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Chapter 19 The Lion Opened Its Mouth And Slaughtered The Dragon As A Fat Sheep (Please Collect It An

"Master, the guests are here."

T1000 came behind Reynold and said respectfully, then stood with Long Yi.

Long Er was not there, hiding in the fortress, secretly monitoring the Revolutionary Army's every move.

"Got it."

Reynold looked up at Long and Sabo, smiling slightly, "Since you are here, please take a seat."

"You two haven't eaten since last night, so it's a good time to sit down and enjoy together and try the cooking skills of my palace chef."

As Reynold spoke, Long's eyes were always observing Reynold.

With just one glance, he was sure that Reynold's strength was definitely not inferior to his.

And the "giant" behind Reynold who was more than five meters tall also had extremely terrifying strength.

Sabo couldn't help but be alert, clenching his fists, and a drop of sweat flowed from his forehead.

Although Reynold did not show murderous intent, the oppressive feeling brought by the invisible momentum made him feel like he was facing a great enemy.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. We won't be polite."

Long and Sabo walked to sit opposite Reynold and began to eat heartily with a frank attitude.

Long didn't want to ask Reynold why he knew they hadn't eaten since last night, because he already had the answer in his heart.

After a full meal, the three of them ate more than ten tons of food in total.

Fortunately, Reynold's team of chefs exceeded three hundred people, otherwise they would be exhausted just by cooking.

"Okay, tell me, what weapons do you want?"

Reynold looked at Long, threw out a list of weapons, and asked directly.

Long picked up the list and took a look, and said: "Your Majesty has all kinds of rifles, sniper rifles, Vulcan Gatling, light and heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, grenades, mines, and bulletproof vests in his hand. We need all of them."

"If possible, I hope His Majesty can sell us the weapons for remote surveillance."

Long looked at Reynold and said bluntly.

The last item was added by Long temporarily, and it was not on the weapons list.

As the leader of the revolutionary army, he knew the role of intelligence.

If he could monitor the enemy's every move from hundreds of kilometers away like Reynold, it would be very beneficial for combat.

"You really found it, you are quite capable."

Reynold smiled and said, "Since you want to buy it, I will certainly not refuse, but the price of long-range monitoring weapons is very expensive."

"It doesn't matter, as long as His Majesty the King is willing to sell it, we are willing to pay."

Long said proudly.

"Okay, 10 billion Baileys per set!"

Long: (#Д).

Sabo: w(?Д?)w.

The two almost vomited blood, feeling that they had turned into two shivering fat pigs at this moment, while Reynold was a butcher sharpening his knife.

This is not how you cut meat!

Long looked at Reynold with a wry smile and said, "Your Majesty, are you kidding me?"

Reynold smiled and said, "I never joke with others in business."

Long said seriously, "Can't it be cheaper? We came here with great sincerity this time, and I hope Your Majesty can give you a discount."

Reynold said, "The weapons I sell are worth every penny, and they are worth every penny. I won't let you down."

Long pondered for a moment, looked at Reynold and said, "I want to see the effect of the surveillance weapon first."

"No problem."

Reynold snapped his fingers, and there was a sound of "kakaka", and the metal walls around the reception room began to deform.

In the shocked eyes of Long and Sabo, many screens appeared on the wall, with images of sea areas and city streets on them.

"Fruit ability user!"

At this moment, Long was sure that Reynold was a Demon fruit power.

In this way, Reynold's development of so many powerful weapons in a short period of time can be explained.

Long and Sabo looked at the many screens on the wall, all of which were images of sea areas and city streets.

Somewhere in the sea, Sea Kings jumped out of the water, and the scales on the Sea Kings were clearly visible.

Somewhere on the street, a couple was walking hand in hand, and the woman's hair could even be seen in the picture.

Reynold smiled and said, "The sea area you saw is more than 300 kilometers away from the kingdom's territory."

"That means that with this surveillance system, you can monitor all people and things within a radius of 300 kilometers."

"Any movement will not escape your eyes."

"How did you do that?"

A trace of shock appeared in the depths of the dragon's eyes.

Reynold snapped his fingers again, and the metal floor under his feet cracked, and a metal platform slowly rose, with animals on the platform.

The appearance of the animals is lifelike, just like the real thing, but they are actually made of machines.

There are all kinds of animals, including mechanical dogs, mechanical cats, mechanical birds, mechanical snakes, mechanical fish and even mechanical insects.

Reynold explained: "These mechanical animals will transmit the images they see back, and you can receive the images through the corresponding equipment, just like what you are seeing now."

"The camouflage of animals is much better than that of humans. They can lurk in the dark without being discovered."

"And because they are mechanical, they can sneak into any complex environment, including land, sea and air."

Long was moved, knowing how useful such a set of surveillance weapons is.


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