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Chapter 17 The Powerful Custer Kingdom, The Shock Of The Revolutionary Army (Please Collect, Please

On the deck behind Long, there were many Revolutionary Army soldiers.

They held weapons in hand, looked in all directions, listened in all directions, and paid attention to every move around them.

No matter what dangerous incident occurs, they will be discovered as soon as possible.

The New World is full of dangers, not only from powerful pirates, but also from the huge Sea Kings under the sea and the weird and changeable climate.

The people on the ship are all powerful warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles, but in the New World, they dare not relax for a moment.

"Chief, go back to the cabin and have a rest. We will arrive at Custer Kingdom tomorrow."

A young man with wavy blond hair and a scar on his left eye walked up behind the dragon and said.

He is Sabo, chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army and the second-in-command in the Revolutionary Army.


Long shook his head slightly and said expressionlessly: "This sea area is very dangerous. I tell everyone not to relax their vigilance."

Sabo also nodded solemnly, "Indeed, I have felt very uncomfortable since I stepped into this sea area."

"Huh? Why? There are obviously no enemies here."

Koala looked around in surprise.

Long looked around, his sharp eyes scanning the surrounding sea, then he looked up at the sky and saw several seagulls flying by.

His eyes were like daggers, and he could see two small black spots thousands of meters high in the sky.

Ever since they entered this sea area, those two little black spots have been following them.

"From the moment we entered this sea area, we have been targeted."

Long said in a deep voice.

His Observation Haki covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of meters. Although he does not sense the human aura, he can clearly feel the spying in the dark.

It's not just two or three, there are a lot of them, both in the sky and under the sea.

"The intelligence department once found that in the past six months, all pirate groups that entered the waters of the Custer Kingdom disappeared silently."

Sabo suddenly said: "If I guess correctly, they were all defeated by the Custer Kingdom."

"Let everyone be careful!"

Following Long's order, the Revolutionary Army soldiers on the ship became more vigilant.

Although Long felt that he was being watched, he did not act rashly, but kept his eyes fixed on somewhere in the sky in front of him.

I saw two drones floating in the clouds there, and high-precision cameras were monitoring the ships of the revolutionary army.

The real-time picture has been transmitted back to the palace.

On the other side of the drone, Reynolds was watching a group of Revolutionary Army members conduct surveillance.

Although it was too far away to record the sound, the drone's system could still translate their conversation through lip reading, so the surveillance footage Reynold saw had subtitles.

"Why does it feel like you're watching a movie?"

Reynold couldn't help but smile.

Bulu Bulu Bulu! Bulu Bulu Bulu!

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang, it was the Kingdom Fortress Legion calling.

The Custer Kingdom has a total of five legions, each with 20,000 troops, for a total of 100,000 troops.

Among them, the first to fourth legions were stationed in the four war fortresses in the southeast, northwest and northwest of the kingdom, responsible for defending against enemies from four directions.

The Fifth Legion is stationed in the Royal Capital and is responsible for protecting Reynolds.

The person who sent the call request this time was Adelais, the commander of the Second Army Corps.

After Reynold answered the phone, a deep voice immediately came from the other side, "Your Majesty the King, Adelais is polite."

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Reynolds chuckled.

Adelais said respectfully: "His Majesty the King, we have discovered an intruder in the southern waters. We have confirmed that the intruder is a revolutionary army. Do you want to launch an attack?"

Reynold said: "No, they are here to do business. When they arrive at the port tomorrow, you take them to the palace through the underground passage."

"Yes, I obey!"

After the call ended, Reynolds continued to watch the surveillance screen with interest.

The whole night was silent, and the next day came in a blink of an eye.

After a night of sailing, the Revolutionary Army's ships have successfully arrived at the sea outside the southern port of the Custer Kingdom.

Before they even landed, many Revolutionary Army soldiers were shocked with their jaws dropped as they watched from a distance.

Just because what appeared in front of them at this moment was an extremely huge steel war fortress.

There are dense square gaps on the fortress, which are filled with various weapons and guns, making it extremely terrifying.

No one dares to doubt the powerful firepower of this fortress, which can completely destroy a fleet in an instant.

Compared with the war fortress, the caravan civilian docks on the left and right sides seem a bit insignificant.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and at the front entrance of the fortress, a huge iron door slowly opened, and then a warship sailed out from inside.

Seeing this warship that could sail without sails, the revolutionary soldiers were even more shocked.

Even the dragon can't stay calm.

Just because the warship that appeared in front of him was made entirely of steel, its size was extremely huge, and it was also covered with various guns.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the powerful combat power of this warship at a glance. This is a warship several times more powerful than a Marine warship.

At this moment, everyone in the revolutionary army was like country bumpkins who had never seen the world.


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