Chen Guoping stared at Nanci for a long time before he said harshly, "Okay! I hope you will remember what you said today, and don't regret it in the future!"

After Chen Guoping finished speaking, he turned around and left, and got on the sled after a while.

The mutated dog lying on the ground got up and pulled the sled away gradually.

Mu Qianqian curiously looked at the sled going away, "Why is this dog so obedient? Even though he is so tired, he is still pulling the sled obediently. If it were me, I would stop doing it."

Nan Ci was also staring at the sleigh going away, and asked, "Is there a possibility that the sled has its owner sitting on it?"

Dogs are very loyal and obedient.

If it is the master's order, even if it is very tired, it will still obey the master's order.

"That's really pathetic."

Mu Qianqian was very moved, and her tone was full of pity, "If I have the ability, I will snatch them and raise them myself."

Hearing Mu Qianqian's words, Nanci laughed silently.

Zhou Ziyang patted Mu Qianqian's shoulder in a funny way, and whispered softly, "If you want to raise them, they may not be willing to be raised by you! It's better not to think so much."

Mu Qianqian's eyes widened and she looked at Zhou Ziyang with confusion, "Why don't you want to be raised by me? I won't beat or scold them, let alone make them work so hard."

"But you are not their master!"

A simple sentence easily defeated what Mu Qianqian said.

Dogs are loyal, even if they are treated mercilessly by their masters, they will still not betray their masters.

Although in some people's eyes, such behavior is a bit stupid.

But it is precisely because of their "stupidity" that they are regarded as good partners of human beings.

Mu Qianqian was not stupid and quickly understood what Zhou Ziyang meant.

But understanding is one thing, being able to accept it is another.

Mu Qianqian obviously couldn't accept it. She was dejected and looked like she was shocked.

Nan Ci and the old Taoist priest looked at each other and smiled, but neither said anything more.

For things like this, it is enough for Zhou Ziyang to comfort him alone.

Fortunately, after experiencing so many things, Mu Qianqian was not so fragile. She quickly adjusted her emotions and once again devoted herself to the work of sorting goose feathers.

A few people were not in a hurry to weave, so they decided to sort out all the goose feathers first, so that when they needed to weave, they could work directly in the tent without having to work in the wind and snow.

Even if they are not afraid of the cold now, who would want to stay in the cold wind and heavy snow when they can stay in a warm and windless tent?

Nan Ci and others were busy in an orderly manner, but they didn't know that Chen Guoping and his party, who had already left, stopped not long after leaving.

After Chen Guoping stopped the sled, he looked at Li Guang beside him with sharp eyes and said in a deep voice, "What did you just say?"

Being stared at by Chen Guoping with such eyes, Li Guang showed no fear at all and did not even dodge his eyes.

Li Guang chuckled, "I said Captain Chen is a little timid!"

Chen Guoping's eyes became colder and colder, "What do you mean?"

"Captain Chen is so smart, why don't you understand what I mean?"

"If you fart, let it go!"

"Since Captain Chen asked me to say it, I will say it. There are only four of us among us, so why should we be afraid of them?"

Chen Guoping frowned, "Who said I'm afraid of them?"

"If Captain Chen wasn't afraid, why did he take us away directly? With so many of us working together, couldn't we capture them?

Although Captain Chen was sent here by the base to recruit them to work for the base, you can see from their attitude that they don't take Captain Chen or the base seriously at all.

Keeping people like this would be a disaster, and they might become enemies of the base in the future. Why not take the opportunity to serve them all in one pot? "

Chen Guoping frowned and looked at Li Guang, but did not speak.

Li Guang didn't care and continued, "I believe Captain Chen also noticed just now that a few of them were wearing thin clothes, but standing in the ice and snow, they didn't show any fear of the cold. There must be something about them. Weird, doesn’t Captain Chen want to know the reason?

If this weird thing can be solved, maybe Captain Chen will make a great contribution, and then he will no longer be as simple as a captain. "

What Li Guang said before was quite normal, but the last few words were obviously confusing.

Although Chen Guoping knew this clearly, he was still moved.

Who would want to be a powerless and suffering squad leader all the time if he could stand in a higher position and have higher rights?

Seeing that Chen Guoping was agitated, Li Guang knew that this matter had something to do with it, and hurriedly added fuel to the fire.

"If Captain Chen wants to go back, then we will all follow Captain Chen's arrangements."

Li Guang said, looking at the others and giving them a wink.

Seeing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

"As long as Captain Chen speaks, I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

"I'm just a rough guy, I don't know how to be polite, but as long as you say something, Captain Chen, I will definitely follow you."

"Me too!"

"And I!"

The people on the sled raised their hands one by one, and their voices were impassioned.

Chen Guoping, who was still hesitant at first, no longer hesitated after seeing this.

"Okay, since everyone trusts me, let's plan carefully. If we really make a contribution this time, everyone will have a share! If I, Chen Guoping, can eat at once, we will never let anyone go hungry."

"We all believe in Captain Chen!"

"Yes! We will all follow you, Captain Chen!"

Li Guang also spoke again at the right time, "Captain Chen, when are we going to take action? I think it should be done sooner rather than later. Let's go back and catch them off guard!"

Chen Guoping shook his head, "No! You forgot, they were outside when we passed by just now. It was obvious that they were busy outside and would not return to the tent in a short time.

If we turn around and go back now, we will probably be spotted by them before we get close, and they will definitely be vigilant.

Although I have not fought against them, judging from all the information I have received and the big geese thrown outside their tent, they have some abilities.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, don't face-to-face confrontation. "

Li Guang frowned, "Then according to Captain Chen, what should we do?"


"Wait?" Li Guang frowned even tighter, "Wait for what?"

Chen Guoping looked up at the sky and said, "Wait until it gets dark."

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