phoenix

What makes Rhodes very concerned is Stephen's mention of Phoenix in his words Nice Wilma.

Rhodes remembers that in the death shadow battle in the previous life, Phoenix Wilma, the undead mage, played an extremely important role, constantly refreshing the players' understanding of him.

Rhodes recalled that in the Early-Stage of the second expansion in the previous life, Phoenix appeared in front of all players as the leader of this battle. At that time, there were even many players who thought that Phoenix Is the owner of the Divine Item.

Until the middle of the second expansion, the heroes who had been deceived by Sandro and collected Divine Item parts for him united to expose Sandro's crimes, and the players at that time realized that By the way, among Dia, the controller of Divine Item is someone else.

Many players have doubted how Phoenix, who is far less powerful than Lich and has no hero status, controls the Divine Item, and convinces all Lich that his strength is completely unworthy. Check out the power of Divine Item.

The information on Sandro just confirmed the players' guesses. In the eyes of the players at that time, Phoenix was just a puppet supported by many Lich, used to divert the enemy's main attention, and it was not even worth spending. With great efforts to assassinate, even if Phoenix is ​​removed, nothing will change. The real Lich in the rear is the one who really controls everything.

It wasn't until the late stage of the second expansion, when Phoenix received the approval of many Lichs and was crowned King Dia, that the player realized that this seemingly ordinary undead mage also existed. Extraordinary.

Wait until the end of the second expansion, the death shadow battle finally failed, even Sandro, also fell in the battle, with Divine Item whereabouts unknown on his body, Phoenix is ​​still his King of Dia .

Phoenix can be said to be the biggest winner of Dia's side in the second expansion. In this battle where even the immortal Lich's life will end, the previously unknown Phoenix, Finally, he was crowned King Dia and became the Number One Person of the undead mage kingdom.

During the process of being crowned king in Phoenix in the previous life, Rhodes never heard of the existence of the Dia royal family. It seems that everything was carried out under Lich's will. It is no wonder that Rhodes will tell Stephen about these situations. Feeling puzzled, he could not help asking Stephen carefully.

Regardless of the authenticity of these information, Stephen's behavior has already shown her attitude to Rhodes. Without knowing the attitude of other Lich, as the owner of the Tomb of Death, Stephen's kindness is undoubtedly extremely high. The key, Rhodes said resolutely:

"I know this information. Maybe in future battles, these information can be more useful."

In this regard, Stephen just Indifferently replied: "I hope you can exert the true power of Divine Item."

During the time Rhodes was talking with Stephen, his arrival also attracted the attention of many creatures in the field. .

The ghost dragon following Rhodes is undoubtedly a very conspicuous existence. The strong death energy emanating from his body can be felt by all creatures in the field. Combined with the information conveyed by Stephen when he summoned many Lich before, the identity of Rhodes was also speculated by the creatures in the field.

Feeling the sight watching him in the dark, Rhodes didn't wait any longer. After finishing the conversation with Stephen, he stepped forward and moved towards the center of the light.

Noticing this move by Rhodes, North could only follow behind. In this special environment, he was aware of many incomparably powerful auras around him. In addition to following Rhodes at the back, North also followed.

I don't know where to go.

Soon, Rhodes stopped walking, and North, who was following behind, quickly stood still.

The faint ominous premonition in his heart made North not dare to inquire about the surrounding environment at will during the process of following, but just kept his head down and walked forward. Only after he stopped, did he dare to go all around. Check.

In the process of looking around, North noticed that surrounding himself and Rhodes were arm candlesticks that were larger than what he had seen before, and the candlesticks that crossed the ground. Looking all around, the range of sight that can be reached is extremely limited.

The white fire did not extend toward the periphery, and the dark shadow covered it down, cutting off the spread of the light. There seemed to be something in the darkness that swallowed the emitted light.

From a distance, North can see many isolated pale white fire stars from the surrounding darkness. The rays of light of fire stars do not illuminate the dark environment, but in the dark. faintly discernible.

North could perceive that the bursts of incomparably powerful auras were in the darkness where the light could not reach, bringing him an inexplicable sense of fear. These extremely powerful creatures, for some unknown reason. When he completely surrounded himself and Rhodes, to be precise, Rhodes took the initiative to choose to come to this encirclement.

In this brief moment, Noth couldn't help recalling everything in the city of Sao. Compared with that time when he only needed to study the potion in the quiet room, the strong stimulation he felt at this time made Noth feel. S truly aware of the danger coming, but North has no regrets about his choice.

Rhodes also sensed the powerful creatures all around. He knew that it was Lich who came here, and the undead creatures under them.

Rhodes noticed that when he came to the center of the bright field, all around belonged to the witch monster aura, and there were extremely obvious changes. A weak spot is waiting for the opportunity to snatch the Divine Item that belongs to the undead mage. Some have great hostility and may attack Rhodes at any time, and some are always very peaceful and are not affected by Rhodes at all.

Until he actually stood at the center, Rhodes' perception had dissipated the strong threat because of the presence of those Lichs. At this time, Rhodes could not feel any fear in his heart.

The existence of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique not only greatly enhances Rhodes' perception of death energy, but also improves Rhodes' resistance to undead spell.

Even at the apex of Dia, these immortal Lichs, the clouds of death they unleashed, still couldn't do any damage to Rhodes, the only thing Rhodes had to worry about was the regular spells these Lichs cast.

Because of the changes brought about by the Ceremony of the Endless Night, any spell that Lich casts will be changed by the energy of death, which cannot be compared with the orthodox Legendary mage in terms of true spellcasting ability.

With the Divine Item in hand, Rhodes was able to defeat a real Legendary mage, and the only thing he had to worry about at this point was that the Lichs banded together and put pressure on him.

For this reason, in the face of Stephen's kindness, Rhodes chose to accept it, hoping to unite with this Lich.

After coming to the arena, Rhodes didn't say anything, just used his Soul Evocation Technique to release the death energy that existed in his body towards the tomb of death.

The energy of death swept through, and an inexplicable change began to occur in the tomb of death.

The death energy released by Rhodes immediately caught the attention of those Lichs outside the arena.

Even Lich can't have such pure death energy. In their perception, this level of death energy has no impurities, and even surpasses pure magic elements.

The appearance of death energy undoubtedly confirmed to these Lich what Stephen said that Rhodes carried the mage Divine Item. However, before these Lichs could do anything, an accident happened beside them.

Under their feet, the dead bones that could be seen everywhere in the tombs of death began to tremble violently.

Under the gaze of these Lichs, the unique energy of death spread freely, the original dead bones on the ground began to aggregate, and the irregular skeletons were forcibly spliced ​​together to form the body of the undead creature, accompanied by Soul. The Fire was ignited, and what finally took shape in the eyes of these Lichs was the corpse witch king of the sixth rank.

A large number of corpse witch kings lifted the broken bones buried in their bodies and climbed up from under the ground. For a while, the entire tomb of death seemed to wake up.

Feeling the changes in the Tomb of Death again, Stephen could not help but set his sights on Rhodes in addition to feeling the power of the Divine Item. This unique power attracts her, if Rhodes can really initiate him The promised battle, Stephen didn't mind joining it.

all around The candlesticks used to maintain the light have long been knocked over when the Corpse Witch King woke up, and the light in the field dimmed immediately, making it difficult to see the surrounding environment.

For Lich, whose perception ability is extremely powerful, it doesn't make any difference whether there is light around, but in order for Rhodes to show better, Stephen raised his hand, next moment, there are rays of light on the sky. .

The Dark Sky Curtain shrouded in the Tomb of Death did not dissipate. Rays of light came from the sky. It was a few ghosts ignited by pale flames. After the blessing of high-level spells, the rays of light dispelled below. the darkness, illuminating the entire area.

Except for Stephen, the other Lichs who noticed the appearance of the Witch King couldn't keep their calm as before. This transformation that overturned previous cognitions, even if they had already heard Stephen mentioned it, these Lichs were still incomprehensible.

"Is this... the effect of the Spirit Gathering Thaumaturgy?"

The one who asked this sentence was an undead mage shrouded in a black robe. Under the shroud of powerful creatures, the only undead mage is extremely conspicuous.

The hands of the undead mage folded in front of the abdomen, wearing heavy leather gloves, only the exposed face is full of signs of festering, faint drips of dark liquid, and even more in the left eye socket. There is nothing, and the erosion traces of death energy are extremely obvious on his body.

"The magic of gathering spirits can revive dead undead creatures, but it cannot take effect on decaying undead creatures. This place was about to become a cursed land, mixed with the bones of unknown creatures, gathering spirits. Thaumaturgy can't combine undead creatures from different individuals."

Perhaps also puzzled in the heart, a real Lich answered the undead mage's words.

If Rhodes can notice the appearance of this Lich, it will be very familiar to him. In the magic guild of the City of Sorrows, Rhodes and this Lich have a relationship. Identity, it is the former hero Modo, Modo at that time, has not yet become the real Lich.

"This transformation method is more like the effect of Soul Evocation Technique, and it is the Soul Evocation Technique of cream of the crop." After speaking, Modo seemed to notice something and asked: "Aisha , what do you think?"

The object of Modo's inquiries, that is, Aisha in his mouth, is also a Lich. In his years of research on undead spells, he focused on Soul Evocation Technique. content, that Soul Evocation Technique is the origin of all undead spells, and is the most orthodox undead spell.

After being promoted to Lich, Modo took the initiative to show affection to Aisha and asked her questions about Epic Grade Soul Evocation Technique, which were all answered in detail. In Modo's view, Aisha's Soul The Evocation Technique grade is very likely to reach the Peak Legendary Grade.

The Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique is an important condition for Lich's promotion to the Legendary creature. There are not many Lichs in the entire Dia who have this level of Soul Evocation Technique.

In addition to the real Legendary Lich, as far as Modo knows, only Elsa can have the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique.

From the transformed corpse witch king, Modo faintly sensed a kind of pressure. He has dealt with corpse witches all the year round, and he understands the power of this creature even more. Destruction ability can be greatly increased. The transformation process of these corpse witch kings made Modo extremely puzzled.

From Modo's point of view, with the existence of the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique and the long-term research on Soul Evocation Technique, Aisha must have her own understanding of this unique transformation method in front of her. Maybe this is the The efficacy of Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique is also uncertain.

However, at this time, Elsa seemed to have discovered something terrifying, and her face was full of disbelief. For a Lich who has existed for countless years, This seems very unusual. When he found Modo who had changed on Elsa, he could not help but be cautious.

"This is not the ability of Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique."

Aisha's voice came from his ear, and Modo was startled.

"This is the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique."

Hearing Elsa's words, Modo only felt his body trembling faintly. This feeling was the promotion of Modo. Something I never felt after Lich.

The information contained in the words was too amazing, and beside them, another Lich, who had never spoken, began to change his expression.

Noticing the change in Lich's mood, there was only one undead mage frowned beside them, moved towards Rhodes in the field, and said in a low voice:

"He However, he is a senior undead mage, he has not even touched the threshold of Lich, and he is not qualified to hold an endless night ceremony. The reason for being able to master the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, I believe all of you Lich adults, know better than me."

"It seems that what Mr. Stephen said is correct. The reason she called us here is because the Divine Item belonging to the undead mage has appeared and has been obtained by this person."

( End of this chapter)

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