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Chapter 123 The Terrifying Reynold, Crushing Sengoku Garp, And Defeating Marine Three Admiral (Pleas

"Do not be afraid, brothers, show your courage.

"It's just a pile of scrap metal. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Marine is invincible, justice will prevail!"

Marine generals came out to boost morale, and they took the lead and attacked the Terminator army.

Marine general-level officers have Armament Haki to protect them. The bullets and shells they seek are useless to them. They also have Observation Haki to dodge bullets, so they successfully approach the Terminator army and launch a counterattack.

The sword flashed across, and each Terminator was chopped into pieces by them.

There are also CP agents and some Marine lieutenant colonels who master Marine Six Styles and can successfully get close to the Terminator and launch a counterattack.

But their numbers are too small. Even if they can kill some terminators, it will still be a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, after the Terminator is destroyed, it will immediately explode the two hydrogen batteries inside it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Small mushroom clouds exploded on the battlefield, and many CP agents and Lieutenant Colonel Marine who had no time to escape were blown away.

It ranges from burns all over the body, broken arms and legs, to severe cases from being directly blown to death and torn apart without a complete body.

Even some Marine Commodores and Marine Rear Admirals were damaged.

The explosion power of a hydrogen battery is much stronger than an ordinary bomb explosion.

The closer you are to the center of the explosion, the more serious your injuries will be.

"Damn it, Reynold is so insidious. These Terminators actually explode themselves after being killed."

"Everyone, be careful. You must retreat immediately after Han defeats the Terminator.

"They are made of steel. Bullets are useless. They use artillery shells to bombard them."

"Laozi doesn't believe it anymore, cannonballs are useless against monsters like you!"

One by one, the Marine generals roared, feeling extremely unwilling.

Their carelessness resulted in the tragic deaths of many Marine lieutenant colonels and numerous CP agents.

These are the backbone of Marine.

Now his death is meaningless.

Marshal Sengoku, Hero Garp, and Marine 290 Army III | Admiral were all silent at this moment, their hearts burning with anger, and the eyes they looked at Reynold were full of coldness and murderous intent.

"Reynold, I will definitely kill you today at any cost, even if we both die together."

"Suffer death!"

Sengoku roared angrily, kicked his feet, smashed the ground and flew up. The giant Buddha's huge body rushed towards Reynold in the sky. Invisible light waves appeared in the palm of his hand, which was the giant Buddha shock wave.

On the other side, Garp has also rushed towards Reynolds.

They all know that to capture the thief first, capture the king first. If Marine wants to win, it must first get rid of Reynolds.

"Suffer death, fist and bone impact!"

Garp used all his strength as soon as he arrived and had no intention of testing at all.

Facing the two attacks, Reynolds still sat on the throne and did not dodge.

Phew! Phew!

Two black shadows jumped out from behind Reynold, and instantly arrived in front of Sengoku and Garp, blocking their killing moves.

Palm to palm, fist to fist.

There was a loud bang, an invisible shock wave exploded in the sky, and the sound spread in all directions.

Sengoku and Garp were shot down from the sky, smashing the ground into two large craters when they landed.

Two black figures also turned over and landed. Standing in front of Sengoku and Garp, they were two devil terminators over 5 meters tall.

"You two are not even qualified to fight against His Majesty the King."

The two Devil Terminators made cold sounds, their eyes flashed red, and they were determined to kill.

Reynold also smiled mockingly, "If you want to take action against me, you must first defeat my men.

Reynold smiled and was relaxed and did not take Sengoku and Garp lightly.

This is indeed the case. In Reynold's eyes, there is only one Im who is worthy of his personal action.


The furious Sengoku and Garp rushed forward and fought fiercely with the Devil Terminator.

But no matter how powerful their attacks are, they can't hurt the Devil Terminator at all, let alone leave the slightest trace on their surface.

During this time, a large number of Marine soldiers died tragically.

"This can't go on like this, Sengoku."

Garp looked ugly, yelled, and was punched away by the Devil's Terminator the next second.

Sengoku naturally knew that the situation was critical, but he had no better way.

"Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora, think of a way."

"No matter what, we must get rid of Reynolds first."

Sengoku roared while resisting the crazy attacks of the Devil Terminator.

Although his size is several times larger than the Devil's Terminator, the Devil's Terminator is faster than Sengoku and his attacks are also extremely powerful.

Those heavy punches landed on the belly of the Buddha, so that Sengoku's internal organs were displaced and he could hardly breathe.

Marine Three Admiral could hardly use their hands at this moment. They were all frantically clearing out the swarm drones and Terminator army.

If these monsters are not eliminated, they will cause more serious casualties to Marine.

In just a short time, the 200,000 elite Marines gathered here had already suffered more than 50,000 casualties.

"It's really scary. I really don't want to face that monster Reynold."

Kizaru scratched his head with a bitter look on his face.

Aokiji's whole body was exuding cold air, and behind him were hundreds of Terminators frozen into ice sculptures.

He looked up at Reynolds in the sky and felt a little weak.

In the end, Fujitora was blind, but Observation Haki kept Reynold locked.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Fujitora suddenly drew his sword, and purple circles of light shot into the sky, instantly piercing the clouds and disappearing.

Seconds later, a flaming meteorite fell from the sky and struck Reynolds.

Reynold raised his head and glanced at the meteorite, feeling that it was no big deal and its power was only so-so.


A sword cry sounded behind Reynold, followed by a flying slash that shot through the air, instantly splitting the falling meteorite into rubble.

It was a Devil Terminator who took action. He was holding a huge alloy sword and exuding cold sword intent.

The Devil's Terminator was condescending, locked onto Admiral Fujitora below, rushed out instantly, and turned into a stream of light to kill Fujitora.

The alloy sword pierced the sky, carrying the momentum of breaking mountains and seas, and directly took Fujitora's head.

Fujitora's Observation Haki sensed the incoming murderous intention and instantly drew his sword to fight.


A sound of gold and iron clashing resounded through the battlefield, and a terrifying shock wave suddenly erupted, causing spiderweb-like cracks to form in the ground beneath their feet.

General Fujitora was directly chopped away with a sword. He flew hundreds of meters before stopping. His two feet plowed the ground, leaving two long ravines.

"What a force!"

Fujitora murmured to himself, looking solemn.

However, the next second, a huge flying slash shot out of the air.

Wherever the slash struck, the ground was cut open, and all the Marine soldiers along the way were chopped away, wailing.

"Gravity Knife·Tiger!"

Fujitora held the knife behind his back and swung it hard, an invisible lateral force of gravity shot out of the air and collided head-on with the flying slash.

There was a loud rumble, the earth collapsed inch by inch, dented, and finally exploded.

The entire Red Harbor was shaken violently.

The Devil's Terminator and Fujitora were both involved in the shock wave, but the Devil's Terminator didn't care about the impact of the shock wave at all, and rushed out, killing Fujitora again.

One is an indestructible body of steel, and the other is a body of flesh and blood.

Even if Armament Haki is used to defend the whole body, it is still not as powerful as Adamantium alloy.

The Devil's Terminator launched a crazy offensive, and Admiral Fujitora was completely suppressed. The two fought farther and farther away.

Fujitora no longer has his hands free to deal with swarm drones and terminators.

Similarly, on the other side, Admiral Kizaru was also intercepted by the Devil's Terminator.

"It's really difficult to fight. Immune to Death, I really don't want to fight such a monster."

Admiral Kizaru looked at the Devil Terminator in front of him with a look of helplessness.

However, the Devil's Terminator didn't want to talk nonsense with him. The turbojet device erupted with blue flames, and the Devil's Terminator shot out, instantly arriving in front of Kizaru and slashing down with ten swords.

Kizaru did not resist with his physical body, but directly teleported to dodge.

He knew that the sword in the Devil's Terminator's hand was made of seastone.

Not only that, the guns on the Devil's Terminator are also bullets and cannonballs made from Seastone, specifically designed to defeat those with Logia abilities.

Kizaru made the Tiancongyun Sword and fought fiercely with the Devil Terminator, but his swordsmanship was at a disadvantage.

Regardless of the sophistication and strength of his swordsmanship, Kizaru is inferior to the Devil's Terminator.

The Devil's Terminator has very advanced intelligence and will gradually learn to become stronger in each battle.

Moreover, Reynold also stored all his swordsmanship and fighting skills in the Terminator's smart chip.

Today's Devil Terminator's combat power can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful.

In the third battlefield, Admiral Aokiji has also been intercepted by a Devil Terminator.

"ICEAGE! Ice Age!"

Aokiji exploded with low-temperature cold air, instantly freezing the Devil Terminator into a large ice sculpture.

The diameter of the huge ice block is more than 20 meters, just like a small iceberg.

However, the Devil's Terminator was frozen for no more than a second before it broke through.

"Ah la la la, it seems that freezing this special model of Terminator is not that simple after all."

Aokiji looked helpless, and the next second, he was punched away by the Devil Terminator.

Aokiji flew out upside down, his body shattered in mid-air, exploded, and turned into ice fragments all over the sky.

The debris quickly condensed, aggregated, and turned back into Aokiji's entity, but a wisp of blood flowed from the corner of Aokiji's mouth.

Marine Three | Admiral, was suppressed by three Devil Terminators and could no longer support the battlefield.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Artillery fire roared on the battlefield, huge fireballs rose into the sky, and there were screams and wails everywhere.

Marine soldiers were blown away one by one, and their limbs and arms were scattered on the ground. There were also Marine soldiers who were burned into flames and screamed and ran away, and were finally burned to charcoal.

The war situation has become completely one-sided, and the number of Marine casualties continues to rise, reaching more than 60,000 people.

"Marine is going to lose."

"Yes, let's celebrate together."

"Reynold is so powerful, he is simply crushing him."

"Marshal Marine, Hero Garp, and Marine Three | Admiral were all intercepted by the Devil Terminator, and they couldn't escape at all."

"The remaining troops alone are no match for Reynold and can only be slaughtered."

Hundreds of millions of people around the world watched the live broadcast, and Marine gave up any hope.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates who were far away in the New World also felt a sense of desolation.

"Reynold is too strong."

"How could such a monster appear in the sea?"

"This world is destined to belong to Reynolds."

Reynold can defeat the Naval Headquarters and the world government today, and he can defeat them tomorrow.

Facing Reynold's Terminator army and swarm drones, the Four Emperors pirate group could only wait and wait. .

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