When I came out of the base home again, the sky outside had completely darkened.

But because there are lights inside the base, the light shines through the ice bricks. Although the light is a little weak, it shines on the snowflakes and snow falling outside, making it look particularly dreamy.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nan Ci felt a sense of trance in his heart.


It's so beautiful!

It's like being in the ice and snow kingdom!

Before the end of the world, this was a scene that could only be seen in fairy tales, and there was no chance to see it with one’s own eyes.

However, now, everything is truly present in front of our eyes and within reach, but no one will appreciate it.

Even Nan Ci, after staring for a few seconds, immediately quickened his pace and got into the RV.

"It's too cold, drive quickly, let's go home!"

Mu Qianqian was still lying next to the window looking outside. After feeling the car moving slowly, she turned to look at Nan Ci.

"Nan Ci, look, it's so beautiful outside!"

"It is very beautiful, but this is probably because this is the first time we have seen it. If we see it for a few more days, we probably won't feel this way."

When the RV drove toward the small courtyard, there were pedestrians walking around on both sides of the road. All of these people wrapped themselves up like bears, lowering their heads and walking in a hurry. No one even looked up at the scenery.

This is not only because they are tired of watching, but also because they have no guarantee of food and clothing. How can they have the heart to appreciate this kind of scenery?

Let alone admiration, Nan Ci felt that there were countless people who hated this world of ice and snow.

A few minutes later, the RV slowly drove into the yard and the sled was pulled in.

Because there was no gate to the yard, Zhou Ziyang turned the RV around, blocked the door, and opened one of the windows to face the yard door.

This way once someone approaches, they can see it immediately while in the RV.

Although there are three rooms in this courtyard, they have no intention of living in them.

Not living in a house is not only because there are no doors and windows, but also because it is inconvenient.

If you want to live in it, you need to place various luggage items.

Once an unexpected situation occurs, it is too troublesome to have to clean up in a hurry when leaving.

It's better to continue living in the RV. No matter what happens, you can just drive into the RV and leave without delaying for a second.

After parking the car, the four of them started preparing dinner.

They have always had three meals at the same time. It is already late to have dinner at this time today.

Close the doors and windows of the RV and draw the curtains, and you can have dinner.

The reason why I did this was not because I was afraid of the cold, but the main reason was because I didn’t want to be peeped by eyes in the dark.

Even without carefully inspecting the surroundings, Nan Ci was certain that there must be many pairs of eyes staring at them in the darkness.

Mu Qianqian added dried meat to the pot and said, "We have been working hard for so long today. We are all tired and hot. Let's eat meat soup with pancakes!"

Nan Ci had no objection to what to eat, "Okay, just take out the pancake and put it in the microwave, it will save trouble!"

In order to make it easier to travel, they would make some pancakes, steamed buns, dumplings or rice balls with rice noodles every few days.

After these things are made, put them directly outside to freeze.

If it's frozen hard, just put it in a bag and put it on the sled. When it's time to eat, you can take it in, boil it, steam it, or just put it in the microwave. It's very convenient.

There is also a car refrigerator in the car, but it is not powered on.

In the current environment, what kind of refrigerator can have the outside temperature?

Therefore, the refrigerator has lost its original role and has completely become a storage cabinet.

Nan Ci put some seasonings and bottles in it. Occasionally, if there were things that needed to be kept warm, they would be put in there to avoid freezing.

The broth cooks quickly. In addition to the meat, some dehydrated vegetables are also put in it to cook together. Before serving, sprinkle with pepper and drizzle with sesame oil. It is fresh and fragrant, and it will make people move their index fingers.

The pancakes were also cooked in the microwave. When they were brought out, they were golden, crispy and steaming, and the aroma of the dough spread in the RV.

The four of them were about to sit down for dinner when someone suddenly knocked on the window of the RV from outside.

Hearing the noise, Nan Ci frowned and did not open the window. Instead, he walked to the car door and looked up at the surveillance camera above the door.

This RV has 360 degrees of blind spots and every corner can be monitored.

At this time, you can clearly see in the surveillance video that there is a half-year-old child standing under the car window, standing on tiptoes, stretching out his hands, and knocking hard on the car window.

Nan Ci pressed the microphone button, and his voice was directly transmitted through the microphone, "Who are you? What's the matter?"

The child who was knocking on the car window stopped when he heard the sound and looked around subconsciously.

After looking around and seeing no one, I prepared to continue knocking on the car window.

Seeing this, Nan Ci frowned and asked again, "Who are you looking for?"

This time, the child finally spoke up. She was a girl, and her voice was a little timid.

"Hello, sister, I...I want to borrow some hot water from you. I don't know if it's possible."

When the girl said this, she was cautious, as if she was afraid of offending Nan Ci.

Listening to these timid words, Nan Ci didn't show any mercy, "I won't borrow it."

"No...don't borrow it?" The girl's voice was full of surprise and confusion, "Why? Sister, I just want to get some hot water. You have such a big RV, it must be able to heat hot water, so borrow it Give me some! I’ll appreciate it!”

Nan Ci laughed. What did she want from her gratitude?

Furthermore, gratitude may not be true, but thinking about it must be true.

Nan Ci didn't intend to talk to the people outside anymore. Just as he was about to turn around, he saw Mu Qianqian walking over quickly out of the corner of his eye.

Mu Qianqian looked at the girl on the screen angrily, "What hot water do you want? We just came, and you asked us to borrow hot water. Didn't you drink hot water before we came?"

Under the guise of borrowing hot water, I don't know what evil I'm holding in my heart.

Nan Ci looked at Mu Qianqian in a little surprise, "Qianqian, you really impress me. Not only did you not soften your heart, you even saw the essence directly through the phenomenon."

Mu Qianqian was a little happy to be praised, and a bright smile immediately broke out on her face.

But soon, she realized something was wrong.

"What do you mean I'm surprising you? I've always been so smart and can see through phenomena to see the essence, but you don't understand me well enough!"

In response to Mu Qianqian's strong words, Nan Ci just smiled but said nothing.

it is more than words.

While the two were talking, the girl outside still didn't leave.

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