
  Chapter 1003 Test One

This remark of the undead mage sounds like it's just pointing at Lich in front of me , stating the facts about the Divine Item information, but what it actually contains is the intentional or unintentional guidance, trying to mobilize Lich's attention to the Divine Item.

Lich, who has survived for countless years, is naturally not easily influenced by the words of others, and his own judgment is not easily influenced by the words of others. The guidance in this kind of discourse may have the opposite effect on Lich.

During the conversation between the undead mage and the two Lichs, there was always a dark cloud beside them. rays of light could not be dispelled. At this time, voices began to come out from the black fog.

"Fennis, tell me, who is the most suitable person to control these Divine Items? Is it the two Legendary Lichs, or other beings in the field, or is it up to you? Control?"

Different from the two Lichs before, Phoenix was able to talk to them normally, and from this black fog, Phoenix could only feel a chill, the Lich Naagh who existed in the fog was not Such a talkative existence.

Aware of the questioning in the words, Phoenix's expression didn't change, but he just took himself out:

"I know that my strength is low, and I don't dare to say anything to Divine Item. Any coveting is up to the instructions of Lord Lich. No matter which great existence finally obtains this Divine Item, the Dia royal family is willing to befriend it and obey the will of this existence, which is also what Lord Kathery means. "

Finnis's words did not satisfy Naagh's, coldly snorted came from the black mist, but was immediately interrupted by Elsa's words.

"Okay, I haven't got the Divine Item yet. What's the use of saying that there are none?"

Recovered from the shock of first discovering the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique Come here, Aisha at this time has regained the calm that belongs to Lich. She knows that how to obtain the Divine Item is the most important thing compared to these useless arguments. There are not only a few Lichs in the field.

Under this circumstance, it is undoubtedly too early to discuss the ownership of Divine Item, and the controversy arising from Divine Item is of no help to the current situation.

As soon as Elsa's words came out, there was no more sound in the dark fog, and it seemed to agree with what Elsa said.

Aisha with Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, among the three Lich's who joined together, has a faint leading trend, the level of Soul Evocation Technique can largely reflect a Lich's strength is high and low, even if Elsa fails to become Legendary Lich, the real strength will not be much different.

"Hey, I don't know what that guy Catherine is doing. When all the Lichs in Dia gathered, and even the two Legendary Lichs were present, he, the king of Dia, was actually absent. The Lich meeting at this time just sent a messenger here.”

As if thinking of something, Aisha sighed, there was not much accusation in her words, but a concern .

It was also aware of this, and Phoenix took the initiative to explain: "Legion, the skeleton under Lord Kathery, was attacked by Eli's elite troops and suffered heavy damage for a while. , decided to govern these enemies with my own hands. It is with deep regret in the heart of Lord Kathery that I cannot come to the assembly at this time, and I would like to express my apologies to Lord Lich."

However, not all Lich, Interested in Kathryl's situation, Modo interrupted Phoenix, who seemed to have something to say, and said in a commanding tone:

"It's useless to say more, you go try it out. That undead mage...the reality of Rhodes."

It seemed that he recalled something, and Modo's expression gradually became ugly.

When he learned about Rhodes before, Modo just found it difficult to accept. He couldn't imagine that the unremarkable undead mage in the City of Sorrows used to rely on the existence of Divine Item. Became the focus of this time Lich rally.

It wasn't until Rhodes himself appeared in the field that Modo confirmed that the undead mage in front of him was the one he had seen in the City of Sorrows Magic Guild. .

If the relationship between Modo and Rhodes is just like this, Modo may not be too worried, the once-a-side relationship, in this case, is nothing at all, let the name Lich was a little concerned that he seemed to have blamed Rhodes for his takeover of the Mother of Souls in the City of Sorrows.

In this case, because he didn't understand Rhodes' attitude, Modo only joined Aisha and joined the Lich team competing for the Divine Item. In its view, as long as the Divine Item on Rhodes was obtained , he cannot pose a threat to himself.

Rather than finding Rhodes to reconcile, Modo is more willing to solve all this in the way of undead mage.

Modo also thought about sending messengers to the Lich meeting at this time, but he was afraid that things would happen beyond his control. If these Lichs really completed the union, he would be the first The object being cleaned up.

These past experiences have aroused some unpleasant memories of Modo. He did not expect that the biggest threat he faced after becoming Lich came from the undead mage, who had never been in his eyes at all.

Finnis was stunned when he heard Modo's words. He didn't expect that in this occasion, Lich in front of him would let himself, who was only an official undead mage, come forward to test all the Divine Items. By.

The shrinking marks of the facial muscles under the erosion of death energy made Modo's already ugly face even more gloomy. Seeing this, Phoenix did not dare to offer any rebuttal opinions. Under the watchful gaze, Phoenix pretended not to care and walked towards Rhodes in the field.

Finnis knew that the huge disparity in strength made it impossible for him to have an equal dialogue with these Lichs, even if they saw that he was a royal messenger and represented the current King Kathryn's sake. He has the opportunity to join the dialogue, but the gap in identity still cannot be erased.

In the process of walking towards Rhodes in the field, a very strong will developed in Phoenix's heart. This kind of despised situation is very common in him. How many times he hopes to change. All this has become the most prominent existence in the entire Dia, but always faces the pain of lack of strength.

Because of his own understanding, Phoenix is ​​very clear that he can never be promoted to Lich by relying on his own innate talent. To achieve this, he must use the power of Divine Item, or Some powerful existence is valued.

Phoenix realizes that the process of testing the truth at this time is the opportunity that he has been waiting for for a long time.

(end of this chapter)

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