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Chapter 18 Eye-Opening Dragon, I Really Want So Many Weapons (Please Collect Them, Please Give Me Fl

Soon, the Kingdom's warship sailed next to the Revolutionary Army ship, which was three times larger than it.

Adeles, the commander of the Second Legion, stood on the side of the warship, looked down at the revolutionary army, and said: "His Majesty the King has ordered me to take you to the palace. Set sail and follow me."


Long nodded slightly and ordered the helmsman to follow the Kingdom warship.

Led by the Kingdom's warship, the revolutionary army successfully entered the fortress, and the huge iron gate behind it was closed again.

"The guards here are so tight."

Koala looked at the soldiers patrolling back and forth inside the fortress and couldn't help but whisper softly in Sabo's ear.

"Ah, yes, these people must be elite soldiers of the Custer Kingdom. Judging from the weapons in their hands, they are all powerful weapons that have appeared on the underground black market in the past year."

Sabo's eyes glanced back and forth at the rifle in the soldier's hand, and then he saw the densely packed Vulcan Gatling barrels on the fortresses on the left and right sides, and he couldn't help but feel chilled in his heart.

He knew the power of these rifles and Vulcan Gatlings very well, having experienced them firsthand in several battles over the past year.

Although his Armament Haki defense cannot be penetrated, for ordinary soldiers who do not know Haki, it is simply a nightmare.

Even if he is wearing armor made of steel, he will be beaten directly into a sieve.

After the warships and revolutionary army ships stopped, a group of people landed ashore.

Adelais looked at Long and said: "I can only take two people to the palace to meet His Majesty the King. The rest of you have to wait in the fortress."


Long nodded slightly, he had already thought of this possibility.

No matter what, the person he wanted to meet this time was the king of a country, and it was impossible for so many people to go to the palace together.

"Sabo, you come with me, the others are waiting on the boat."

Long said while looking at the many Revolutionary Army soldiers.

"But chief, won't there be any problems?"

A fishman revolutionary army member said worriedly.

His name is Haku, and although he is a fish-man, he is an elite member of the revolutionary army.

Other Revolutionary Army soldiers were also worried. After all, the Custer Kingdom was too weird and made them feel uneasy everywhere.

"It's okay, I'll be fine."

Long said expressionlessly.

He was very happy at the concern of his subordinates, but he was not a person who liked to laugh, so he could not laugh and remained cold all the time.

Sabo waved his fist and said, "Don't worry, if something goes wrong, I will definitely protect the leader."

Although Sabo is young, he is extremely powerful and is already the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army.

Coupled with Long's strength, many revolutionary soldiers let go of their worries.

"Let's go."

At this time, Adelais spoke and walked towards the inside of the fortress.

Long and Sabo quickly followed.

Under the leadership of Adeles, the three of them entered a section of the carriage.

As the carriage door closed, the speed of the carriage suddenly began to speed up.

Long and Sabo had never been in such a fast car, and both of them could see the electronic lights reversing rapidly outside the window.

Adelais explained: "This is an underground train built by His Majesty the King himself. It can lead directly to the palace without passing by land."

"You are the revolutionary army. You don't want to show off in the market, right? So entering underground can hide your traces better and no one will find you."

Long nodded slightly and said: "You have considered it very carefully, and we are very grateful."

Soon, the train stopped, and a tall, expressionless soldier was waiting outside the door. It was a T1000 Terminator.

After the car door opened, Adelais said: "Someone will take you to the palace later, and I won't accompany you."

Long and Sabo stepped out of the train. After the train closed, it quickly drove back to the fortress.

"Follow me, His Majesty the King is waiting for you."

The soldier had no expression on his face, said something coldly, and turned to leave.

Long and Sabo quickly followed, but they looked at each other and already guessed what the other was thinking.

Both of them were Grandmaster Observation Haki, so they could naturally feel that there was no human aura on the tall soldiers in front of them.

"Are they actually robot soldiers? It seems that the technological strength of the Custer Kingdom is much stronger than I imagined."

Long felt that today was really an eye-opener. This trip to Custer Kingdom was not in vain.

Soon, the two came to the palace.

In a huge reception room of the palace, the gramophone played soft music. Reynold was sitting at the dining table, enjoying the breakfast carefully prepared by the chef.

Meat, all meat.

Steak set meal, lamb chop set meal, braised pork, roast suckling pig, Sea Kings set meal, plus fine wine.

A huge dining table eight meters long and three meters wide was filled with various meat dishes.

The chefs are still bringing out newly prepared dishes one after another.

Reynold was born with a monster-level physique. Although it is not as good as Kaido or BIGMOM, it is many times stronger than ordinary people.

Therefore, his appetite is astonishing, and he must eat at least five tons of food at each meal.

In the world of One Piece, the more you eat, the better your physique is.

And the appetite of strong people is often very huge.

The more energy absorbed, the faster the injury will heal.

Therefore, after a big battle, many strong men only need to have a good meal and sleep, and their injuries will be fully recovered when they wake up.

At this time, the T1000 Terminator pushed open the door and took Long and Sabo into the reception room.


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