Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 135 No one says you can’t be selfish, right?

"Of course the effect is good!" Mu Qianqian snorted, "Don't you still believe me and Nan Ci? How about I take off my clothes and give them to you, and you can put them on and feel them for yourself?"

Hearing Mu Qianqian's words, Zhou Ziyang quickly stopped her.

"It's not that I don't believe you, I just can't believe that these clothes are so effective."

Let alone Zhou Ziyang, no one else would be able to believe it.

Although this is unbelievable, from another perspective, this is probably the unstoppable path.

The end of the world has suddenly come, and people have returned to the Ice Age. It is extremely difficult for people to survive, but now there is a bright future, and with warm clothes, the possibility of survival is greater.

"While it's still early, I'll weave another piece of cloth and make trousers for you by then. Those extra leftovers can be used to make socks, gloves, masks or hats. When the time comes, I'll be fully armed and the effect will definitely be better. good."

Zhou Ziyang finished speaking hastily, turned around and entered the tent.

Seeing his figure disappear in an instant, Nan Ci and the others were stunned for a moment, and then followed him into the tent.

This is a matter for them, and Zhou Ziyang cannot be left busy alone.

They don't know how to weave, but they can sew and mend to make a scarf or a hat for themselves.

I still have a lot of leftover material from the top I just made, just enough to cut it and sew it into the hat.

The three of them did what they said and started working after entering the house.

Although he had never done it before, he had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running away. Zhou Ziyang had just done needlework in front of them, so he could still learn from his experience.

For the whole afternoon, the four of them didn't speak much, and they all focused on the things in their hands.

When it was getting dark, Zhou Ziyang had already made two pairs of trousers for Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian, and also used the leftover materials to make them a few pairs of socks.

Nan Ci himself also made a mask for himself with leftover materials. He sewed a layer inside the hat and also sewed a layer inside the scarf.

After finishing it, Nan Ci went out for a run wearing a hat and scarf.

The wind and snow were still as strong, but Nan Ci didn't feel cold anymore.

It can be said that I can move freely outside.

After putting on pants and socks, the whole person is armed from head to toe.

Dressed like this, when sleeping at night, you don't even need a sleeping bag, just a blanket.

In the next two days, the four of them were not idle at all.

Zhou Ziyang was only responsible for weaving every day, and Nan Ci and the other two were responsible for all his various chores.

The four people had a clear division of labor. Not only did everyone wear new clothes, they even had four pieces of cloth as inventory.

Clothes need to be changed and washed, but there is no rush now, weaving is the first priority.

As long as the cloth is woven, clothes can be made at any time.

A few big geese are outside, with countless goose feathers.

After working so hard for a few days, they only used up the goose feathers they sorted out last time.

If we weave all the remaining goose feathers into cloth, not to mention that we will not worry about wearing it in this life, even if there are dozens of people, we will not be able to wear it in this life.

After the four of them had clothes to wear, they were not so eager to weave.

After all, they don't have dozens of people, only four people, and their demand for fabric is limited.

This afternoon, the four of them went outside to trim the goose feathers again, taking advantage of the fact that there was not much snow outside.

When I was grooming goose feathers outside for the first time, my hands and feet were cold, and my whole body was cold, as if I was going to die.

But this time, she was wearing autumn clothes, but it wasn't cold at all.

Even because I have been working, my body is always hot, and I want to sweat a little.

In order not to let themselves sweat, the four of them could only slow down their working speed, which seemed to be slow.

At this moment, Chen Guoping and his party came back.

Unlike when we went there, the number of Chen Guoping and his party doubled.

The sled, which was originally quite spacious, is now packed to the brim.

Before the mutant dog pulled the sled easily, there was still room for strength.

But now he is so tired that he sticks out his tongue and wheezes non-stop.

After stopping, the mutated dog lay down directly on the snow, with its tongue still outside, and was so tired that it didn't want to take it back.

Nanci himself has four cats. Seeing the mutated dog getting so tired, he subconsciously frowned, and he lost his affection for Chen Guoping and his party.

When Nanci was staring at the mutant dog, Chen Guoping had already walked in front of her.


As soon as he stood still, Chen Guoping couldn't wait to speak.

But after only saying two words, Chen Guoping got stuck.

He originally wanted to ask Nan Ci and others if they had thought about it.

But before they even asked, they found that the four of Nanci were wearing very thin clothes.

In this kind of weather, he was wearing a very good cold-proof suit, but he still stuffed other clothes outside and inside so that he could barely stay cold.

When we met last time, Nanci and the others were also wearing very thick clothes.

It's only been three days, why did they change into such thin clothes?

Not only that, but they didn't feel cold in the thin clothes, which was really abnormal.

Chen Guoping stared at the four of Nanci, looked up and down for a long time, and then said cautiously, "Why are you wearing so little? Isn't it cold?"

Nanci shook his head, "It's not cold! If you still want to persuade us to go to the first base with you, I advise you to save yourself, we won't go."

He was rejected directly before he could say anything, which made Chen Guoping very unhappy.

Chen Guoping didn't care why Nanci and the others were wearing so thin clothes, and said sternly, "You are all capable people. Now we are in crisis. People like you should dedicate your abilities to help. The officials have built the base better. How can they be so selfish?"

Nan Ci was not angry and asked with a smile, "No one stipulates that you can't be selfish, right?"

Let alone the end of the world when the law no longer exists, even before the end of the world, there is no law that stipulates that people cannot be selfish.

This is a moral matter and cannot be mandated at all.

Chen Guoping's eyes gradually became dark, "Do you think that you can survive in the end of the world just by relying on the few of you?

The base needs you now, but you are not contributing. If one day you also need the base, do you think the base will help you? "

If the soft ones are no longer enough, then the hard ones are beginning to threaten.

If Nan Ci would be threatened, he wouldn't be called Nan Ci. "Don't worry, we will definitely not fall into that situation."

Isn't it just a base? If she wants, she can build one herself. Why go to other people's bases and look at other people's faces.

As soon as Nan Ci said these words, Chen Guoping was completely speechless.

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