Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 134 Is the heat preservation effect really that good?

Mu Qianqian froze for a moment when she heard the words, her eyes showed deep thought, she seemed to be imagining the scene of being chased by geese, then she shook her head firmly, "That's unnecessary!"

Goose eggs are delicious, but who wants to be chased by a group of big geese!

Seeing Mu Qianqian's face full of refusal, the three of Nan Ci laughed at the same time.

After the meal, Zhou Ziyang washed his hands and went to weave again.

Nan Ci, Mu Qianqian and the old Taoist priest were not idle either, they stood aside to help tidy up the goose wool thread, and watched and studied by the way.

The longer you watch, the more you will have a deeper understanding of Zhou Ziyang's abilities.

As expected of Zhou Ziyang's family background, the technology of weaving is really good. The weaving is fast and good, and the eyes of those who watch it will be dazzled.

Before it was time for lunch, Zhou Ziyang had already woven a piece of cloth.

Just like what Zhou Ziyang said, goose feathers are full of toughness, and the woven fabric is elastic, and it feels very smooth to the touch.

Holding the piece of cloth, Mu Qianqian couldn't put it down, "Why does this feel better than real silk? If it's made into clothes and worn on the body, it will be very comfortable, right?"

No one can answer this question yet.

One piece of cloth is not too much, too many clothes can't be made, but if it is made into autumn clothes that can be worn next to the body, two pieces can still be made.

There was no sewing machine, but Nan Ci found a sewing box.

Zhou Ziyang took a soft ruler, measured the sizes of Mu Qianqian and Nan Ci, and began to sew clothes for them manually.

The small sewing needle flew in Zhou Ziyang's hand, moving back and forth through the fabric as he moved.

When a person does something to the extreme, it will not only be easy to do it again, but it will even be enjoyable to watch.

This is the case with Zhou Ziyang.

He threaded the needle quickly, and every move seemed to be full of charm, making people unable to take their eyes away.

It took Zhou Ziyang more than an hour to finish the two pieces of clothing, which was not an unpleasant speed.

As the saying goes, slow work produces careful work, but Zhou Ziyang worked so fast, and the work was still very detailed.

The fine stitches don't look like they were sewn by hand at all, but rather like they were sewn with a sewing machine.

The threads are also well hidden, so you may not be able to find them even if you look for them, and they won't hurt anyone.

Mu Qianqian took the clothes, turned them over and over in her hands, and praised, "Zi Yang, your craftsmanship is too good, right? Before the end of the world, if you open a private studio, you'll be making a lot of money!"

Zhou Ziyang looked at Mu Qianqian amusedly, "There are many people with good craftsmanship, but this is completely different from whether others will come to you to buy clothes.

Personally customized clothes not only focus on craftsmanship, fabrics, design, and brand effect, they are all indispensable. "

"That's what you said." Mu Qianqian nodded, "But it's okay, we don't care about that. We all like the clothes you make."

Zhou Ziyang's face was full of smiles, "As long as you like it, then go and try it! See how it works when you put it on."

"Okay!" Mu Qianqian agreed with a smile, and hurriedly called to Nan Ci, "Nan Ci, let's go, let's put it on quickly and give it a try!"

It can be said that Nan Ci is the most curious among the few people about the efficacy of this fabric.

After hearing what Mu Qianqian said, he immediately agreed and went to the nearby tent with Mu Qianqian.

Although they didn't stay in the tent here much during the day, the stove inside was never turned off, so it was quite warm.

But no matter how warm it is, the temperature is limited. It is still a torture to take off all the clothes on the body and put on this new one.

Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and then stood by the pot and began to take off their clothes.

As the clothes were taken off one by one, goosebumps appeared on their bodies, and the two of them shivered one after another from the cold.

It was so cold that neither of them dared to waste time, so they quickly picked up clothes made of goose wool and put them on.

The moment the clothes were put on, Nan Ci realized something was wrong.

Under normal circumstances, with such a thin layer of clothing, in the current temperature, it is almost the same as without wearing it.

But now, as the clothes are put on my body, my body immediately feels warm.

It's like being in the cold snow for a long time and suddenly having an electric blanket wrapped around you. It's so warm that you want to take a deep breath.

Although he had vague guesses before, Nan Ci did not expect that the effect would be so good, and he was very surprised.

Nan Ci was just surprised, but Mu Qianqian was shocked.

"Nan Ci! Nan Ci! These clothes are so warm! My upper body is not cold at all now!"

Listening to Mu Qianqian's exclamation, Nan Ci smiled at her, "I'm not cold anymore!"

Mu Qianqian couldn't help but touch her body with her hands, her face full of surprise, and she sighed repeatedly, "Finally, I don't have to dress like a bear anymore!"

If it's to keep warm, it doesn't matter if you dress like a bear.

But the problem is that he is dressed like a bear and is not very warm, which makes people very uncomfortable.

It's better now. I only need to wear such a thin piece and I won't feel cold in the house.

When you go out, you can add another coat outside, and you probably won't feel cold.

With this in mind, Nanci directly took a coat and put it on, and said to Mu Qianqian, "I'll go out and try it."

"try what?"

When Mu Qianqian asked this question, Nanci had already walked out of the tent.

As soon as we got outside, the wind and snow rolled in.

In the past, no matter how thickly I wore it, I would still shiver when being blown by the cold wind and heavy snow.

But now, Nan Ci's upper body was warm and he didn't feel cold at all.

The suspicion in his heart was verified, which made Nan Ci very happy.

Although she has no shortage of clothes at all, she still chooses to wear several pieces rather than just one.

If you wear less, it will be easier to move around and people will be more comfortable.

Mu Qianqian also walked out at this time, and after standing outside for a while, she exclaimed again.

"I really don't feel cold! Ziyang, Taoist Priest, please come out quickly!"

Mu Qianqian's voice was so loud that Zhou Ziyang and the old Taoist priest who were in another tent walked out quickly after hearing the voice.

"How are you doing?" Zhou Ziyang asked impatiently, "How do you feel about these clothes?"

Although the old Taoist priest said nothing, he watched eagerly.

Mu Qianqian directly rolled up her sleeves and showed them to the two of them, "You see, I only wore these two pieces of clothing, but I didn't feel cold at all. The warmth-keeping effect of these clothes is really great! Let's never wear this again in the future." You won’t feel cold anymore.”

Zhou Ziyang quickened his pace and walked to Mu Qianqian, "Is the effect really that good?"

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