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Chapter 119: War Is Declared On The World Government, Reynold’S Army Comes Out, And The World Is Boi

Holy Land Mariejois, deep in Pangu City, underground palace.


"Arrogant untouchable, deserve to die!"

Im, the king of Celestial Dragons, suddenly let out a roar, and a terrifying and cold murderous aura instantly swept through the entire underground palace.

The air temperature dropped sharply, and a layer of frost visible to the naked eye froze directly on the walls, floors, and stone pillars.

Im has ruled the world for more than 800 years, and she has never been so angry since Joyboy's death.

Im originally thought that Reynold was just a thicker weed. As long as she took action personally, she could easily kill the weed completely.

But she didn't expect that Reynold was more powerful than she imagined, and he actually had a weapon in his hand that could threaten Uranus.

Although Reynold did not harm Uranus, Uranus did not kill Reynold.

Moreover, the energy of the Mother Fire has been exhausted, and Uranus' power can no longer be used in a short period of time.

Even his personal attack and the use of Uranus failed. This was unacceptable to Im, so much so that he became angry.

The Five Elders knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads.

They had never seen Im so furious and lost his temper. He was trembling with fear. He buried his head in his crotch and acted like a turtle. He didn't dare to say a word or even take a big breath.

He was afraid that if he made any sound, he would be severely punished by Im.

"It's all you trash. If you hadn't taken care of Hao Mu's garden, we wouldn't have had the consequences we have today.


Im's words fell, and the terrifying Conqueror's Haki formed a substantial force and crushed the three Five Elders.


The three Five Elders let out a scream and vomited blood while being pressed to the ground.

The bones were rattling, I don't know how many were broken, and even the internal organs were seriously injured.

"Spare your life, Im the world!"

"It's all because of my incompetence, please forgive me, Lord Im."

"I also ask Lord Im to give this subordinate a chance to make atonement.

The three Five Elders had their faces stained with blood and humbly begged for mercy.

At this moment, they were no longer the aloof Five Elders, but more like lowly lackeys.

He looked greedy for life and afraid of death, and as humble as an ant. If outsiders saw him, their jaws would probably drop.

"Okay, Uranus escaped, now it's our turn to fight back."

High above the clouds, Reynolds sent a signal, and all the Devil's Terminators were summoned back.

The virtual screen suspended in front of him also disappeared instantly.

Hawkeye, Enel, Yamato and Robin are still in shock and unable to extricate themselves.

Whether it was the Ancient Weapon Uranus or Reynold's hydrogen bomb explosion, the power exceeded their imagination.

The image of the ten-day volley kept popping up in their minds and could not be dissipated for a long time.

"It's time to come to your senses."

Reynold let out a cold shout, and the four people's eyes flickered. They took a deep breath and gradually calmed down the turmoil in their hearts.

Reynold said expressionlessly: "Uranus has lost its energy source and cannot launch attacks for a short time. Now is our best chance to defeat the world's government.

"Everyone, the war is about to begin!"

Reynold's voice was cold and he spoke this sentence word by word.

"Give me the order, Your Majesty the King, I can't wait any longer."

Enel grinned, his body flashing with light.

"I can finally fight Marine. I will definitely perform well and not let His Majesty the King look down on me."

Yamato is also eager to try.

Hawkeye said nothing, but his fighting spirit was high.

He is a man who sticks to his word.

Since I lost to Reynold, I promised to play for Reynold, and I will never break my promise, and I will explode all over the world.

"This battle is an unprecedented one, a battle for world hegemony."

"I want people all over the world to see how the world government was defeated in my hands and how the Celestial Dragons were wiped out."

As Reynold thought, swarm drones from all over the world began to take action, selected targets one by one, and began to swoop down, releasing three-dimensional projections.

The radio signals of major kingdoms around the world were invaded, the big screens were automatically turned on, and the video telephones were all turned on automatically.

Reynold's figure appeared in the eyes of hundreds of millions of people around the world, and the world live broadcast started again.

After many live broadcasts around the world, Reynold has gained a large number of loyal followers all over the world.

There are even many people who will wait in front of the big screens inside some kingdoms day and night, doing nothing but eating and sleeping all day, just waiting for Reynold to start the world live broadcast.

And when the world live broadcast started, they were the first to see it.

"It's started, Reynolds has started the world live broadcast again."

"Quick, hurry up and call someone, ask everyone to come and see it together."

"This live broadcast came so quickly. The series of Celestial Dragons bombs was only broadcast yesterday."

“I wonder what content Reynold will broadcast live today?”

"You don't need to guess, it must be aimed at the Naval Headquarters and the world government."

"You're right, Marine is the lackey of the Celestial Dragons, and the government of the world is a group of evil thugs who do all kinds of evil.'

"I really hope Reynold can completely defeat the world government and eliminate all Celestial Dragons.'

"As long as all the Celestial Dragons are extinct, this world will definitely become even more empty."

"If Reynold came to rule the world, our lives would not be so miserable."

"Yes, that's right. I heard that the Kingdom of Sagonar took the initiative to invite Reynold to garrison the kingdom. Now with the protection of Reynolds, the Kingdom of Sagonar is extremely safe. No pirate dares to rob the Kingdom of Sagonar. , Now the lives of the residents of the Kingdom of Sagonar have been greatly changed, and they no longer have to worry. '

"Reynold is the one who can truly bring peace to the world!"

There are devout believers of Reynold all over the world. They looked at Reynold in the live broadcast with burning eyes, as if they saw the faith and god in their hearts.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of people around the world, including the Whitebeard Pirates, Red Hair Pirates, Naval Headquarters, and senior officials of the world’s government, are all watching the live broadcast.

In the picture, Reynold smiled slightly at the camera, "Ladies and gentlemen, we meet again, I am Reynold Parritt.

"Through today's world live broadcast, I, Reynold Parritt, officially declare war on the world government."

"This battle will last until the death!"

Reynold didn't talk nonsense, he went straight to the point and got straight to the point.


As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused an uproar around the world.

"War has been declared! Reynold has officially declared war on the world's government!"

"Sure enough, I knew that Reynold would declare war on the world government sooner or later."

"Finally, I have finally waited for this day."

"The evil Celestial Dragons will finally be slain."

"The evil organization that has ruled the world for eight hundred years is finally going to be destroyed."

"Go ahead, Lord Reynold, and completely destroy the evil world government!"

The whole world was boiling at this moment, and at this moment, the live broadcast screen changed.

The screen split into ten, and Reynolds disappeared, replaced by ten huge factories.

Under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people around the world, the huge domes of the ten factories slowly opened, and then countless figures flew out of the factories.

They are so densely packed that they cover the sky and the sun, like locusts.


(Some people may ask, since there are atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, why not just launch nuclear bombs to completely destroy Mariejois, so that there is no need to fight hard.

Reynold just wanted to say that if Mariejois was wiped out with a nuclear bomb, wouldn't the wealth accumulated by the Celestial Dragons for hundreds of years be wiped out as well?

Those are his trophies and must not be wasted.

If it really comes to a point where nuclear bombs can be used to solve the problem, Reynolds will never hesitate. )

"It's the Terminator Army!"

In the main square of Sabaody Archipelago, people exclaimed.

"That's right, it's the Terminator army under Lord Reynold. There are so many of them."

"The total number of Terminator armies in the ten factories must be hundreds of thousands."

"Sir Reynold is serious about this. Now the world government is going to panic."

"Marine, who is working for the tiger, should be scared too."

"Humph, they deserve it!"

Ordinary people are extremely excited, but Marine senior officials and senior officials of the world government are not happy at this moment, but extremely angry.

"Lord Im, Reynold has officially declared war on us."

Mariejois Pangu City, inside the underground palace, Fegalando Greenu held the video phone bug and showed the live broadcast to Im.

Naturally, the three Five Elders also saw it, and they were furious and looked extremely hideous.

"Damn you kid, how dare you!"

"Who does he think he is? He's just a pariah, and he dares to declare war on the world's rulers?"

"Do you really think you are the savior of the world?"

"Kill him, must kill him!"

"There is only one master of the world, and it will always be Lord Im!"

Im's face was also extremely gloomy. She had not been so angry and lost her temper in hundreds of years.

"Immediately summon the Knights of God to protect the Holy Land and kill the invading enemies."

"Also, order the Marines to assemble immediately to protect the Celestial Dragons."

Im looked at the live broadcast with extremely cold eyes, "Untouchables are just untouchables after all. No matter how powerful they are, they are just ants and cannot make big waves.'

"As you command!"

Fegalando Greenu and the three Five Elders respectfully accepted the order, and the four of them quickly left the underground palace.

The three Five Elders walked quickly, recovering from their injuries as they walked.

Black flames burned on their bodies, and their injuries were completely healed in the blink of an eye.

"You three losers, don't hold back this time."

"Otherwise, even if Lord Im doesn't kill you, I won't let you go!"

Fegalando Greenu glanced at the three Five Elders coldly, his eyes full of cold murderous intent and disdain.

After speaking, the three Five Elders disappeared without waiting for a reply.

"Hmph, you arrogant bastard, you think you have some trust from Master Im, and you are shitting on our heads."

"Idiots don't know how high the sky is and how high they are. If they want to overthrow the sky now, they are still too far off."

"Don't worry about him. He is arrogant and arrogant. He will suffer big losses soon against Reynold. We just have to wait and see the joke."

"And now is not the time for internal fighting. The key is to solve Reynolds."

"I have let that kid live for so long [I must finish him off completely this time."

"But Uranus couldn't kill him. With our strength..."

Jupiter Shepard Ten Peter hesitated a little, but the meaning of his words was obvious.

With their strength, they cannot kill Reynolds.

"Hmph, don't worry, Master Yimu is really angry this time, because he will take action himself."

Venus Izanbalon V. Nasshouro smiled coldly and said: "With Lord Im personally taking action, Reynold will definitely die!"

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