Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 154 Rent two catties of millet for twenty days

Seeing Xiao Zhang get out of the RV impatiently, Nanci also stood up, "I'll go down and have a look, Qianqian will go with me, Daoist, guard the car."

The old Taoist priest patted his chest and assured, "Don't worry!"

Of course Nanci can rest assured, otherwise it would be impossible for them to stay and guard the car.

After getting off the car, we arrived at the entrance of a yard.

The courtyard wall of this yard is also built with ice bricks, but the small-sized ice bricks are used, and the walls are only forty or fifty centimeters behind, more than two meters high.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that there is no courtyard door.

Mu Qianqian looked at the empty courtyard gate, and immediately looked at Xiao Zhang in puzzlement, "Why is there no gate in this courtyard?"

Xiao Zhang gave a wry smile, and hurriedly explained, "It's not me who paid for it. After the yard was built, there were no special windows!"

Seeing Xiao Zhang's nervous look, Mu Qianqian softened her tone and said, "Don't be so nervous. I just feel weird, so I'm not blaming you when I ask you."

Xiao Zhang breathed a sigh of relief and explained carefully.

"Actually, it's not that the base doesn't want to install it. The main reason is that wood is really hard to find now, and it's too precious.

You all know the situation now, there is no monitoring, and there is not enough manpower. If the doors and windows were installed, they would be removed and burned as firewood within two days.

Instead of that, it's better not to pretend at the beginning, so as to save anger and waste. "

I have to say that Xiao Zhang's words are somewhat reasonable.

Nanci spoke at the right time, "If we rent the yard, will you provide doors and windows?"

This question obviously stopped Xiao Zhang. After being stunned for a moment, Xiao Zhang shook his head in embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry. The base never mentioned providing doors and windows, and no one mentioned it before, so..."

Xiao Zhang didn't need to continue saying the rest, Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian understood it.

Nan Ciben just asked casually, saying that the base was not required to provide doors and windows. Now that he knew there was no such thing, he didn't take it to heart.

"If not, then there won't be!" Nan Ci said, "We'd better go in and take a look at the yard and the house first."

The suitability of the yard and house is more important than anything else, and everything else is secondary.

Xiao Zhang was afraid that Nan Ci would not rent anymore, but now that he heard Nan Ci said that he wanted to go in and have a look, he suddenly smiled and hurriedly ran to the front to lead the way.

In fact, there was nothing to bring. It was still dark, and standing at the gate of the courtyard, one could have a panoramic view of what was going on in the courtyard.

The yard is more than 100 square meters, square and square, with nothing but snow.

There are three rooms in the house. There is a door in the middle and a window on the left and right sides. The windows are very small.

The snow in the yard had not been cleared for a long time and was already very high, almost covering the windows.

The three of them walked through the snow. When they entered the house, their bodies were already white.

These three rooms are veritable snow caves. Looking at them, they are square and square, with ice bricks showing a cold white color.

Looking around, Nan Ci couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this is the real family with only four walls!

However, Nan Ci also understands that the conditions in the underground city of the current base are the same. The conditions in the underground city may be better, but without the conditions of the base, it is impossible for Nan Ci to live in the underground city.

The yard in front of them is their best choice at the moment.

Nan Ci looked at Xiao Zhang, "What's the price of this yard? How is the rent calculated?"

"The rent at our base is calculated on a daily basis. For a yard like this, one pound of food is charged per day."


Nanci narrowed his eyes.

From the moment he saw Xiao Zhang until now, Xiao Zhang behaved very respectfully and humbly, which made people feel that he was particularly timid.

But now after hearing the price Xiao Zhang wanted, Nan Ci was sure that Xiao Zhang's timidity and nervousness were most likely a ploy.

The reason is to get a high price now.

Although Nan Ci does not lack this little food, it does not mean that she is willing to be taken advantage of.

Nan Ci sneered, "The price is so high, I can't afford to rent it. In this case, let's forget it."

After Nan Ci finished speaking, he walked out, followed closely by Mu Qianqian, speaking angrily as he walked.

"We are crazy about food. We are being treated as fools!

You dare to ask for a pound of grain for such a poor yard with nothing. I don’t know whether you are crazy or I am crazy. "

The more Mu Qianqian talked, the angrier she became, and she kept mumbling.

Xiao Zhang watched the two people walking out in shock, never expecting that things would develop in this direction.

They were dressed cleanly and drove an RV. They had food and drink in the car, and they looked like they were people who were not short of food.

A pound of grain is not much, shouldn't they just agree today?

Even if you don’t want to agree, you can still bargain!

What does it mean to just leave immediately after a disagreement?

Although Xiao Zhang couldn't understand, he couldn't just watch a few people leave and hurriedly ran after them.

"Wait! Wait! If you are not satisfied with the price, we can discuss it."

Nan Ci stopped and looked directly at Xiao Zhang, "One price, one pound of grain rent for ten days."

"This..." Xiao Zhang was dumbfounded, "Isn't this a little too low?"

"My grains are all good, not damp, and well packaged."

Xiao Zhang, who was a little hesitant just now, agreed immediately after hearing this.

"Okay! As long as your food is as you said, then the price will be traded!"


Nan Ci got into the car as he spoke, and soon came down with a bag of grain.

This is a sealed two-pound bag of millet. The packaging is intact and within the shelf life.

Xiao Zhang's eyes were shining brightly. He took the millet and looked at it several times before suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"Then it's settled, you come back to the base home with me, fill in the information, go through the procedures, and you can check in directly.

Although this yard has no doors, windows, or keys, people come to inspect it every day. If you dare to live in it without paying rent, you will end up in a miserable place. But you have paid the rent, and within your lease period, you can just use this house with peace of mind, and there will be no problems. "

I don’t know if it’s because the business has been concluded, but when Xiao Zhang spoke this time, his posture was much more natural than before.

But looking at Xiao Zhang like this, Nan Ci felt even more comfortable.

This kind of Xiao Zhang was in line with her suspicions about the base staff. The previous Xiao Zhang was really too flattering.

Several people got into the RV again, Zhou Ziyang turned around and returned to the base.

The procedures were very easy to complete. They were all handwritten by Xiao Zhang. It only took a few minutes for everything to be registered.

I rented the yard for twenty days for two catties of millet.

Twenty days should be enough for them to understand this base.

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