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Chapter 120 The Frightened Marine And Five Elders, Finally Scared When Death Is Imminent (Please Sub

"That's right. Reynold can dodge Uranus' attack with luck, but he can't escape Lord Im's pursuit. "He's dead this time!" Mars Topman Vouchuri Saint's eyes were indifferent and extremely cold. In his heart, Reynold was already a dead man. Under the call of Figalando Gringu and the three Five Elders, all the Knights of God were assembled and dispatched. Mariejois's guards were also all lined up to prepare for the battle. The most important thing is that Mariejois has more than just the Knights of God and the guards. There are also the world's three-army commander Kong, Marine Marshal Sengoku, Admiral Kizaru, Aokiji, Doflamingo and four Shichibukai and the government's direct CIPHER-POLCP. Not only are there enough troops, but the top combat power is also unprecedentedly strong. Marshal Sengoku led the army Kizaru and Aokiji and four Shichibukai to the entrance of the holy land, and asked as he walked, "Contact Garp? Where are they now?"

The adjutant swallowed and replied: "Your Excellency, Vice Admiral Garp sent a message that they have set out from Marineford and will reach Red Harbor in 20 minutes at most.

"Okay, the whole army will gather at Red Harbor. At all costs, we cannot let Reynold go beyond Red Harbor, let alone threaten Mariejois." Sengoku's expression was extremely solemn. Mariejois is the "four-six-three" place where Celestial Dragons live, and it must not become the battlefield for the decisive battle between Reynold and the World Government. Otherwise, the entire Mariejois will be completely destroyed. So Sengoku decided to put the battlefield in Red Harbor and intercept Reynold there. Fortunately, some time ago, in order to eliminate Reynold, Marine continued to shrink its troops and recalled powerful Marines from all over the world, so that the Naval Headquarters is not short of troops now. Otherwise, Reynold suddenly started a war, and Marine really didn't have enough troops to fight Reynold for a while. Sengoku looked at the dense army of Terminators on the live screen, and his back teeth were about to break. It was because Reynold's troops were all robots, and they would only be a pile of scrap metal if they died. But his men were all living people, and they would really die if they died. Taking human lives to fight Reynold's robot army fought hard, and no matter whether they won or lost, the Naval Headquarters would suffer.

The most important thing is that Reynold's Terminator army will not be afraid or scared.

They will only follow Reynold's orders and fight bravely.

In terms of morale alone, Marine was already at a disadvantage before the battle even started.

"It will be your turn in a while. This battle cannot be lost. I hope you can do your best!"

Marshal Sengoku turned around and looked at Doflamingo, Crocodile and the other four Shichibukai.

Doflamingo put his hands in his pockets, walked with a step that did not recognize his relatives, and grinned coldly, "Don't worry, Sengoku, I know the seriousness of the matter."

Crocodile had a blank expression on his face, looked up at Mariejois, and said lightly: "I know what to do, and I don't need you to remind me again. "

Moria crossed his arms, grinned and showed his sharp teeth, and smiled sarcastically, "I never thought that one day, Marine and the World Government would be attacked.

"And they need the protection of us pirates. Isn't it interesting, Marshal Sengoku?"

Sengoku knew that Moria was mocking Marine. He glanced at him coldly without responding, but murderous intent had already emerged in his heart.

Reynold bullied Marine, and it was okay to be sarcastic, because Reynold was strong.

But what is Moria?

The Shichibukai in name is just a dog of Marine and the World Government.

A mere running dog dared to turn his face to his master. Isn't this courting death?

If Moria was not still useful now, Sengoku would have crushed Moria to death in his furious state.

Soon, Sengoku took everyone to Red Harbor on the bubble cable car. The residents of Red Harbor were fleeing quickly, and a large number of Marine soldiers were already lining up.

Countless cannons and shells were pushed out from the ammunition depot, turning Red Harbor into a heavily guarded war fortress.

"It's up to you, Kuzan."

Sengoku glanced at Admiral Aokiji.

"Got it."

Admiral Aokiji nodded slightly, walked slowly to the shore of Red Harbor, and his whole body was emitting low-temperature cold air.

"ICEAGE! Ice Age!"


The terrifying low-temperature cold air burst out and spread rapidly towards the sea in front.

Wherever the cold air went, the sea was instantly frozen, and even the Sea Kings that jumped out of the sea level were frozen into ice sculptures in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the sea around Red Harbor had turned into an ice continent.

The area of ​​Red Harbor was too small after all, and a large number of Marine soldiers could not be deployed, so Sengoku asked Aokiji to freeze the sea and expand the area of ​​the battlefield.

"I hope Garp and the others can get there first."

Sengoku looked at the Terminator army flying at high speed on the live broadcast screen, and his heart became more and more nervous and anxious.

Although Reynold's Terminator Admiral flew to Red Harbor from New World, and Garp's Marine was only one step away from Red Harbor.

But Sengoku knew that Reynold's Terminator army had extremely fast flying speeds, and it was not certain who would arrive first and who would arrive later.

"Finally, the war is about to begin. I have to say that Reynold's troops are ridiculously numerous.

Whitebeard Pirates, on the Moby Dick.

Many pirates looked at the Terminator army lined up on the live screen, and they were all terrified.

"A force of this size must be at least over 100,000, right?"

"No, one hundred thousand is too little, it is definitely more than two hundred thousand."

"And these two hundred thousand are a robot army that is not afraid of death. All of them are invulnerable to water and fire. Ordinary swords, axes, and bullets cannot hurt them at all."

"And their firepower is also second-to-none. An army of 200,000 Terminators has more destructive power than an army of one million."

"Only the Naval Headquarters and the World Government in this world can fight Reynold. We, the Whitebeard Pirates, simply can't do it."

Although they are very reluctant, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates have to admit that their strength is much worse than Reynold, and the two are not on the same level at all.

“你们别忘了, Reynold手中还有 Shinigami洲际核导弹,那才是 Reynold手中最强的大杀器。”

“照我看啊,这场战争,世界正|府悬了,搞不好真的会被 Reynold彻底打败!”

Foil Bista couldn't help but say.

"Really or false? If the world is defeated, then Reynold can not rule the world?"

"It's scary, that guy is going to take over the whole world."

"Scary, really scary."

"Fortunately, our Whitebeard Pirates have not had any conflict with Reynold before.

Many pirates shook their heads, feeling a little bit lucky.

The pirates on the deck are discussing each other, and they speak up, only Whitebeard said nothing.

He looked at the live broadcast and was extremely silent, but his head appeared in the scene of the red -haired contact in his mind.

Since Kaido and Bigmom were killed by Reynold, the red hair saw the huge ambition of Reynold, so he made a special trip to meet with Whitebeard and want to allocate alliances to jointly compete with Reynold.

This compete is not a war with Reynold, but two Four Emperors Pirates.

That's right, all Shanks wanted was balance from beginning to end.

Only when the forces of all parties are balanced will the world be stable.

It's a pity that Shanks miscalculated. After Reynold conquered the territory left by Kaido and BIGMOM, he did not declare war on them again, but directly declared war on the world government.

As a result, Shanks' plan seems a bit naive.

"Garp, Sengoku, and that bastard, how are you going to deal with the strongest monster ever this time?"

"Let me see your courage."

A smile appeared on the corner of Whitebeard's mouth, a little gloating.

The sea has not been so lively for many years since Rocks and Roger died.

Watching the changes in the world's ocean, Whitebeard felt like he had returned to the old times, and his whole mood became much younger.

On the other side, above the vast ocean, the Red Force of the Red Hair Pirates is sailing rapidly.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

SHANKS was a little anxious, and his fingers kept knocking on the side of the boat, showing his inner unevenness.

"The previous major earthquake, tsunami and ten-day volley were indeed the prelude. Nord has already fought against the World Government."

"At present, the world is positive, even if the national treasure is used, it can't be reynold, and now Reynold is counterattack.

"A furious super beast will completely devour the entire world."

Shanks felt a sense of pressure when he thought of Reynolds' terrifying combat power.

Obviously he can protect himself wisely and ignore other things this time.

I don't know why, red hair just feels that he can't watch it coldly. He must do something.

"SHANKS, I have to say a saying, just by our strength, I can't stop this war."

"Even if you rush to the battlefield in time, it is powerless.

Beckman stood behind Shanks and replied.


Red hair looked back at Beckman and many cadres, and smiled slightly. "Sorry for the brothers, let me be the captain finally will be willful again.

"Only 5.0 this time."

"Ah hahaha, what are you talking about, eh?"

"As long as it is your order, we will obey it."

"It's just, isn't it just war? There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Let's all go together. Even if we can't stop the war, it's still good to watch the war from a distance."

Many cadres of Red Hair Pirates laughed heartlessly.

"Okay, thank you brothers, and speed up!"

Red Hair gave an order and the helmsman used all his strength to control the rudder.

It's a pity that the current speed is already the fastest speed of Red Force, and it really can't go any faster.

At this moment, a sea breeze suddenly appeared, blowing the sails and causing Red Foss to search for wood at a speed that suddenly increased.

Revolutionary Army Headquarters, White Earth Island, Baldigo.

"Chief, this is a good opportunity for us."

Sabo looked at the live broadcast and couldn't help but said: "With Reynold restraining the Naval Headquarters and the world government, no one can stop the actions of the revolutionary army.

"If Reynold can completely defeat the world government and eliminate all Celestial Dragons, then our revolutionary army's goal will be achieved."

“是啊,是啊, Sabo说得没错。”

"Our revolutionary army has been planning for so long, isn't it just for this day?"

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