Navigation: Comprehension Heaven-Defying, The Opening Deduces Cremation With A Knife

Chapter 154: The Will Of D! Satan's Head Was Smashed!

"Is it just killing three Celestial Dragons that makes you so excited? Portgas·D·Ace.

Isn't it a little too complacent to try to subvert the world government through this? "

Satan Shengyi held the staff of power, looked at Ace across from him, and said coldly.

Only three Celestial Dragons died. For the Five Elders who hold the highest power, if it weren't for Portcas D. Ace, who started live broadcasts around the world and started public executions,

He doesn't even have the qualifications to move them.

Among Celestial Dragons, the real elite are the Knights of God.

Ordinary Celestial Dragons, to the Five Elders who hold the highest power, are nothing more than a tool for breeding members who may become the Knights of God.

Even if it is broadcast live publicly, what will happen?

Established for eight hundred years, the world government, which stands at the top of the world and holds the highest power in the world, has seen too many storms and waves.

Ordinary People - Questioning World Government?

That kind of thing can be eliminated directly by violent means.

Buster Call, that’s why it exists.

Ordinary people? To the Five Elders who hold the highest power, they are just bugs.

The thoughts of the insects have been almost completely controlled by them during their eight hundred years of rule.

Celestial Dragons are born into the world's nobility and possess super privileges. Even in public, they can shoot and kill civilians at will, which is a matter of course.

Because Celestial Dragons are descendants of the Creator, they are born with the power to deal with civilians at will.

Civilians are born as civilians. As long as they see the Celestial Dragons, they will kneel down to welcome them. If they offend the Celestial Dragons or the World government, they will become slaves.

And once you become one, you will always be a slave!

The descendants of slaves will always be slaves.

This is the world environment that Five Elders wants to create.

This is the balance that Five Elders wants to maintain.

Celestial Dragons, will always be Celestial Dragons, civilians, will always be civilians, and if they offend the Celestial Dragons, offend the World government, they will become slaves, and once they become slaves, they will always be civilians.

All are slaves.

This is why the Five Elders allow some trash among the Celestial Dragons to act unscrupulously on the sea.

On the street, Celestial Dragons can openly plunder the women they like and take them to the Holy Land, and they can even shoot civilians wantonly.

It is to deepen the thoughts of the citizens and slaves.

Classes are locked, locking the classes in this sea into Celestial Dragons, commoners, and slaves,

And this identity is destined at birth!

This kind of class can only go down, never go up!

This is the fundamental reason why, after Doflamingo's father gave up his identity as a Celestial Dragon, even if Doflamingo shot his father and returned to the Holy Land with his head, he still could not be accepted and allowed to resume his identity as a Celestial Dragon.

World government, Five Elders, ideas to spread, that's it.

And there are some missing unstable factors [that is, "D".

Because once the will of "D" is spread, it will bring an unprecedented impact to this idea of ​​inherent class fixation.

Free the slaves, free the soldiers, and free the minds.

This kind of thing must be completely buried in history!

And on this island, there are too many unstable factors that dare to challenge class.

Need to be cleared!

And the biggest source lies in Portcas D Ace.

This is also the reason why they Five Elders will come.

"What an unpleasant look."

Ace looked at Saint Satan's expression, especially his strange and abnormal eyes, and formed an image phone minister in his hand.

"Then, at the final stage of this public execution, let me give you some gifts.

Well, say hello to you, Five Elders. "

Ace raised the corner of his mouth and waved his hand suddenly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With three soft sounds, the three bullets that took away their lives flew out of the dead Roswad,

Under the coercion of Conqueror's Haki, he came to Ace.


Saint Satan's pupils began to change for the first time since his arrival.

Even in front of the whole world, the three Roswads were publicly executed. At the moment of death, the eyes of the Satan Holy Capital never wavered.

At this moment, the surge began.

"These are the three bullets that killed the Celestial Dragons. They don't have the power of the Devil Fruit.

There is no Haki in this sea, which can only be mastered by the strong.

It is the most common bullet that anyone in this sea can get if they think about it.

The most common bullet, kills Celestial Dragons.

Anyone who wants to can kill Tianlong District!"

Ace's mouth curved into a wanton smile.

From the beginning, Ace had no intention of executing the Rosewald family himself.

From the beginning, Ace planned to let Nokigao kill one of the Celestial Dragons with the most ordinary bullets.

For this moment!

This public execution, in addition to forcing the Celestial Dragons, World Government, and everyone on the sea, onto the stage they built,

In addition to acting according to his own script and then using it as a way to support himself and strengthen himself, Haki

It's still a trial between Ace, Five Elders, and Im behind them.

Seeing the way Sartan's strange eyes began to change violently at this time, Ace confirmed some of his guesses.

The will of "D" that the Five Elders are most afraid of, although Ace has not yet completely determined,

But one thing is certain, the will to liberate must be a very important component of "D"'s will.

Eight hundred years ago, Nika, known as the liberation warrior, liberated the enslaved people and established a huge kingdom. He was revered as the "Sun God" Nika by the world.

Some clues can also be seen from this legend that the world government tried its best to bury.

Since it is the world government, the things that Ace is most afraid of and wants to hide the most, of course, must be spread to the whole world.

"Then, I, Portgas·D·Ace, have the blood of the Pirate King,

According to the world government, I, the doctor, am a criminal. "

"shut up!"

After Saint Satan heard what Ace said, he suddenly became furious like never before.

"call out!"

The spider's legs suddenly elongate like a Rubber Fruit,

There was a frightening purple light shining on it.

Obviously, the terrifying poison looked at it from above.


The terrifying flames burned violently.

Ace's figure suddenly disappeared in the violent flames and appeared directly above Sartan.

“And he is the highest authority in the world government, the highest authority in the world government, the Five Elders.

The God of Scientific Defense, Jaygolusia Satan!"

Ace laughed out loud.

"Satan, stop him!"

In the mind of Saint Satan, the voice of the furious Saint Wuchuli came.

"Speed, follow Buyu!"

Saint Satan's cheek twitched.

Portkas D. Ace's Observation Haki has been able to "see" the future.

And this guy can actually use the explosive effect of the terrifying flames that exceed 10,000 degrees Celsius to increase speed.

The speed of the instant burst is no longer comparable to that of Sparkling Fruit!

At this speed, it is impossible to dodge attacks or summon other Five Elders!


Under the intense gaze of Saint Satan, Ace's right fist slammed down.


One punch, hit the target!

Wrapped around Ace's right fist, the terrifying flames with a temperature exceeding 10,000 degrees Celsius exploded instantly like a volcano erupting!

This is the explosion of fire!


The highest power in the world, the Five Elders, the God of Science and Defense, Jaygo Lucia Satan!

In front of the whole world, under Ace's explosive punch, half of his head was instantly lost!

Terrifying flames instantly erupted from the wound on Saint Satan's missing half of his head,

Swallowing Saint Satan's monster body violently.

"I was promoted by the world government as a born criminal, and I smashed the head of the world's highest power."

Ace laughed angrily in front of the whole world as he watched the figure of Satan swallowed up by the terrifying flames exceeding 10,000 degrees Celsius.


The whole world was completely shocked by this scene.

The Five Elders, the most powerful people in the world, had their heads smashed by the blood of One Piece, Entei, and Portgas·D·Ace?!!!

"I see. No wonder you dream of becoming this man's right hand, Sabo."

The Revolutionary Army Headquarters looked at Ace, who declared himself a criminal and smashed through the heads of the Five Elders, the highest authority, in front of the whole world.

Dorag looked at Sabo who was smiling beside him, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Declare to the whole world that even a born criminal can smash the head of the world's highest power.

The idea of ​​emancipation will spread quickly in front of the whole world.

This method is much faster than their revolutionary army, which liberates one place after another.

After all, what they liberate is those people's environment and bodies...

But now, what Portkas D. Ace wants to liberate is the mind.

The spread of ideas spans space and time.

What an amazing man!

But this method is really too risky.

Within their revolutionary army, they do not have the ability to break out under the full siege of Marine and World Government.

"D...? You are really D, Portgas·D·Ace.

I really want to meet you. "

Dorag looked at Ace on the screen with a smile on his lips.

He is worthy of being his own son, Monkey.D. Luffy, and his most optimistic brother, Sabo.

What a charming man.

"How's it going? My brother, he's very handsome, isn't he? He's so handsome, isn't he! Hahaha!"

At this time, Sabo didn't look like the second-in-command of the revolutionary army at all. He pointed at Ace on the screen, with a smile on his face, and kept shouting at Krall, Haku and others like a fanboy.

"So handsome, really, so handsome..."

Tears flowed down Krall's eyes.

Krall, was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons.

Because of this, it leaves a shadow. When others are angry, they will feel fearful and autistic, and they will work hard to wipe the floor in order not to be killed.

After being rescued by the Sun Pirates, he overcame the shadow of the past and smiled again.

He even joined the revolutionary army and devoted himself to liberating people in various countries.

But she never thought that someone could declare in front of the whole world that he was a born criminal and smashed the Five Elders' heads.

Under the ideology propagated by the World Government, she is a natural slave.

Now, there is a person

, issued a declaration in front of the whole world.

Born a criminal? Born of a bloodline that should not exist in the world?

Likewise, it can smash the heads of the most powerful Five Elders!

Celestial Dragons? Can be killed by ordinary people with the most common bullets they get!

The impact this brought to Krall was unprecedented, even countless times greater than being rescued by the Sun Pirates.

"If there is a chance, I can take you to meet my brother."

Seeing Krall sobbing, Sabo, who didn't know how to comfort him, scratched his cheek and said a little uncomfortably.

"Really?! Can you give me Ace's autograph and take a photo with me?!"

Clar suddenly raised his head, stopped crying, and looked at Sabo excitedly.

"Yes, there should be no problem."

Sabo looked at the excited Clara, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

With this look, she has completely become Ace's crush.

It seems that Ace has been in big trouble...

"Joyboy...? No, you, you should still be Ace.

Rayleigh looked at Sartan, whose head was smashed and engulfed in flames, and felt a little angry.

If he hadn't known that Ace ate the Mera-mera Fruit instead of the Rubber Fruit, he would have really thought that Ace was Joey Boy.

No, there is still something different.

Unlike Joey Boy, Ace wants to become the king of the world.

Joey Boy, once failed.

Does Ace's method provide the world with another possibility?

Rayleigh was deep in thought at this moment.

"What a nonsense, you brat."

Garp looked at Ace, who was making a declaration to the world in the distance, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"However, I have to retreat, I can't sleep.

Watching the flames that devoured Saint Satan gradually extinguish, Garp secretly thought.

During the Valley of Gods incident, Saint Satan was also on that island.

Regarding the secrets of the Five Elders, Garp also saw the tip of the iceberg.

The god of scientific defense, Jaygo Lucia Satan, is basically immortal.

"Public executions, over.

Ace laughed loudly and lifted the phone bug's understanding field.

Live broadcasts around the world suddenly turned dark.

Satan, World Government, Naval Headquarters can just withdraw in this way,

Next, there is no need to show Satan's immortality to the world.

A public execution that ended with the Five Elders, Satan, having his head smashed in front of the whole world,

is the real perfection.

Ace looked at the flames that were gradually dying down, his mouth full of amusement.


Like the roar of a demon.

In the monstrous bursting flames, a re-condensed monster figure roared out. .

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