
A huge magic circle with strange black lightning and black flames appeared strangely out of thin air not far from the execution platform.


Ominous fire scorched the sky, with a shocking explosion, and the dark thunder on the black flames all exploded,

The terrifying momentum fills the sea and the sky!

A figure, accompanied by the strange black lightning and black flames, appeared here as if being summoned.

The spider limbs tempered with fire patterns support the huge beast's body, a black flame cloud surrounds the arms, and the two giant horns show their majesty,

Relying on the staff of power held in both hands, knocking open the trembling hell scene!

Along with the sound on the warship,

"Five Elders, Saint Satan has arrived! All military ranks below Commodore must stand down and are not allowed to look directly at Saint Satan!

Everyone watching the live broadcast around the world, anyone who dares to look directly at Saint Satan, die!" Marine broadcast.

Using inexplicable power and evil eyes, he stopped the Conqueror's Haki spear from executing the three Rozwalds!

The highest power in the world, Five Elders,

The Martial God of Scientific Defense, Saint Jaygolusia Satan comes to the battlefield!

Originally, it should be like this.


"Buzz! Click!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Under the shocked gaze of the whole world.

In front of the three Rozwalds, a door of air was slowly opened.

Then, with the sound of gunshots, three blood flowers bloomed on the bodies of the three Rozwalds.

From hope, to despair, fear, disbelief, collapse...

Countless negative emotions filled the hearts of the three Rozwalds.

Why, Master Sartan from the Five Elders has obviously arrived.

The spear thrust down from the sky was also stopped by Lord Satan.

Why, still, does it end like this?

Roswad's eyes were dull, and then, along with his daughter and son, he lost his voice.

"Do you think I'm playing a defenseless game with you about rescuing and executing hostages?"

"This is a public execution! After I have sentenced them to death, do you still want to save them? Satan."

Emperor Yan's declaration resounded throughout the world!

After the death sentence is handed down, the death penalty will be executed immediately!

No matter who comes to stop it, it will be useless.

If you are asked to die at this moment, you will definitely die!

This is the trial of Emperor Yan, the public execution initiated by Emperor Yan!

The three Celestial Dragons on trial, Rozwald, Charros, and Shalulia, die!

"The sniper of the Entei Pirates, the user with the Gate Fruit ability, the 'Black Rose', Nokigao!"

Sengoku looked at the air door that slowly disappeared, gritting his teeth and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Again, something he didn't expect.

He originally thought that the power of the Gate Fruit was the ability used by Portgas D. Ace to lead the Entei Pirates to evacuate after a public execution.

But who would have thought.

This terrifying sniper, who can hide in the air gate, plays the role of executioner!

Portgas·D·Ace, the condensed Conqueror's Haki spear in the sky, is basically a blindfold!

Conqueror's Haki attracted all their attention,

He didn't realize at all that the power of the Menmen Fruit had been quietly activated on the execution platform.

Moreover, Portgas·D·Ace, indeed knows about the Five Elders.

There was no surprise or surprise at all for the appearance of Saint Satan.

"Have you ever seen an emperor execute a prisoner himself?"

Ace looked directly at the monster figure walking out of the black magic circle, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The emperor is responsible for judging!

"Portcas. D. Ace

Saint Satan leaned on the staff of power and looked at the figure that had brought countless troubles to their world government.

His eyes started to look weird.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Saint Satan's eyes flickered suddenly.

Several Marine soldiers below the rank of Commodore who wanted to take a peek at Saint Satan's face exploded instantly.

The whole world suddenly screamed in exclamation,

I remembered Marine's report just now. Those below the rank of Commodore are not allowed to look directly at Saint Satan. Anyone in the world who looks directly at Saint Satan will die.

In an instant, there were really countless people who did not dare to peek at the face of Saint Satan, or even watch this live broadcast.

World government, the five (cgah) old star with the highest power, to most people in the world, is like a god, aloof and possessing supreme power and power.

But there were also many people who ignored Marine's previous broadcast and still looked at the screen.

What about Five Elders?

When the Five Elders appeared, didn't they still fail to prevent Emperor Yan's public execution?

The three dead Celestial Dragons are living examples.

Celestial Dragons, not so high and mighty!

Celestial Dragons, too, will die!

Still, he was shot through the body and died tragically.

Such thoughts spread rapidly on the sea.

Although most people in this world have become numb and fearful of power in the face of the eight hundred years of rule by the world government.

However, in this world, there is never a shortage of people who dare to challenge authority and want to subvert the sky.

And this public execution has accelerated the awakening of these people.

Let everyone in this sea know that the Celestial Dragons, who are called the descendants of the Creator and the nobles of the world, will die if they are hit by a bullet!

The arrival of the Five Elders, the most powerful people, could not prevent the public execution of Emperor Yan!

World government can be resisted!

Such a wave of thoughts spread crazily on the sea,

In the end, it all turned into nourishment for Ace Conqueror's Haki!

"Your heaven-defying understanding, nourished by completing a perfect public execution in front of the whole world, Conqueror's Haki, has been greatly improved!"


The violent black and purple lightning roared crazily in the atmosphere instantly.

Terrifying pressure, roaring crazily in the sky above Sabaody ArchipelagoGR1,

The giant tree that existed on the Sabaody Archipelago for who knows how many years, under this terrifying pressure, could not bear it in an instant, stood up from the ground, and was torn apart by the roaring black and purple lightning in the atmosphere.

The Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals who were fighting against the Scorched Skeleton Army all knelt down on one knee under the terrifying impact of the Conqueror's, with pain on their faces.

Those Naval Headquarters Rear Admirals looked at each other and fainted directly. Under the impact of the Conqueror's, they were thrown into the air, like a small boat in the storm struggling to be thrown into the distance.

Countless Marines on the warships in the distance passed out unconsciously, and then their bodies rose up and fell into the sea.

"Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The Naval Headquarters, the largest and strongest warship, was instantly broken under the impact of Conqueror's Haki!

Conqueror's Haki impact caused a large range of real damage!

"What a powerful Conqueror's Haki!

Is this, Conqueror's Haki's Roar?"

Rayleigh felt the powerful impact of Conqueror's Haki, eyes filled with disbelief.

Conqueror's Haki, which can cause such large-scale, real damage, has only been accomplished by a few people in the history of this ocean.

This Haki is already beyond his peak!

This is no longer the Conqueror's Haki strength possessed by the Four Emperors class.

It is the Conqueror's Haki that can only be possessed by those who stand at the pinnacle of every era!


The overlord of an era!

The once absolute sole overlord of the sea, Rocks D. Xebec!

His old friend led them to completely conquer the Grand Line, became the Pirate King, and ushered in the era of great pirates.

Pirate King D. Roger!

This is the Conqueror's Haki strength they possessed after becoming the absolute overlord of that era on this sea!


Ace, who has just completed the first half of the Grand Line voyage, actually owns the king-level Conqueror's Haki.

If Ace truly conquers the Grand Line, how powerful will his Haki be?

Could it be that Ace can make Haki powerful enough to reach a level that no one in this ocean has ever reached?

Rayleigh's eyes were full of shock.

"This brat Haki has become stronger again. Is it because of the public execution?"

Garp also looked at Conqueror's Haki with a shocked expression, which seemed to shatter the sky.

The strength of this Haki is no less than that of Roger.

It was the Conqueror's Haki strength that Roger possessed after he overturned Rocks D. Xebec, the absolute overlord of the sea in that era.

In an era of the sea, those who can have such a powerful Conqueror's Haki can only have such a dominant color Haki by standing at the top and becoming the strongest king of that era.

Will this era be called Emperor Yan?

Garp looked at Ace standing in front of Saint Satan, releasing Conqueror's Haki, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Brat, completely, surpassed him.

"Hey, this Haki is no joke."

The battle between Aokiji and Yixiao also stopped due to the impact of Haki.

Aokiji used Frozen Fruit's ability and Haki to resist the impact of Conqueror's Haki, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

What a powerful Haki!

Unexpectedly, even he was affected.

Did the impact of Conqueror's Haki alone affect him as an Admiral?

This Haki is no joke if he is used to haunt him.

Aokiji looked into the distance, looking at the figure that was unleashing Conqueror's Haki wantonly in front of the Five Elders, with an inexplicable expression.

Is this era called emperor?

Will you stand in the sky?

It's really amazing. I didn't expect that only a few months had passed since we fought on an uninhabited island near Long Chain Island.

Your strength is already so strong that even he can't reach it.

What an amazing man, Portcas D. Ace.

"It's really ugly. The way to show his majesty is to kill Marine soldiers.

Are these the Five Elders, the most powerful people in the world?

In the hands of such people, does the world government deserve to call itself the guardian of justice?"

But Aokiji's smile looked extremely ugly at this time.

Saint Satan showed his majesty and killed several Marine soldiers with ranks below Commodore with his evil eye, completely infuriating him.

At this moment, Yixiao no longer had any doubts about his decision.

There is no justice in the world government led by such people!

Even Marine soldiers are killed by him whenever he wants, as if he regards these Marine soldiers as ants that can be trampled to death at any time.

Not to mention those ordinary people.

The attitude of this Five Elders towards the people is even more explicit than that of the three dead Celestial Dragons!

How pathetic!

"Well, it seems that soon, I will be called the captain of the second division of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet," he smiled.

Aokiji looked at Yixiao's expression and immediately understood what he was thinking, and said helplessly.

"Captain of the second division? Who is the current captain of the first division of the Entei Pirates? Captain of the Giant Pirates?"

Yixiao also learned about the composition of the Entei Pirates through previous exchanges with Vivi and the others.

The main ship of the Entei Pirates, except Mr. Ace, are all women.

And Mr. Ace established the Entei Pirate Ship Group,

A giant pirate group was absorbed into the Entei pirate ship.

If he wants to join Mr. Ace's command, he will also become a member of the Entei Pirates' fleet.

"Well, Captain of the first team, not yet."

Aokiji scratched his cheek and looked a little strange.

Why would you say such a thing?

Could it be that, seeing the Five Elders wantonly using the lives of Marine soldiers as a tool to show their majesty,

Has your heart begun to really waver?

In Aokiji's mind, he remembered what Ace said to him,

"I'll reserve the position of captain of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet for you, Kuzan!"

Aokiji's eyes were filled with waves.

"Conqueror's Haki's Roar?!"

Saint Satan looked at Ace solemnly.

Like Vauchuli, Conqueror's Haki's Roar.

And, it's not done by yelling.

Even he was amazed by this control over Conqueror's Haki.

Moreover, the intensity of this Haki………….

Saint Satan's face was solemn.

"Satan, let's get started.

In my mind, Saint Peter's voice sounded.

"Then, I'm ready to summon you.

Saint Satan responded in an unknown way. .

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