The contrast in attitudes before and after is not small.

"Is there a house with a yard? Yes! Of course there is. I wonder how big a yard you want?"

Can you still choose?

Nan Ci was only slightly surprised, but quickly calmed down.

Whether it is before or after the end of the world, there are privileges.

When facing different people, the options available will also be different.

After thinking for a while, Nan Ci said, "It would be better if the yard is bigger, about 100 square meters!"

Their RV is quite big, and with the sled loaded with supplies in the back, there is still some space for activities. The yard of about 100 square meters can only be said to be enough.

Nan Ci is not picky, as long as it can be used.

The staff member first agreed and then started looking for information.

After a while, he raised his head again, "Yes! Found it! There is a yard of about 110 square meters, and there are three rooms, about 60 square meters, what do you think?"

The yard is almost twice the size of the house.

But Nan Ci didn't find it strange at all.

The weather is extremely cold now. The bigger the room, the harder it is to get a heater.

I didn't see those small igloos, each of which was a few square meters or more than ten square meters. People standing in them couldn't even straighten their waists.

Compared with those igloos, these three rooms are sixty square meters, which is already very large.

Nan Ci was quite satisfied, but he did not agree directly.

If you agree directly without seeing the actual condition of the house and yard, wouldn't that be like taking advantage of you?

"Can I go take a look?" Nan Ci asked.

"Yes! Of course you can! I'll take you to see it right now."

As he spoke, he shouted inside, called another person to come out, and after a few explanations, he came out of the counter.

"My surname is Zhang. Just call me Xiao Zhang. Let's leave now!"

It was getting late, and Nan Ci didn't want to waste time, so he nodded, "Let's go! Is it far?"

"It's not very far, we'll be there in about half an hour."

After hearing Xiao Zhang's answer, Mu Qianqian, who had been silent until now, asked out of nowhere, "Half an hour's drive?"

Xiao Zhang was obviously stunned when he heard this, "Driving? Of course not driving. It takes half an hour to walk."

At the end of the sentence, Xiao Zhang's eyes showed bitterness.

A half-hour walk would only take ten minutes in a car before the end of the world.

If it were faster, it wouldn't even take ten minutes.

But now, I can only think about it.

Xiao Zhang only felt sad for a while, then quickly calmed down and once again put a smile on his face, "But if you don't want to leave, that's okay, there are people to pull you -"

"We have a car, let's go."


Xiao Zhang couldn't finish what he wanted to say, he just looked at Nan Ci blankly, "What did you say?"

"I said I have a car, let's go. It's getting dark, don't waste time."

Xiao Zhang originally thought that he missed the car so much that he was hallucinating in his mind.

It wasn't until he heard Nan Ci's words again that Xiao Zhang was sure it wasn't his hallucination, but that Nan Ci really said she had a car.

Because Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian were dressed cleanly and warmly, Xiao Zhang had a particularly good attitude towards them, and a smile almost broke out on his face.

I have a car!

What is the concept of being able to drive under current conditions?

That is equivalent to having a world-class sports car before the end of the world, which is worth more than a small goal.

Not just money, but power.

Of course you have to try to please this kind of people. If you miss this village, you won't have this shop.

Although Xiao Zhang didn't say anything, Nan Ci could guess what he was thinking just from his performance.

Nan Ci glanced at Xiao Zhang indifferently, "Let's go, it's getting dark, don't delay your get off work."

It’s not easy to beat workers, and it’s even harder to beat workers in the last days.

Nan Ci is not a worker herself, but that doesn't mean she doesn't understand.

Xiao Zhang shook his head when he heard this, "No delay, no delay, no delay at all. It is my honor to serve you."

I don’t know how many people dream of showing a house to someone like this.

As long as the service is good and a little bit leaks out from the other person's fingers, it will be enough for him to live a good life for a while.

With this idea in mind, Xiao Zhang's attitude was extremely humble when he followed Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian out.

But when he actually walked out of the house and saw the RV parked outside and several sleds filled with supplies pulled behind the RV, Xiao Zhang was still shocked.

"Is this your car?"

When Xiao Zhang asked, his voice was small, as if he was afraid of disturbing Nan Ci.

Nan Ci nodded, "Yes, get in the car and you can show me the way."


Xiao Zhang was very nervous and a little cramped.

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Zhang swallowed and refused.

"How about forget it. I'm quite dirty here. It would be bad if I got up there and soiled the car for you."

"No," Nan Ci said, opening the car door, "Get up! How can you lead the way for us if you don't get up?"

"I can go ahead"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Zhang himself couldn't speak anymore.

At this time, he also realized that it was unreliable to lead the way with his feet, and it was mainly a waste of Nan Ci's time.

When Xiao Zhang looked over nervously, Nan Ci raised his chin and said, "Get in the car."

This time, Xiao Zhang didn't hesitate any more, raised his feet and got into the car.

Compared with a normal room, the space of an RV is naturally much smaller.

In addition, the firewood heater was on in the RV at this time, and as soon as I entered, the heater rushed to my face.

Feeling the warmth rushing towards his face, Xiao Zhang was a little dazed. He had forgotten the last time he felt such warmth.

But the caution he had developed through his long-term environment was not lost. Xiao Zhang quickly came to his senses, quickened his pace and took two steps in, no longer blocking the door.

Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian got into the RV one after another.

When they got to the car, Nan Ci looked at Xiao Zhang and said, "You can take the passenger seat and show him the way."

Xiao Zhang nodded repeatedly and walked towards the passenger seat with his waist bent.

When he sat down, Xiao Zhang's body was tense.

If it weren't for the restriction of his position, Nan Ci estimated that Xiao Zhang could even sit in the passenger seat.

Although I'm not sitting idle now, I'm not much better, and it looks very awkward.

Nan Ci never liked to force others, so when he met Xiao Zhang unexpectedly, he didn't bother to persuade him anymore and just went with him.

Fortunately, the distance was not far, and the original half-hour distance only took more than ten minutes to reach.

Mainly because there were pedestrians in the base, Zhou Ziyang didn't dare to drive too fast, otherwise the time could be shortened.

As soon as the car stopped, Xiao Zhang stood up impatiently, "We're here, I'll take you in to take a look."

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