Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 117 What should I do if I can’t find my way back?

From a distance, it looks like they live in an igloo.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Except that there is no roof made of ice bricks, it is almost the same as an igloo.

I originally wanted to use ice bricks as the roof, but I was afraid that the wind and snow would crush the ice and damage the tent roof, so I gave up.

Although there is no roof made of ice bricks, there are walls made of ice cubes. The walls are tightly sealed and the wind and snow cannot blow in at all. The overall temperature is still much warmer.

The longer you live in a place, the more things there will be, the more cozy the decoration will be, and the place will become more like a home.

In terms of living and accommodation, it is indeed getting better and better here.

But it's not all good news.

For every extra day of stay, one extra day of supplies will be consumed.

After so many days, that huge chicken had been eaten clean by them.

The ones who ate the most were not Nan Ci and the other four, but the four cats and the little turtle.

As their size grows, so does their appetite.

Nan Ci and the old Taoist priest certainly had no objections to the appetites of the four cats and the little turtle.

Not to mention that they only ate this much, even if they ate more, the two of them would not have any objections.

The two of them can eat less, but they must not starve the four cats and the little turtle.

Not only did the two of them have no objections, Mu Qianqian and Zhou Ziyang also had no objections.

Mu Qianqian's only worry was where they were going to catch another chicken.

"Those people are as blind as cats and rats, and they can still encounter such a big chicken. We have lived here for so many days, why haven't we seen it before?"

Hearing Mu Qianqian's words, Nan Ci nodded in agreement, "That's it, why haven't we seen a single big chicken? Is it because these chickens don't like coming here? Why don't we just go to other places? Turn around.”

When he first spoke, Nan Ci's tone was still uncertain.

But when it came to the end, Nan Ci felt that this proposal was very good.

Sitting at home, pie will not fall from the sky, let alone this chicken.

They still have to take the initiative!

When Nan Ci made such a suggestion, the others agreed without any hesitation.

It is definitely necessary to go, but who will go is the question.

The tent was different from the building they lived in before.

The house I lived in before had doors and windows, so safety could be guaranteed.

Even if everyone has gone out, as long as the doors and windows are locked, there is no need to worry too much.

But the tent they were living in didn't even have a decent door.

If everyone really goes out, there probably won't be any tents left when they come back.

It's not possible for all the people to go together, so they can only be divided into two groups.

Nan Ci and the old Taoist priest have the highest martial arts value among the four, while Mu Qianqian and Zhou Ziyang are worse.

Without too much discussion, the teams were divided.

Nan Ci is still in the same team as Mu Qianqian. After breakfast tomorrow, Nan Ci will take Mu Qianqian out first.

Finding big chickens is the main purpose, but you also need to take a look at the surroundings.

It has been so many days since the earthquake, and I don’t know how other survivors survived.

There are also those bases, which were finally built to allow some privileged people to live the same life as before the end of the world. But now they have been destroyed by a devastating earthquake. I don’t know what the base will do. What measures should be taken.

With these questions in his mind, Nan Ci didn't know when he fell asleep.

When she woke up again, it was already the next morning, and it was already dark outside.

As soon as Nan Ci made a slight movement, Mu Qianqian got out of the sleeping bag immediately.

"Nan Ci, you're awake! Let's wash up and eat quickly, and we'll leave early later."

Seeing the dark circles under Mu Qianqian's eyes and the bloodshot eyes, Nan Ci smiled helplessly and shook his head.

For such an old man, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep because he was going on a long trip the next day.

Although it's a little funny, it's also quite cute.

Maybe I really stayed here for too long and held it in for a long time.

From washing to having breakfast, Mu Qianqian was always in a relatively excited state.

He doesn't look like someone who hasn't slept well at all.

Just after breakfast, Mu Qianqian couldn't wait to ask, "Nan Ci, can we set off now?"

Meeting Mu Qianqian's expectant eyes, Nan Ci nodded, "Yes, that's enough. Pack your things. Bring everything you need to eat and drink, fire, charcoal and firewood, sleeping bags, and tents."

Mu Qianqian stood up, walked to a huge hiking bag, and patted it hard, "I've packed mine, haven't you packed yours yet? I'll pack it for you now."

Nan Ci quickly stopped her, "No, no, I've already packed mine. Now that you're ready, let's set off!"

Not to mention Mu Qianqian was looking forward to it, Nan Ci was also looking forward to it, but she was not as obvious as Mu Qianqian made it appear.

If Nan Ci wants to leave here, he must take all four cats with him.

Even though he and the old Taoist priest were trusting partners and lived together, the most important thing to Nan Ci was the four cats.

Wherever she goes, she takes the four cats with her.

She could not feel at ease without seeing them before her eyes.

None of the three old Taoist priests had any objections to Nan Ci's decision.

Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian carried their hiking bags and sat on Zai Zai's back with the other three cats.

They went out to inquire about the surrounding situation, not to show off, they just wanted Zaizai to grow bigger.

It has been snowing for so many days and the snow is very thick.

They often clean up the snow around the tent, but it does not delay their daily activities.

But a little further away, no one was cleaning up, and the snow was already as high as one person.

That is to say, Zaizai is now taller and has longer legs, much taller than Xuexue, so he can run freely.

In just a few jumps, they were already far away from their tent.

After running forward for another minute or two, when I looked back, I could only see the white snow and couldn't see where the tent was.

Mu Qianqian was a little worried, "Nan Ci, what should we do if we can't find the way when we come back?"

Nan Ci chuckled lightly, "You don't have to worry about this. Zaizai's sense of smell is very sensitive. Even if you can't see it at all, you can still find it with their sense of smell."

As soon as Nan Ci finished speaking, Mu Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll be relieved!"

While the two were talking, Zaizai was still running forward.

The wind and snow were already very strong, and when they ran, the wind and snow roared in their ears like monsters.

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