Sengoku was looking at Doflamingo, who was being slashed by Hawkeye with a black knife and running away with his head in his arms.

There is also an excuse for Doflamingo to destroy the internal stability of Shichibukai, and the other Shichibukai who stood by and watched were numb.

His plan to risk almost everything for the position of Marine Marshal in front of the whole world and coerce the Shichibukai to take action by threatening Marine to pursue him went bankrupt?

Still in such a funny way, Shichibukai fights among himself in front of the whole world.

"Doflamingo, this idiot!"

Sengoku gritted his teeth and his cheeks were a little twisted.

Doflamingo, is a former Celestial Dragons.

Although because of his father, he left the Holy Land with his young Doflamingo family and abandoned the Celestial Dragons' status as a world noble.

So much so that even if Doflamingo returned to the Holy Land with his father's head, he still could not regain his status as a world noble and Celestial Dragons.

However, although Doflamingo cannot restore his identity as Celestial Dragons, some privileges still exist for Doflamingo.

For example, the way Doflamingo joined the Shichibukai was to plunder the escort ship of the heavenly gold that was paid as tribute to the Celestial Dragons, in order to blackmail the World government and make it a Shichibukai

If other pirates had done this kind of thing, the World Government would have sent a large army to attack them.

However, due to Doflamingo's Celestial Dragons bloodline, the World Government was unable to attack Doflamingo.

Later, because the tribute of heavenly gold to the Celestial Dragons could not be stopped, the World government compromised with Doflamingo and allowed it to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea, which had legal plundering rights.

Doflamingo, because of his bloodline, is privileged in the world government.

He is also very good at taking advantage of this privilege and has penetrated deeply into the world government.

Doflamingo was able to become one of the kings of the sea and the underground world because Doflamingo used the privileges brought by his bloodline to do so.

Therefore, Doflamingo relied on the privileges brought by his bloodline to act somewhat unscrupulously.

Even though he is no longer a Celestial Dragons, Doflamingo still regards himself as superior to others in his heart.

This kind of superiority and unscrupulous behavior of taking advantage of privileges has already penetrated into Doflamingo's bones.

In Doflamingo's subconscious, he naturally carries the idea of ​​"I have privileges".

This deep-rooted subconscious mind is completely uncontrollable under certain circumstances and circumstances.

For example, the current environment!

Hawkeye, constantly stimulating Doflamingo with the psychological shadow of Portcas D. Ace in his heart,

Finally, after coming to this battlefield and personally experiencing the horror of Portcas D. Ace, the shadow in Doflamingo's heart broke out!

And subconsciously, with his own privileged mentality, he subconsciously launched an attack on Eagle Eye in front of the whole world!

This is a layout made using Doflamingo’s uncontrollable subconscious mind!

Hawkeye would never do such a troublesome thing.

As the world's greatest swordsman, although Hawkeye is not a reckless man, his behavior is extremely straightforward.

At his core, Eagle Eye is still a simple warrior.

With external force, Circle and Talk is coming!

It can make Hawkeye cooperate with the layout, and it can also perfectly control Doflamingo's uncontrollable subconscious.

In this sea, the only one who can do this is………………!

“Red Hair Pirates, overcome difficulties and worries!”

Sengoku gritted his teeth and said the name.

Red Hair Pirates, Four Emperors, red-haired Shanks' right hand!

His strength is extremely terrifying, even comparable to that of the red-haired Shanks of the Four Emperors!

Because of his strategy and layout, he is called the most terrifying person with the highest IQ in this sea!

Unlike Ben Beckman,

His wisdom comes more from eating the Renren Fruit - the Phantom Beast - the Great Buddha form. From this Phantom Beast Devil Fruit,

Gained Buddha-like wisdom and spirit.

But Ben. Beckman is different. He was born with an IQ that is higher than ordinary people and a weird and demon-like way of thinking.

The powerful force possessed by the Red Hair Pirates themselves, combined with the wisdom of Ben. Beckman,

Red Hair Pirates, that’s why they are called the indestructible, iron-walled pirate group!

Red Hair Pirates, although currently fighting with fellow Four Emperors Kaido,

Ben. Beckman, has he already laid out the layout for this place in advance?

Knowing that everyone in Shichibukai has their own agenda, they will not willingly join forces with Naval Headquarters to deal with Portgas·D·Ace.

And in view of Doflamingo's subconscious privileged thoughts, Hawkeye constantly used the shadow in his heart, Portgas·D·Ace, to stimulate Doflamingo,

Guide Doflamingo to lose control in front of the world and attack Hawkeye.

Although Doflamingo reacted instantly, Hawkeye had already put all the responsibility on Doflamingo.

What Ben. Beckman wants is for Doflamingo to lose control at this moment!

The rest of the Shichibukai, who have their own hidden agendas, have no reason to take action because of this.

Shichibukai, this force that he risked everything for his position as marshal and used as a support force,

By Ben, Beckman's layout collapsed instantly,

Moreover, Doflamingo was made the scapegoat to bear all the responsibilities.

What a cruel, fatal blow!

Ben. Did Beckman even include the control of human nature as part of the plan?

Wisdom is already here.

"I saw a wonderful scene, Ben Beckman".

Ace looked into the distance. Shichibukai, who had been threatening Sengoku with Marine pursuit in front of the whole world, was about to take action.

At this moment, it evolved into a situation where Doflamingo destroyed the internal balance of Shichibukai, making the Shichibukai unable to take action.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he smiled lightly.

"You! Are connected to the Red Hair Pirates?!"

Sengoku raised his head suddenly and stared at Ace, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

"Who knows."

Ace raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled lightly.

Want to know? Then use the wisdom and spirit you got from the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Big Buddha Form to analyze it.

But after analysis, can you bear the consequences? Sengoku.

Ace looked at the opposite side and began to think about the excessive use of the power of Renren Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - Big Buddha Form.

Sengoku, who was covering his head with a headache, had eyes full of wisdom.

A battle of wits, interesting.

Now that you have started a battle of wits with me, then let’s continue well, do a good job, and start a battle of wits with yourself.

The ultimate person who has eaten the fruit of Renren - the phantom beast species - the form of the Great Buddha, and has the power, spirit and wisdom of a Buddha.

The Resourceful General,Buddha Sengoku!

Ace turned into dark red sun-like eyes that were constantly surging.

If you eat Devil Fruit, you will also bear the negative effects it brings!

The biggest negative effect of Renren Fruit - Fantasy Beast Species - Big Buddha Form is that once the ability user thinks about the layout, it exceeds the limit of the ability user.

Then this devil fruit, the phantom beast species, which gives the person with the ability the wisdom and spirit of Buddha, becomes poison.

There are pros and cons, this is Devil Fruit!

Although the advantages always outweigh the disadvantages, it would be different if the disadvantages were firmly grasped by oneself.

Ace looked at Sengoku, who was radiating more and more dazzling golden light, and the curve of his mouth became more and more wanton.

This is, when Sengoku is used at full strength, the embodiment of the Buddha-like wisdom and spirit given to him by the Great Buddha form.

"No, there's no way there's contact, although you can do that with a phone bug,

And we, Marine, can't stop us from eavesdropping on the connection between you,

However, we can capture the radio waves used for communication.

There is no such communication between you and the Red Hair Pirates. "

Sengoku gritted his teeth and looked at Ace.

"In other words, you worked together to complete this layout without any communication at all.

Is it a tacit understanding among wise men?"

Sengoku murmured, and then looked at Ace's eyes, which suddenly became sharp.

"Ben. Beckman, it's not surprising to make such a layout. He is the most terrifying and resourceful person in this sea.

Moreover, as the red-haired deputy of the Four Emperors and the vice-captain of the Red Hair Pirates, he has traveled the sea for many years, and his intelligence network is also extremely large.

But you are different, Portgas·D·Ace. "

“All layouts and plans are based on the acquisition of intelligence.

Without intelligence, even a person as smart as a demon cannot make a corresponding plan.

You have been at sea for only a year and have not yet arrived in the New World. How did you know Ben Beckman's detailed information and behavior?

Also, why do you know the relationship between Red Hair Pirates and Hawkeye? How did you get this information about the secrets of the sea?

Moreover, there is also the Valley of God incident that you knew before, the Knights of God.

I now know why your perspective on the world is abnormal.

You are looking at the world from a God's perspective.

Hoo! Hoo!”

Sengoku panted heavily, and the golden light shining around him continued to weaken.

Quickly and accurately analyze huge amounts of unbelievable information through the Buddha-like spirit and wisdom obtained from the Renren Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - the Great Buddha form,

This kind of burden has exceeded the limit that he can bear.

"Bah bang bang!"

"Wonderful analysis, then, do you understand how I know all this?"

Ace applauded and looked at Sengoku with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Devil Fruit! Have you obtained something similar to the Time Fruit, the ability to travel through time and space and complete time travel?

No, that's not right, even with this level of experience.

You can't go back to the past from now and know the secrets that happened in this sea.

The past cannot be changed, and the ability of Time Fruit can only go to the future.

Could it be that it is an unknown ability that is not recorded in the Devil Fruit illustrated book?"

Sengoku covered his forehead, feeling as if there was a layer of mist surrounding Portcas D. Ace.

Obviously, as long as you break through this layer of fog, you can know everything about Portcas D. Ace.

However, the wisdom and spirit given to him by the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Big Buddha form were completely unable to break through the key layer of mystery.

"...As a reward for your wonderful analysis, I will tell you the results.'

The corners of Ace's mouth raised slightly and he looked at Sengoku.

Sengoku looked up sharply.

"Unfortunately, your analysis was wrong."

Ace said calmly.

Even with the spirit and wisdom of a Buddha, Sengoku's status as an indigenous person has become a limitation.

There is no way to escape from the world view of the world itself.

"Wrong, is the analysis wrong?"

Sengoku gritted his teeth and had a splitting headache.

This kind of man, a man with this kind of power, cannot be here

Lie to him about all kinds of things.

Proving that his analysis really went astray in the end.

With the plan to use the Shichibukai bankrupt, Marine has almost no chance of preventing the public execution of Portcas D. Ace.

Sengoku originally wanted to use the ability of the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Buddha form to analyze the secret of Portcas D. Ace.

Use this secret to trade with Portgas·D·Ace.

After all, judging from various circumstances, Portgas·D·Ace must be hiding a terrible secret.

Using this big secret to trade with Portcas D. Ace may be enough to prevent his public execution.

But now, this plan has also failed.

Is the last hope gone?


The golden light all over his body quickly dissipated. Sengoku came into contact with the beast form of the Buddha and returned to his human form. He was panting heavily and his whole body was covered with sweat. (Well done)

"It seems that you have accepted failure, Buddha Sengoku."

Ace looked at Sengoku who had released the form of the Buddha, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Sengoku gritted his teeth, his face full of reluctance.

But the cards in his hand have been completely exhausted.

In the battle of wits, Portgas·D·Ace and Ben Beckman joined forces to set up a fight.

The all-out war launched by the Naval Headquarters to prevent the public execution of Portgas D. Ace has failed.

Because the time has come.

Rozwald's memory reading, at this moment, ended.

"I pronounce the verdict that the Rozwald family is guilty,

Punished to death!"

In front of the world, Ace issued a sentence to Roswad, Charlos, and Charulia.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

The Conqueror's Haki spear above the three Rozwalds roared fiercely.

The three Rozwalds felt that death was coming, collapsed completely, and showed their ugliness in front of the whole world.

"Buzz! Phew!"

A huge magic circle suddenly appeared in front of the execution platform, with strange black lightning flames rising from it.

"Qiang! Qiang!"

Accompanied by harsh roars, an inexplicable force came to prevent Conqueror's Haki from thrusting his spear.

Evil eye!

"Five Elders, Saint Satan has arrived! All military ranks below Commodore must stand down and are not allowed to look directly at Saint Satan!

Anyone watching the live broadcast around the world who dares to look directly at Saint Satan will die!"

The loud shouts of warships in the distance echoed throughout the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Do you think I am playing a boring game of rescuing hostages with you?"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Along with Ace's mocking voice, three gunshots rang out suddenly.

Three blood flowers bloomed on the bodies of the three Rozwalds!

The whole world was trembling. .

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