During the day, the temperature can reach minus thirty or forty degrees.

As it gets darker, the temperature also drops.

Until dark, the temperature dropped directly to minus fifty degrees.

At this temperature, no matter how thickly you wear it, you will get frostbite if you stay outside for a long time.

Chen Guoping and his party waited from dawn to dusk. Even though they were wearing thick clothes, they were clinging to each other to keep warm. The temperature of the whole body was still dropping, and their hands and feet were so cold that they could no longer feel.

This is not a good thing.

Not to mention how long they can last like this, but in this state, if they attack the four of Nan Ci, it's really hard to say who will win and who will lose.

Li Guang glanced at Chen Guoping impatiently, suppressed his anger and said, "Captain Chen, it's already dark. Can we take action when we get down?"

Li Guang said that they actually didn't have to wait until now and would go back directly at dawn.

Even if they are discovered, with so many of them and their strength in numbers, they may not necessarily lose.


It’s not that you won’t lose, but you will definitely win.

But Chen Guoping seemed to be possessed and insisted on waiting until dark before taking action.

Those he brought with him, including the giant mutated dog, only obeyed his orders.

No matter how anxious Li Guang was, he had no other choice but to wait patiently until now.

Seeing that the sky was completely dark, Li Guang couldn't wait any longer, so he urged.

Chen Guoping was also cold, but because of his face and image, he kept gritting his teeth and holding on secretly.

Now that he heard Li Guang's urging, he frowned and thought about it, and finally agreed.

It was getting late, and it had been dark for a while.

Now is different from the past. When there is no electricity or network, there is nothing you can do after dark and you can only go to bed early.

Thinking about it, Nan Ci and the others should have fallen asleep.

If you pass at this time, you can catch them off guard.

Chen Guoping stood up, suppressed his excitement, and said to everyone, "Brothers, we have waited since daytime, and it is almost time. Now everyone stand up and move your body to warm up, so that you can have the strength to do it later.

Now that we have decided to give it a try, we must try our best to succeed! "

Everyone had been waiting for this moment, and what Chen Guoping said was really good, so everyone's emotions were aroused.

If they weren't afraid that the noise would disturb Nan Ci and the others, they would even want to raise their arms and cheer.

The group of people moved their hands and feet, ate some dry food on the clean snow on the ground, and then got on the sled and got ready to set off.

At the same time, in the tent, the four of them had already had dinner, and took advantage of the time to tidy up the goose feathers.

Seeing that it was already 8 o'clock, the four of them stopped working and washed their faces and brushed their teeth to go to sleep.

Before the end of the world, at this time, nightlife has just begun.

It is impossible for young people like them to sleep at this time.

But now, after experiencing such a long time without electricity and internet, going to bed after dark has become a habit developed by several people.

The current schedule can be described as working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

As soon as Nan Ci lay down, four cats ran over and found a comfortable position to lie down next to her.

Originally, Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian slept in Maomao's arms, but since goose feathers were woven into cloth and made into clothes, their ability to withstand the cold has been greatly enhanced, and they no longer need to cuddle up when sleeping at night. Warm in the arms of the cat.

On the contrary, because it was so warm, I didn’t even need a sleeping bag, I could just sleep with a blanket on my body.

Plus a few cats came over, and it became even warmer.

Nan Ci touched the cats around him, slowly closed his eyes, and his breathing became calmer.

But just when Nan Ci was about to fall asleep, his ears suddenly heard strange noises.

The movement was very small, and as soon as you heard it, you knew that someone had deliberately slowed down the movement.

There were no other residents near their tent, but someone was approaching their tent in the middle of the night. It didn't look like anyone was passing by.

If they were not passing by, they were coming towards them.

The first thing Nan Ci thought of was that Chen Guoping and his party had left in the morning.

Nan Ci slowly sat up and put on his shoes.

Just as he was about to get up, Nan Ci heard Mu Qianqian sitting upright quietly on the bed next door.

There were no lights on in the tent, but the fire in the pot was not extinguished.

Under the dancing firelight, the two people looked at each other.

Without any need for words, the two of them stood up quietly and slowly approached the tent door.

In terms of walking lightly, if Maomao is second, then no one dares to be first.

The four cats also got up together and reached the tent door in a few jumps.

The tent has two doors, one is the outer curtain and the other is the inner door.

During the day, they usually only close the outer curtains and leave the inner doors open.

But at night, in order to prevent the temperature from continuing to drop, they closed the door and only left holes in the windows for ventilation.

Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian stood by the door together, neither of them moved rashly.

At this time, the more important it is to remain calm.

Whoever opens the door first will be at a disadvantage.

If you open the door by yourself, but if you react slowly, you will either be stabbed in the chest by someone, or you will be shot in the head with a gun in someone's hand.

Both of these results were not what Nan Ci wanted.

So all she can do at this time is to wait patiently.

Wait for someone outside to open the door, and then shoot him.

The people outside didn't keep Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian waiting too long.

About a minute later, the door was gradually pushed open from the outside.

This door is a small wooden door, which looks fresh and lovely, but it does not have any anti-theft power.

Just push it lightly, and the wooden door will open accordingly.

Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian stood on both sides of the tent door, just waiting for someone to come in, and then gave them a blow in the head.

The two of them didn't have to wait long, when they saw a figure sneaking in.

In the dark night, this man poked his head up, looking left and right, even if he couldn't see his facial features clearly, he could still tell that this man had mischievous eyebrows.

After looking at it for a while, the man looked away.

This made Nan Ci feel a little strange.

Just as he was wondering, he heard someone outside say in a very small voice, "Captain Chen, the two people inside are sleeping soundly, we can do it now."

"Captain Chen, I'm here too. The two of them were lying there sleeping soundly.

In my opinion, they have had too many good times and no longer even have the heart to guard against others. They deserve to be taken advantage of by us. "

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