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Chapter 121 Reynold Arrives, And A Hundred Thousand Marines Kneel Down To Greet Him! (Please Subscri

"Should we give Reynolds a helping hand?"

"The combined power of the Revolutionary Army and Reynolds will definitely be able to completely overthrow the evil rule of the world government.

The cadres of the revolutionary army were extremely excited, and some even wanted to send troops to help Reynolds immediately.

For them, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Everyone, calm down, this is Reynold's war, not ours, and we don't need to dictate.

"Our top priority is to promote the revolution in the ten countries, proceed steadily, and finally achieve the ultimate goal.

The leader Long said calmly with no expression on his face.

He is not as optimistic as Sabo and many cadres.

I have always been wary of Reynold.

Because Reynolds' ambitions are too great and his actions are too ruthless.

Although Reynolds has never massacred civilians, he has invaded many countries.

Moreover, Reynold's world broadcast caused turmoil all over the world, making the pirates more arrogant and unscrupulous. In the end, it was still the civilians who suffered.

The combination of various behaviors makes it impossible for me to judge whether Reynolds is a good guy or a bad guy.

If Reynold is also a selfish and ambitious person, then he will become the second world ruler after seizing the power of the world.

In this way, the nature of the world remains unchanged.

Above the clouds in the sky, an army of 200,000 Terminators gathered together and flew at high speeds.

The clouds in the sky were torn apart, leaving a trail that ran through the sky for thousands of miles and lingered for a long time.

And this scene was broadcast to the whole world through live broadcast.

At the same time, Garp has led all the elite Marines to the Red Port to meet Sengoku.

Marine stood ready, and the 21 war queues were laid out. Standing at the front were the six Shichibukai: Doflamingo, Crocodile, Moria, Big Bear Pirate Queen Hancock and Jinbei.

Behind them are two hundred thousand elite Marine troops, led by Marshal Sengoku, Hero Garp, and Marine Three Admiral.

And this is just the Marine vanguard of the Red Port. Above the Red Line behind the Marine, there is the powerful Holy Land Guard Corps and CP agent army led by Kong Kong, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the world government, and the number exceeds 100,000.

The Knights of God led by Fegalando Greenu are also among them, and even the Five Elders have appeared, sitting behind the battlefield, ready to participate in the battle at any time.

In short, except Im, Marine and all the forces of the World Government have appeared.

Everyone understands that this is a battle that will determine the future direction of the world and the future master of the world.

There is absolutely no room for failure in this battle. If the world government is defeated, the eight hundred years of rule will be completely ended, and the Celestial Dragons will be killed by Reynold, completely severing their bloodline!

At this moment, a space satellite moved over the Red Line, photographed all the scenes of Red Harbor, and spread them to the world.

"Look, it's Marine's army."

"It's Red Port. I know there is the entrance to Mariejois. It seems Marine wants to intercept Reynolds at Red Port."

"But Reynold's Terminator army can fly, can Marine intercept it?"

"Who knows? Marine definitely has strong combat power. Maybe they can intercept Reynolds."

"Just wait, the war will begin soon, and all the questions will be answered."

Hundreds of millions of people around the world were talking about it. Marine, who was in Red Harbor, also saw the live broadcast and knew that his formation had been completely exposed.

"Damn it, how on earth did Reynold take the picture of Red Harbor?"

"Go and investigate, immediately. We must find out the spies Reynold planted inside Marine."

Sengoku ordered angrily.

This feeling of being seen through and having all the information leaked in advance really made him extremely uncomfortable.

"No need, he's already here."

Admiral Fujitora's Observation Haki is the strongest and is the first to detect the enemy's arrival.

I saw Fujitora looking up at the sky, trying hard to open his eyelids, revealing pure white pupils.

He wanted to see the world as it is now, but unfortunately he could never do it.

Before Fujitora finished speaking, Marshal Sengoku, Garp, Admiral Aokiji and Kizaru all looked up at the sky.

Red Port's 200,000 troops and six Shichibukai all looked to the sky.

The air suddenly became quiet, and the entire Hong Kong was completely silent. You could hear a needle drop, but there was no sound at all.

The 200,000 Marine elites swallowed wildly, their hearts beating wildly, and they became more and more nervous. Some were even so nervous that they forgot to breathe.

Even the people watching the live broadcast were extremely nervous.


Sengoku and Garp's pupils suddenly tightened, and Aokiji and Kizaru's expressions suddenly became solemn.

The next second, under the gaze of 200,000 Marine elites and hundreds of millions of people, large black spots suddenly appeared on the horizon.

The black spots grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing their true appearance, which was an army of 200,000 Terminators.

"There are more besides the Terminator army!"

Admiral Fujitora suddenly said something again.

Then the faces of Sengoku, Garp and others suddenly darkened.

Because under their Observation Haki perception, in addition to the Terminator army approaching at great speed in front, there are also countless targets approaching at great speed in the left, right and overhead directions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Continuous sounds of breaking wind sounded, dense swarms of drones pierced the sky, and 200,000 Marine elites flew overhead.

"It's the laser airship in Reynold's hand!"

Admiral Kizaru recognized him instantly.

Laser airships are what Marine calls them, and they are actually swarm drones.

A warship led by Kizaru was destroyed by swarm drones, and he knew the power of swarm drones best.

Naturally, Marine also has information on swarm drones, but there is not much information.

“Too many!”

Vice Admiral Garp looked up at the sky and saw a black cloud in the sky.

That black cloud was entirely composed of countless swarm drones, densely packed and covering the sky.

Just looking at it is enough to make people feel scared and unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, an army of 200,000 Terminators also came to the sky above Red Harbor. The 200,000 Terminator army was suspended in the sky, marching in uniform formation, looking down at the elite Marines on Red Harbor.

Although the quantity is the same, the combat power between the two is completely different.

The Terminator army did not launch an attack, but the sense of oppression it exuded was extremely powerful, making countless Marine soldiers feel as cold as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Here we come, the Terminator army has arrived."

"There are so many of them, Marine was surrounded in the blink of an eye."

"I feel like Marine is no match for Reynolds. There is no doubt about the outcome of this war.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the momentum exuded by Marine's side is far inferior to Reynold's Terminator army.

Moreover, the floating Terminator army is stronger than the Marines standing on the ground at first glance.

One can fly and the other cannot fly, they are so simple and unpretentious.

"Where's Reynold? Where is he?"

"Find Reynold quickly!"

Marshal Sengoku issued the order, but before he finished speaking, a strong wind suddenly blew from the sea.

Immediately afterwards, the wind and clouds changed color, and a large, deep dark cloud flew quickly from the distance, and a terrifying sense of oppression emanated from the clouds.


A dragon roar tore through the clouds, and under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people, a huge steel dragon claw poked out from the hand of the clouds.

Everyone could see the dragon's body swimming among the clouds, and then a huge steel dragon head emerged from the clouds.

Followed by the dragon body, dragon claws, and dragon tail.

When the real body of the giant steel dragon was revealed to the world, countless people turned pale with fear.

The 200,000 elite Marines in Hong Kong were even more trembling.

"It's the Devil Terminator who ate the Blue Dragon Fruit!"

"Kaido's ability just fell into Reynold's hands. It's really difficult to deal with."

"This giant steel dragon alone is as powerful as Kaido!"

Marshal Sengoku, Garp, and Marine Admiral all looked solemn.

Although most Marines had long known that the Devil Terminator had eaten the Blue Dragon Fruit, they still couldn't suppress the fear that surged in their hearts when they saw it with their own eyes, especially at such a close range.


Encircled by flames and lightning, the giant steel dragon swooped down and arrived over the Red Harbor.

Two hundred thousand elite Marines finally saw Reynolds clearly above the steel dragon's head.

Reynold was seen sitting on a steel throne, leaning on the back of the chair, resting his forehead on his hands, his eyes indifferent, showing the demeanor of a domineering and invincible king.

When Reynold's eyes swept over them, countless Marine soldiers felt their minds go blank, their legs became weak and they knelt on the ground.

Thump thump.

In the blink of an eye, a large area of ​​200,000 Marine elites fell to their knees, just like cutting wheat.

Reynold177 laughed directly when he saw this.

"Is this the so-called Marine elite? I saw Ochoku kneeling down to greet me.

"Not bad, really good."

"A soft head is a weak head, and it will fall apart at the critical moment.

Reynold's voice spread all over the world through live broadcast.

There was also a close-up of a large number of Marine soldiers kneeling, which was also spread around the world.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of people around the world burst into laughter.

"Pfft!!! Hahahaha."

"It made me laugh so hard. What is Marine doing?"

"He knelt down before the beating started. This is so embarrassing."

"You don't understand, this is what smart people do."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Look, people kneel down before starting a war. Now that everyone has knelt down, wouldn't Reynolds be embarrassed to go to the murderer? In this way, won't his life be saved?"

"Oh, I see."

"That makes sense, why didn't I think of that?

"Smart, indeed extremely smart."

"There are not all idiots in Marine. With just a small salary every month, why are you working so hard? Living well is the most important thing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

In the main square of Sabaody Archipelago, in front of the big screens of the kingdoms, countless people were laughing.

Some laughed until they cried.

Even many pirates from the Whitebeard Pirates and Red Hair Pirates were speechless when they saw this scene.

"Sengoku's chest is about to explode with anger right now!"

Whitebeard grinned, somewhat gloating.

And just as Whitebeard said, Sengoku, the handsome man in Red Harbor, was furious.

He stood on the high platform, looked down at Marine below, and roared, "What on earth are you doing? Idiots? Stand up!"

"Is this the only level of courage you have?"

"It's just Reynolds, there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Where is the justice in your hearts? Where is the courage in your hearts?"

"Everyone, stand up for me, justice will prevail!!!"

Sengoku's roar spread to every corner of Red Harbor, giving the Marines great excitement. .

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