
  Chapter 1001 Dia

When North passed through the gate of time and space and came to this area, Immediately, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

In the pitch-dark environment, the energy of death was extremely rich, and the dark green flames that flickered all around illuminate the skeletons stacked together under the feet.

"Is this the area where Lich lives?"

Looking at the special environment in front of him, North had a lot of feeling in his heart. Behind him, the broken teleportation monument pointed towards Leaning to one side, it looked like it might collapse at any time, and Rhodes had already seen it.

Since then, the strong energy of death has moved towards Rhodes' position, and the existence of the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique has enabled Rhodes to Sovereign this special magic element.

After coming to the Tomb of Death, I felt the constant call of death energy, plus all around can be seen everywhere, the bones that can be easily transformed, a sense of peace of mind, generated in Rhodes' heart.

Noth, who was beside him, seemed to be unable to bear the gathered death energy, and his body trembled slightly. Seeing this, Rhodes had to take the initiative to disperse the surrounding death energy.

"Leave your surprise to those Lichs."

Rhodes couldn't help but frowned at North's reaction. After a brief reminder, Rhodes moved towards Walk in the depths of the Tomb of Death.

The signal from the perception made Rhodes notice that many unique and powerful auras are not far away, and they seem to be waiting for something, even Rhodes can be far away. In the breath from the place, I felt a strong threat.

Reminiscent of the previous appointment with Stephen, Rhodes knew that there were already quite a few Lichs waiting here. Rhodes didn't choose to ride the ghost dragon, but just walked like this, and that's why.

In the process of moving forward, North seemed to notice something, looked up, and through the faintly flashing flames, he found that there were countless ghosts floating in the sky, watching everything below.

The sight in front of him surprised North immediately. He wanted to tell Rhodes about the anomaly here, but Rhodes ignored his thoughts.

While North was observing the ghosts, the ghosts also sensed his gaze, and looked back at the empty eye sockets that were flashing with Soul Fire. North only felt that his existence was exposed to all. Under the gaze of the ghost.

This unusual appearance made North hurriedly lower his head, not daring to look above his head again.

As the distance continued to deepen, Rhodes also contacted the corpse witch king he transformed last time through spiritual imprint. During this period of time, Stephen did not deal with these corpse witch kings, but left them in the tomb of death.

Apart from this, Rhodes also saw many undead creatures belonging to Stephen.

These various kinds of undead creatures, after sensing Rhodes' gaze, raised their hands one after another, and in a nondescript gesture, pointed to a direction in the depths of the tomb of death, which was exactly what Rhodes was going. direction.

This move by the undead creature also made Rhodes understand that Stephen had sensed his arrival.

Moving on, it didn't take long before a brighter white light appeared in front of the two of them.

Perhaps it was because he had adapted to the dark environment. Even though he had reached the position where the light came from, North still couldn't look directly at the environment in front of him, and only felt that the surrounding rays of light were extremely dazzling.

It took a while for North to get used to it and reluctantly observe the surrounding scene.

North noticed that the white radiance came from the candles all around, apparently blessed by spell, and the things used to hold these candles were nothing else but the ones on the ground that he didn't know. How many dead bones have been smashed.

A large number of hand bones are inserted upside down from the ground, the palms are lifted up, and these candles are placed on them. At intervals, there are such candlesticks. North even When I saw a skull with a candle, I don't know how Lich handled it to make it look like this.

At the same time, North found that a special silhouette appeared in front of him and Rhodes at an unknown time, and it seemed that he had been waiting for a long time.

"Welcome to the Tomb of the Dead, Rhodes. Counting my own words, I gathered the entire Dia for you, plus thirteen Lichs, including a new Lich, and they are very interested in you. I'm very interested in the Divine Item on my body."

The deep female voice reached Northon's ears, only to be swept by her eyes, Northton felt that all his secrets had been seen through by him , there is no way to hide from it.

Perhaps because of his low strength, this extremely powerful existence, his eyes didn't stop on North's body, but just swept over him. Even so, North was still in a panic.

Associating the content of the words, North had realized that the woman who appeared in front of the two at this time, who seemed to greet them, was actually a real Lich.

After carefully observing the appearance of this woman, it is difficult for North to associate it with the Lich he thinks. Without the presence of any death energy.

North knows that this is mostly due to the difference in strength, not only the woman in front of her, but also the existence of the other dozen Lich she mentioned, who can deal with their problems. , only the Rhodes in front of you.

From this Lich, North saw the possibility of solving his own confusion, and the fear in his heart began to dissipate, so he stood behind Rhodes obediently and honestly, he knew that on this occasion, he was afraid It is the existence with the lowest strength.

In Rhodes' sight, Stephen, who appeared in front of him, was dressed as always, with an exaggerated spider-shaped crown on his head, and an elegant black long skirt. Withered bones on the ground.

"It is worth noting that after hearing that a large number of Lichs will gather at the Tomb of Death, Dia's royal family also sent an envoy to come, and several Lichs walked very close to the envoy. ."

As if to remind Rhodes, Stephen voluntarily added the information.

Aware of the kindness released by Stephen, Rhodes nodded to her, but still had some doubts in his heart, so he asked:

"Is there still a royal family in Dia? Is it the immortal Lich? , is not enough to rule this land?"

In Rhodes' impression, Lich is the real ruler of the entire Dia, and there should be no regular royal family in this land where the undead mage lives. Yes, even if there is an undead mage who is later named King of Dia, there seems to be no sign of the existence of the royal family.

Seeing that Rhodes didn't understand this, Stephen's expression remained unchanged, replied: "Since the establishment of Dia, the royal family has existed, heroic undead mage, or other creatures, have received many Lich's After approval, he will be elected as the king of Dia."

Hearing Stephen's words, Rhodes couldn't help but fall into the memory, hoping to find information about the Dia royal family through the game memory of the previous life.

"The influence of the royal family is very weak. No Lich will follow the command of the royal family. On the contrary, the royal family may need to meet our requirements. Once something important happens, if Lich is not easy to come forward , you need members of the royal family to come forward."

After listening to Stephen's words, Rhodes immediately realized that Dia's royal family is actually only serving these Lich's puppet regimes and can influence the orders issued by the royal family, not The current king of Dia, but these immortal Lich.

Because Lich's influence is too large, and the undead spell Academy in various places dominates certain political trends, the royal family that should be in charge of Dia has become unremarkable.

If it wasn't for Stephen's mention of the Dia royal family, Rhodes would have no idea that Dia and the royal family existed at all. In his mind, those who ruled Dia were those immortal Lich.

"Who is the current king of Dia?" Rhodes asked. Since there is a royal family, there must be a king on the surface. Rhodes is very curious about the identity of the king.

Hearing the question raised by Rhodes, Stephen's patience was undiminished. After countless years of survival, Lich had already developed a temperament that far surpassed other creatures, so he replied:

"The current king of Dia, a hero who failed to hold the ceremony of the Endless Night, failed to become Lich, and could only exist in the form of a half-undead life, named Kathry."

"The one he sent The messenger is a very ambitious young undead lord named Phoenix Wilma. In addition to the new Lich Modo, Aisha, who is keen on royal affairs, and Lich, who are united with Phoenix Naagh, the natural hero in the saga, they seem to be planning 'something'."

Hearing Stephen's abruptly aggravated tone at the end, Rhodes also understood the seriousness of the problem after the Lich's reminder. sex.

Rhodes believed that Stephen told her this, definitely not aimlessly, or just to share this information with herself, what she said was almost expressing Rhodes, which Lich was hostile to him , and have the idea of ​​capturing the Divine Item.

The only thing that makes Rhodes a little suspicious is that these information are only the words of Stephen. About these Lichs that exist here, Rhodes knows too little information. If Stephen is telling a lie, maybe Put yourself in a disadvantageous position.

Rhodes can't believe all of Stephen's words, and he can't believe all of them. This is the only way Rhodes can get information before meeting with Lich.

Prior to this, Rhodes also tried to obtain information about Lich in Dia from the staff of Thief Guild, but the result did not satisfy Rhodes.

In the Thief Guild, there are a lot of ambiguous statements about Lich, which makes this extremely special existence and even more confusing. Based on the information in the Thief Guild alone, Rhodes can't even figure out, what is Dia's existence? Several Lich.

As one of these Lichs, most of the information provided by Stephen is extremely credible in Rhodes' view. Rhodes at least learned that there are thirteen Lichs in total, and among them There are Modos that are somehow related to themselves.

The total number of Lich in Dia is far less than Rhodes imagined. Rhodes thought that this land where the undead mage existed, after countless years of accumulation, how could there be dozens of Lich? .

According to Rhodes' understanding of the undead mage system, any undead mage that reaches the apex of the fifth order can use the endless night ceremony to transform itself into Lich.

Lich, who has just been promoted, is only equivalent to ordinary sixth rank creatures. Not only is there a small number of undead creatures under his hands, but also in terms of spellcasting ability, it is not comparable to the orthodox high-level mage. The effect of method force value, most of the damage spell, the effect is even worse than before the promotion of Lich.

Lich's true power can only come into play after he has accumulated over a long period of time and controlled countless undead creatures.

What is different from these sixth rank Lich in Dia is that in almost any spell Academy in Brakada, there are many high-level mages, and in the deep spell Academy, It is not uncommon for several Legendary mage to exist at the same time, not to mention the existence of the Magic Guild, an organization that attracts all mage to join.

Compared with Bracada, Dia has a very obvious gap on the level of high-level creatures. Although there are still high-level undead creatures, compared with high-level mage and The strength of Legendary mage is obviously not enough for ordinary high-level undead creatures.

The endless night ceremony can help the undead mage get rid of the limitations of the body and become a Lich with a higher life form, but in this process, there are also failures.

Rhodes noticed that the Kathryn in Stephen's mouth was such an example. He failed to use the endless night ceremony to transform himself into a Lich, but instead became an undead creature in another form.

Such an existence that failed to transform into an endless night ceremony could be elected as the king of Dia. Rhodes believed that there must be something special about him that could satisfy these Lichs, and maybe with him. Maybe it's related to the heroic specialties he has.

apart from this, what made Rhodes a little concerned was that he heard the name Modo again from Stephen's mouth. In Rhodes' impression, the last time he heard this name was from the Spirit Society of Bracada.

Stephen's name for Modo caught Rhodes' attention. In the original conversation, when Stephen mentioned Modo several times, he called him the new Lich.

This is very consistent with the information Rhodes got in the Spirit Society. Rhodes recalled that Modo was able to be promoted to Lich, which seemed to be inseparable from the attack on the Freelance Chamber of Commerce when he rescued Rowlin. open association.

By capturing the Mother of Souls in the Business Group and putting the blame on Rhodes, Modo obtained the core material of the endless night ceremony, Rhodes also didn't expect, the two will meet here .

Rhodes recalled that after so many things happened, it had been a long time since Modo captured the Mother of the Dead and was promoted to Lich, but for the immortal Lich, it was just them long. The short moment of life is like it happened yesterday, no wonder Stephen always calls Modo the new Lich.

(end of this chapter)

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