Navigation: Comprehension Heaven-Defying, The Opening Deduces Cremation With A Knife

Chapter 151: Red Hair Intervenes! Hancock's Lovesickness!

"It's almost time."

Ace looked towards the execution platform, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Celestial Dragons' memory reading has come to an end.

In his eyes, the thick purple-black color flashed fiercely!


With violent thunder,

Three black and purple spears made entirely of Conqueror's Haki appeared in the sky above the three Celestial Dragons kneeling all over the world.

This method of controlling Conqueror's Haki has made countless powerful people around the world shrink their pupils.

"Stop, stop! Portgas·D·Ace!"

Sengoku looked at the Conqueror's Haki spear that appeared. He didn't have time to marvel before he immediately roared.

Damn it!

Because he wanted to use the ability of the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast-Big Buddha form to spy on the secrets of Portgas·D·Ace, his spirit was severely damaged.

Is it impossible to use Conqueror's Haki to stop it in a short period of time?

Could it be that this is also part of your plan?

Sengoku gritted his teeth and stared at Ace.

From the beginning, everything seemed to be calculated by Portgas·D·Ace.

Starting from the destruction of the Devil's Triangle to the Sabaody Archipelago, the powerful intelligence network deployed by their Marines,

Has this man calculated everything that will happen next?

Using the Lava-Lava Fruit that Akainu ate as nourishment, he gained an upgrade to the Mera-mera Fruit ability.

After that, he even took into account the abilities of the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Buddha form that he had eaten.

What a resourcefulness and layout,

What a terrible man! Portgas·D·Ace!

There is no other way! We can only try our best!

"Shichibukai! Take action! If you still stay out of it at this time,

Then from now on, you Shichibukai will be deprived of the privilege of not being hunted by Marine.

Marine will treat you as ordinary pirates and hunt you down!"

Sengoku, in front of the whole world without reporting it to the world government,

He issued a declaration that he is the supreme commander of Marine and Marshal of Marine.

Shichibukai was established by the World Government and is directly under the 23rd World Government.

Together with Naval Headquarters and Four Emperors, they are also known as the three major forces on the sea.

Even as Marine Marshal, Sengoku cannot order Shichibukai without the authorization of the World Government.

There is no right to deprive Shichibukai of his title and the privileges he possesses.

However, as the supreme commander of Marine, he has the right to order Marine to hunt down Shichibukai!

Although this is equivalent to going against the Shichibukai privileges issued by the World Government,

But Sengoku, as the supreme commander of the Naval Headquarters, would rather shoulder this huge responsibility.

We must also let Marine win this war!

Naval Headquarters, in front of the world, cannot afford to lose!

He, the Marine marshal, plus three Admirals from the Naval Headquarters, even Garp, who was regarded as the last line of defense by all Marines, took action.

It can be said that Marine used all the power at its disposal to launch an all-out war against the Entei Returning Bandits.

If such a war is lost in front of the whole world,

He also allowed Portgas·D·Ace to complete the public execution of the Celestial Dragons in front of the whole world.

Then this will be an unprecedented blow to the confidence of all Marine officers and soldiers!

Marine's justice will be overturned!

Sengoku, as Marine Marshal, will never tolerate this kind of thing!

Even if, after the war, we will face accountability from the world government,

The worst case scenario is that he just resigns as Yuanshi!

But as long as he is Marine Marshal, he will fight with all his strength for all Marines!

This is his realization as the supreme commander of Marine!

And as Marine Marshal, Gao!


Garp, who was fighting with Rayleigh, also had a condensed expression at this moment.

Although Garp acts recklessly on the surface, he is actually very careful.

Garp is very aware of the consequences of Sengoku using the privilege of being hunted by Marine to coerce Shichibukai in front of the world.

I'm afraid, even if they successfully prevent Ace's execution, Sengoku will still be severely held accountable by the World Government.

World governments will never allow anyone to challenge their authority.

Even if this person is Marshal Marine.

"As expected of Buddha, Sengoku.

However, now that I have taken action, I have also made myself aware.

Rayleigh looked at Garp and laughed.

It seemed like I was back to the days when I was fighting with Garp and Sengoku together with Roger.

But the one fighting alongside him now is no longer Roger.

Rather, it is Ace who has inherited his bloodline!

And Ace is stronger than you, Roger!

Unexpectedly, in the battle of wits, he completely defeated Sengoku.

Sengoku had no choice but to use the last resort to pursue him with Marine to coerce Shichibukai into taking full action.

This means that, conventionally, Sengoku is at his wits end.

It can only be said that the sword went astray, and everything about the position of Marshal Marine was suppressed.

What a joyful war!

As Rayleigh laughed loudly, the intensity of the Conqueror's Haki wrapped around her body continued to increase.

Countless purple-black lightnings roared crazily around Rayleigh.

At this time, Rayleigh's entire body seemed to be in the center of a purple-black lightning storm!

The terrifying Conqueror's Haki caused the entire Sabaody ArchipelagoGR1 to start shaking violently.

He has lived in seclusion for many years and has been in the village for a long time.

Even Rayleigh's strength and Haki's strength have dropped a lot compared to their peak years.

But now, deciding to come out is like a sharp blade that has been hidden for many years, coming out of its sheath again!

And, use this war as your own whetstone!

Although the body functions that have declined due to time cannot come back,

But Conqueror's Haki! can return to the top!

This is "Pluton" Rayleigh's, quantity!

"Are you aware? I'm also a Marine."

Garp laughed out loud.

Since this guy Sengoku has everything to do with being a Marine marshal.

Then he must also show corresponding awareness.

At the same time, I also have absolute confidence in Ace.

Confident in Ace, even if he attacks with all his strength, it will still not affect Ace Silk Tangle.

Garp's eyes flashed crazily in terrifying Ultimate purple-black color.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

Countless violent purple-black lightnings roared crazily in the hands of the weather.

The terrifying collision caused by Conqueror's Haki completely wiped out the terrifying high temperature in this area!

These are two legends from the old era, the most terrifying collision!

Marine hero, Monkey D Garp, "Pluton" Silver Rayleigh, in front of the world,

The era of declaring that it belongs to them has not completely passed yet!

Legendary, still!


The terrifying collision completely ignited the screams of exclamation all over the world.

"Fufufufu, do you want to force us to take action? You are really courageous, Sengoku."

As a former Celestial Dragons, Doflamingo, who was unable to return to the Holy Land even with his father's head, was very aware of the World Government's maintenance of absolute authority.

After this war ends, Sengoku will no longer be able to serve as Marshal Marine no matter whether he wins or loses.

But at the same time, because of his desperate measures, if Shichibukai like them don't take action,

Then what will greet them will be Marine's all-out pursuit!

Using Marine Marshal's career as collateral, he issued an order that even the World Government could not stop.

"Then, let's take action. Being chased by Marine will be very troublesome.

Doflamingo, how about you go help Sengoku?”

Hawkeye glanced at Doflamingo and said calmly.

Under Doflamingo's sunglasses, his eyes contracted violently, and the corners of his eyes kept twitching.

Portgas·D·Ace was originally the shadow in his heart.

Even his Haki was stagnant because of Portgas·D·Ace.

In this war, Portgas·D·Ace showed even more terrifying power.

Unexpectedly, being able to use power beyond the limits of Mera-mera Fruit, Logia Devil Fruit,

Moreover, you can also use the power of other Devil Fruits,

Even the souls of the former Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile, can control it.

Even in the battle of wits, Sengoku suffered a big loss.

Strength, wisdom, means...

Portgas·D·Ace is simply better than Naval Headquarters in this war!

Sengoku was so forced that he had to put aside his position as Marine Marshal and use coercion to get their Shichibukai to join the scene.

This kind of Portgas·D·Ace is simply scarier than Kaido

That guy Kaido's dream is to launch an unprecedented war.

But its strategy and capabilities are simply not enough to launch such a war.

Instead, he relies on his monster physique that no one can kill him, and he acts recklessly after being drunk.

How could such a drunken lunatic launch an unprecedented war?

But Portgas·D·Ace has launched a terrible war that is unprecedented in front of the whole world and affects the whole world.

Involving the Four Emperors, Naval Headquarters, and Shichibukai, all the three major forces were involved.

Moreover, Naval Headquarters was almost helpless in front of Portgas·D·Ace.

Without external intervention, Naval Headquarters would have almost declared the war a failure!

Faced with such a man, let him help Sengoku fight with him?

Just thinking about it, cold sweat broke out on Doflamingo's back unconsciously.

"You don't even have the courage to face that man? That's ridiculous, Doflamingo.

Hawkeye's eyes flashed slightly.

"call out!"

Several parasite strings entangled with Haki turned into a blade more terrifying than any blade,

Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, it slashed towards Eagle Eye.


The black sword Ye Meng unsheathed himself on Hawkeye's back.


The powerful Haki's Parasite String was entangled in the atmosphere. It was like ordinary and fragile tofu, and was chopped down instantly.

"Well, it was you who struck first, Doflamingo.

All the responsibility rests with you!"

The eagle's eyes are as sharp as an eagle, the terrifying Haki, with the blessing of the black sword Night, the atmosphere is cut open!

Doflamingo was immediately beheaded and ran away with his head in his arms.

No matter what kind of defense he uses to resist, even if he uses all Armament Haki, combined with String-String Fruit's ability to jointly defend,

In front of Hawkeye, it's just a knife!

In the hands of Hawkeye, the black sword of the twelve skills of the supreme sharp sword, Night, truly demonstrated the terrifying power of the black sword.

His movements, which usually seemed like training, left Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai, in a state of disarray.

If it weren't for Hawkeye's lack of killing intent, in such a close fight, the String-String Fruit ability would have been restricted by the purgatory-like environment.

Doflamingo will definitely die by Hawkeye's sword.

At this time, Doflamingo was hiding in embarrassment, but he also woke up.

Bastard! Hawkeye did it on purpose!

Ever since they gathered in the Holy Land, Hawkeye has been using Portgas·D·Ace to stimulate him.

Finally, on this battlefield, the eagle eye stimulated him and he suddenly lost his mind.

Hawkeye, from the time he came to the Holy Land, he never thought about taking action against Portgas·D·Ace.

Now, with the help of Portgas·D·Ace, this bastard wants to put all the responsibility for the internal fighting in Shichibukai on him in front of the world!

Who is 537 leading all this? Is it the redhead?!

While Doflamingo was secretly resenting it, he scurried away with his head covered in Hawkeye's slashing attack.

"Hehehehe! Now, the responsibility for not taking action is not ours.

It was this guy Doflamingo who destroyed the internal stability of our Shichibukai. "

Moria opened her mouth full of fangs and laughed.

Xiong watched everything happening on the battlefield silently, silently.

Ace, I see the possibilities you showed me.

Bonny, I finally have the opportunity to say happy birthday to you in person.

Jinbei on the side had a calm look.

In front of the world, Portgas·D·Ace said, "The mermaids of the participating countries cannot be protected, so I will judge them."

He doesn't want to and won't take action.

He has his own ideas and persistence, and even if he has to face Marine's pursuit, he will not do anything against his will.

What's more, now, Doflamingo has taken all the responsibility of not taking action.

Yes, Four Emperors red-haired layout?

Jinbei thought to himself as he watched Hawkeye scurry away after beheading Doflamingo.

In fact, Father Whitebeard also sent him a message.

Knowing that Father Whitebeard is also rushing here,

Jinbei, is still thinking about how to prevent other Shichibukai from joining the war.

Unexpectedly, Hawkeye took the lead in attacking.


Hancock looked at Ace in the distance, covering his pretty face,

At this time, this charming and beautiful face was red, and her breathing was uncontrollably rapid.

"What's wrong with me?......"

Hancock murmured.

"Little Hancock...this, this is..."

Shakky, who was looking at the screen at this time, blinked when he saw Hancock's appearance on the screen.

As an Amazon Lily and a former emperor, Shakky is too familiar with Hancock's current appearance.

Every emperor of Amazon Lily has to face the fate of lovesickness!

Hancock, are you obsessed with little Ace?

Is it because little Ace executed the Celestial Dragons in front of the whole world?

Knowing Hancock's previous encounter with Shakky, he immediately thought of the key to the problem.

However, just executing the Celestial Dragons should not make Hancock become lovesick and completely obsessed with little Ace.

What else did little Ace do? He made little Hancock completely obsessed with him.

Shakky thought hard.

Little did she know that the Haki and beautiful posture after Ace's residual fire style was like poison to Hancock who had eaten the sweet fruit.

Plus Ace, publicly executing the Celestial Dragons in front of the whole world,

The superposition of the two factors made Hancock suffer from lovesickness towards Ace.

At this time, Sengoku was going numb. .

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