Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 133 It would be nice if I could eat goose eggs more often

Mu Qianqian's eyes widened, "There are so many more? Where are they? I sleep in that tent with you every day, how come I haven't seen them before?"

Nan Ci didn't panic at all, "You sleep in that tent every day, do you know what's in each box?"

Mu Qianqian shook her head honestly, "I don't know."

Although Mu Qianqian and Nan Ci lived in the same tent, because the tent was filled with Nan Ci's supplies, Mu Qianqian had never looked through it.

Furthermore, the styles of each box are exactly the same, with no words on them.

As long as it doesn't open, Mu Qianqian has no way of knowing what's inside.

This is also the reason why Nan Ci dares to go out to get various ingredients.

Nan Ci smiled and glanced at Mu Qianqian, "It's okay if you don't know. There is a saying that the less you know, the happier you are. Just eat."

Mu Qianqian nodded in agreement, "I think so too! Let's eat, let's eat! If you have anything to say, sit down and eat and talk!"

The food was definitely not to be disappointed, and the four of them immediately sat down around the pot.

The water in the pot was rolling, bright red in color, with red pepper segments and whole chili peppers swimming around in the water, making everyone's mouths water.

The old Taoist priest picked up a small bamboo basket from the stool nearby, which was full of freshly sliced ​​goose meat rolls.

The goose meat roll slices are of moderate thickness. Pour them into the rolling pot and only need to wait for a dozen seconds before they are fully cooked.

The mutated goose has much more delicious meat.

The goose meat rolls are tender and chewy but not chewy, making you want to eat them again.

Vegetarian dishes should be eaten with caution, but meat dishes are completely enough. Goose meat rolls are completely free. If you are not afraid of getting tired, you can eat all you want with the hot-boiled meat.

At the end of the meal, I cooked a few packs of instant noodles to finish off the meal, and the soup was all gone. There was really no waste at all.

After the meal, I washed the pots and dishes. It was already nine o'clock.

But the four of them did not go to sleep directly, but stayed up all night to assemble the loom.

Considering the size of the tent, the loom made by Zhou Ziyang is not big, but it does not lack anything in function.

After assembling it, Zhou Ziyang checked it carefully again, "There is no problem, it is perfect! Even though this loom is relatively small, it is very flexible and can actually weave cloth faster."

Hearing Zhou Ziyang's words, Nan Ci had no special reaction.

How effective this loom is, we still have to wait until we use it tomorrow to know.

It's too late today to work late at night. It's better to go to bed early.

The four people were all dressed up, holding flashlights and walking around outside.

After making sure there was no one around, they went back to their tents to sleep.

There was nothing to say all night, and it was already the next morning when I woke up again.

Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian had just gotten up when they heard a faint creaking sound.

Hearing this sound, Nan Ci was stunned for a moment, "What is this noise?"

Mu Qianqian was also a little confused. After a while, she answered uncertainly, "Could it be...a loom?"

The two looked at each other, no longer questioning anything, and hurriedly dressed up and walked towards the tent next door.

Arriving at the door of the tent, Nan Ci did not rush in, but raised his voice and asked, "Can we go in?"

"Okay!" The old Taoist priest's voice sounded inside.

After hearing the old Taoist priest's answer, Nan Ci opened the door and walked in.

The tent has no windows. Even in broad daylight, it is very dark inside and can only be illuminated by turning on the lights.

Fortunately, they have many manually powered lights, so there is no need to worry about lighting.

Zhou Ziyang sat in front of the loom, with many lights placed around him, illuminating the loom clearly.

Zhou Ziyang's hands were constantly busy, and with his movements, the loom made a creaking sound.

After getting closer, I found that about 30 centimeters of cloth had been woven on the loom. The texture was clean and it looked very beautiful.


Mu Qianqian exclaimed, "Zi Yang, the cloth you weave is so beautiful!"

Zhou Ziyang raised his head and smiled at Mu Qianqian, "This is the simplest pattern."

"That's the prettiest!" Mu Qianqian said.

Hearing what Mu Qianqian said, Zhou Ziyang didn't argue with her, "I was originally worried that these goose feathers would be difficult to use, but after I actually used them, I found that they were very smooth. Although these goose feathers are very thin, they are very tough. The woven fabric should be elastic. As for the warmth-keeping effect, we can only test it after weaving a piece of cloth."

"There's no rush." ​​Nan Ci said, "Why have you knitted so much already? When did you get up?"

"An hour ago."

"An hour ago?" Nan Ci didn't believe it, "Can you weave so much cloth in one hour?"

"Of course. I already said it yesterday. Even though this loom is small, it weaves very fast. In addition, these goose feathers are really easy to use, so I know that the speed is even faster. .”

"That's also because you are more powerful. If it were us, we probably wouldn't be as fast as you are."

Nan Ci said this, but actually he knew one thing in his heart.

People like them, who have never weaved before, should worry not about speed, but whether the texture of the cloth they weave can be the same as that of Zhou Ziyang.

If it is tight on one side and loose on the other, or if it is tight in one part and loose in another, it is simply helping and doing useless work.

Zhou Ziyang kept moving his hands with a smile on his face, "Actually, weaving is not as difficult as you think. If you want to learn, I can teach you after I weave one."

Yiduo didn't hesitate, so Nan Ci immediately agreed, "Okay, I'll trouble you to teach me when the time comes."

Mu Qianqian was not to be outdone, and kept saying, "There's me, there's me! I want to learn too!"

Zhou Ziyang looked at Mu Qianqian with fond eyes, "Okay, I will teach you when the time comes!"

After only talking for a while, Zhou Ziyang weaved another centimeter-long piece of cloth.

Unless I see it with my own eyes, I really can’t believe that someone can weave cloth so fast.

The old Taoist priest also came over at this time, "Stop chatting. If you want to be busy, you have to wait until you are full. How can you work if you don't have a full meal?"

The old Taoist priest's cooking skills are very good, and his breakfast is very delicious.

They had fried eggs for the first time in a long time.

Although it is a goose egg instead of an egg, it tastes very delicious.

Mu Qianqian was a little full after eating, and she slumped on the chair and didn't want to move, but her eyes were looking at the shell of the goose egg.

"These goose eggs are so delicious. It would be great if I could eat goose eggs more often."

Hearing Mu Qianqian's sigh, Nan Ci looked at her with a smile, "And then you are often chased by a group of geese?"

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