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Chapter 122 The Firepower Of The Swarm Drones And The Terminator Army Is Covering The World, And The

Some veterans did dispel some fear and slowly stood up straight.

But after all, there are still a group of people who can no longer stand up, even though they want to take courage.

But for some reason, they can't control their bodies.

My whole body was trembling and uncontrollable, and my bones were as soft as tofu.

"Hahaha, is that all?"

Reynolds shook his head and laughed, his eyes full of ridicule and disdain.

Sengoku was furious, "Reynold, don't be too happy, Marine is not as weak as you think."

"If you want to decide the outcome, you still have to fight with real swords and guns to know!!!"

"Yes, yes, then let them play with you first.

After speaking, Reynolds snapped his fingers.

Behind Reynold's throne, three figures suddenly walked out.

The person on the left has a long sword on his back, his face is expressionless, and his eyes are as sharp as an eagle. He is the world's greatest swordsman, Eagle Eye.

The two people on the right, one holding a golden stick, looking arrogant and grinning, are clearly Enel.

The other person is holding a mace, high in fighting spirit, and eager to try. It is Yamato.

During the expedition to the Custer Kingdom, Enel and Yamato fought many times, so their information had long been found out by Marine.

Sengoku Garp and other Marine senior executives recognized the identities of the two men at a glance.

One is a Logia Thunder Fruit user, and the other is a Zoan phantom beast fruit user. The key is that Yamato is Kaido's biological daughter [both are monsters among monsters.

The appearance of Enel and Yamato was unexpected by Sengoku, and the appearance of the key Hawkeye shocked Marshal Sengoku and the six Shichibukai.

"Hawkeye, I never thought you would get involved with Reynolds."

Sengoku took a step forward, looked at Reynolds, then moved his eyes to Hawkeye, and asked coldly: "Why? Why do you want to help Reynolds?"

Sengoku asked sharply, with anger and murderous intent.

Hawkeye is the strongest among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the combat power he most wants to fight for.

But Sengoku never expected that the combat power he most wanted to fight for would be taken away by Reynold, and now he would become a major threat to Marine.

Sengoku felt betrayed.

The appearance of Hawkeye really made countless people's jaws drop. The red-haired Shanks who was watching directly had a dumbfounded expression on the spot.

"Why is Hawkeye siding with Reynold?"

"It shouldn't be, it doesn't make sense at all."

"Hawkeye and Reynold have never been in contact. Why is that?"

Shanks couldn't figure out the reason even after racking his brain.

"There is nothing to say, Marshal Sengoku."

"I help Reynold, of course I have my reasons."

Hawkeye crossed his arms and said expressionlessly.

He didn't bother to explain the real reason to the world. Now that he had done it, it didn't matter what the reason was.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, it's getting more and more interesting."

"I didn't expect that during the first gathering of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, someone would betray them."

Doflamingo laughed lowly.

"Hawkeye is not someone who surrenders to others casually. There must be some unknown reason for him to seek refuge with Reynold."

Crocodile looked at Hawkeye with a cold expression, and then looked at Reynolds, his eyes full of murderous intent.

He has not forgotten Reynolds' humiliation to him, and vowed in his heart to take revenge on Reynolds on today's battlefield.

"Is that Reynold? The guy who killed Kaido even took away Kaido's abilities." "

"That good-for-nothing Kaido has indeed fallen."

"A good death, a good death."


Moria laughed a high-pitched laugh.

He and Kaido had a blood feud. Kaido killed all his crew members back then, which made Leah bear a grudge for more than ten years.

Moria has wanted to take revenge on Kaido for so many years, but he is too weak to do it.

Unexpectedly, before he could take revenge, Kaido was killed by Reynold first, and now even the Devil Fruit ability was taken away.

Just thinking about this makes Moria feel extremely happy.

The big bear didn't say a word, looking at Reynolds expressionlessly at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

The moment the Pirate Empress Hancock saw Reynold appearing, her eyes immediately turned into red hearts, and she couldn't help but cover her cheeks with her hands.

"That's Lord Reynold. He's really handsome."

"It would be great if I could marry Lord Reynold."

"From now on, you can live a happy life without shame or embarrassment."

Many pink fantasies appeared in Hancock's mind. The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. Her body became limp and weak, and she almost fainted from excitement.

"Hey, hey, what is this woman doing?"

"are you sick?"

Haixia Jinbei happened to be standing next to Hancock. Seeing Hancock like this, he bought dew.

Then Jinbei looked at the atmosphere of the battlefield again, remained silent, and silently retreated behind several other Shichibukai.

He only came to this war out of necessity, he didn't want to fight for the Marines or Celestial Dragons.

Jinbei had already planned it.

If you can, just mix. If you can't mix, just run away.

Anyway, there is the sea under his feet. As long as he breaks through the ice and dives into the sea, he can escape in the blink of an eye. No one can stop him.

Jinbei doesn't care whether Reynold wins or the world government wins.

He just wants to survive.

"Sengoku, I can give you a chance to surrender."

Reynold sat on the throne, looked at Sengoku condescendingly, and said coldly: "You should know that Marine alone cannot be my opponent. It's not too late to surrender now."

"Hmph, there's no need to talk nonsense. I have fought all my life and would rather die than surrender."

"Come on Reynold, let's fight to the death."

Sengoku roared angrily, and two hundred thousand Marines also roared in unison, and murderous intent rose up, tearing the sky apart.

"Since you are so stubborn, then go die."

"Kill! Destroy Marine, leave no one behind!"

Reynold gave an order, and 50,000 swarm drones in the sky fired laser rays at the same time.

Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew!

Countless laser rays fell from the sky, shooting at the 200,000 troops in Hong Kong.

For a moment, the sky was almost completely covered with laser rays, and the firepower level exceeded Admiral Kizaru's by an unknown number of times.

Two hundred thousand Marines are in Red Harbor, which has no danger to defend and no bunker to hide. Facing the firepower coverage of 50,000 bee drones, just one wave of attacks may be completely wiped out.

"Hey hey hey, isn't this too exaggerated?"

"Is this going to wipe us all out at once?"

Although Doflamingo was still laughing wildly, his face was covered with cold sweat.

Faced with this level of fire coverage, even he felt a little scared.

All the Shichibukai became distraught, but Crocodile smoked peacefully and remained indifferent [not taking the laser attack seriously at all].

Because no matter how powerful such a laser attack is, no matter how powerful the firepower is, it can't hurt him even a hair.

This is the absolute advantage of those with Logia ability.

"This...such firepower."

"I can't avoid it, I can't avoid it at all.

"Dead, we are dead."

Two hundred thousand Marines were in despair, and more than half of them closed their eyes and waited for death.

At this moment, two figures jumped out from the high platform at the same time. They were Marshal Sengoku and the hero Garp.

"Thinking about defeating Marine so easily is a daydream!"

Marshal Sengoku let out a roar, activated his fruit ability, and turned into a giant Buddha.

Sengoku used both palms to shoot out two rounds of giant Buddha shock waves, roaring out and clearing away a laser in an instant.

Garp was also not to be outdone, and punched out with his dark fist.

"Fist bone impact!"

The powerful punch shock wave combined with the high-density Armament Haki is like creating an invisible galaxy. Not only is it powerful, but the attack range is also extremely wide, and it can clear away large swaths of lasers falling from the sky.

In the first wave of attacks, Marshal Sengoku and hero Garp took action personally.

But even if the two of them joined forces, they could not intercept all the lasers.

There are still a large number of laser rays hitting the Marine camp.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The laser rays triggered a series of big explosions, fireballs exploded in the crowd, and pieces of Marine soldiers were blown away.

Along with a series of screams and wails, Marine suffered heavy casualties.


Sengoku and Garp's expressions were extremely gloomy.

But before the two of them could get angry, the second wave of attacks from the swarm drones had already arrived, followed by a third wave and a fourth wave.

Fifty thousand swarm drones poured out firepower crazily, and the attack range enveloped the entire Red Harbor and Ice Continent.

All Marines are within the attack range, and no one can escape.

Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew!

Countless laser rays fell, hitting Marine, leaving huge fireballs in Red Harbor.

The entire Red Harbor instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Not only that, Nord's 200,000 Terminator army has also started killing.

Each T800 Terminator carries a Vulcan Gatling, and the huge ammunition box on the back carries 20,000 rounds of ammunition.

They can pour out firepower as much as they want and kill like crazy.

Each Vulcan Gatlin sprayed flames, and bullets poured out like a torrential rain.

Marines fell in pieces after being shot by Vulcan Gatlin, and tens of thousands of people were killed in the blink of an eye.

If it had been protected by a bunker, Marine's casualties might not have been so great.

Unfortunately, in Red Harbor, Marine did not have enough time to dig trenches and find bunkers.

They can only be shot mercilessly.

"(Wang Nuo is good!!!"

"Run quickly and find cover."

"No, there is no place to hide.

"There are attacks in the sky and on the ground. We can't escape."

"Damn it, why is this happening?"

"We are no match for Reynold. The Terminator army and laser airships in his hands are too powerful."

The Marines fled in all directions, screaming in terror one after another.

This scene was also broadcast live to the whole world through space satellites.

After seeing the development of the battlefield, hundreds of millions of people around the world were all shocked and dumbfounded.

"Hey, hey, Marine, is this too weak?"

"Is the war just beginning and about to end?"

"These are 200,000 elite Marines, and they were slaughtered like ants by Reynold. It's simply terrifying."

"Marine was defeated and had no intention of fighting back."

"This is the strength of Reynold's Terminator army. With such an army, it is enough to overwhelm any enemy."

Hundreds of millions of people around the world were silent, unable to describe the shock of this moment in words.

Whitebeard, Red Hair, Dragon, the King of the Underground Dark World, these big figures on the sea were also silent at this moment.

Although they know that Reynold is very strong and the army under his command is very strong.

But they don't have a specific idea of ​​how strong it is.

But today, they know.

The combination of Reynold's Terminator army and swarm drones can instantly overwhelm Marine's 200,000 elite troops. .

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