Although the taste is nothing special, the portion is substantial.

The four of them were full, but there was more than half left in the pot.

Mu Qianqian glanced into the pot and said, "The leftovers are good, so you don't have to cook them tomorrow morning. You can just heat them up and eat them."

It is very cumbersome to cook and eat food now, and it takes a long time to wait.

But reheating leftover rice is much faster.

Mu Qianqian's words were unanimously approved by everyone.

It wasn't very cold in the tent, but it wasn't particularly warm either.

Take the pot off the stove, put it on the ground, and it won't take long for it to cool completely.

Mu Qianqian went outside with the curry chicken that had caught cold, and built a large wooden board on it to make sure it would not be buried by the snow, and then returned to the tent.

"It's fine like this. I guess it won't be long before it's frozen hard. Let alone it's broken, don't even think about changing the taste."

At this point, Mu Qianqian couldn't help but sigh, "From this aspect, the current weather seems to be beneficial. There are large natural refrigerators everywhere outside! There is no need to worry about the food spoiling."

Nanci looked at Mu Qianqian with some amusement, "Then have you ever thought about how many people can have leftovers under the current situation?"

As soon as Nan Ci said these words, everyone in Mu Qianqian was stunned.

She really hadn't thought about this problem.

After thinking about it seriously, Mu Qianqian came to the conclusion that, let alone leftovers, there are still many people who can't get enough to eat.

Although this is cruel, it is also true.

Regardless of the distance, just how many people can survive tonight is a question.

These things are very heavy, and you can forget it when you don't think about it, but once you think about it, your mood will be greatly reduced.

The four of them were silent, and no one spoke to comfort anyone.

Being able to live up to now, everyone has a strong ability to withstand stress, and there is no need for others to be hungry to solve it, and they can figure it out by themselves.

A few minutes later, the four of them spoke again, but no one brought up the previous topic.

After chatting for a while, Nanci found four sleeping bags.

"This is a sleeping bag that can be used for expeditions to the polar regions. Don't take off your clothes and sleep in it at night. It should be relatively warm."

Nan Ci said as he distributed the sleeping bags to the three of them.

It was such a cold day, and they couldn't take a shower, let alone take off their clothes to sleep. The four of them could sleep in a tent.

But the two tents are full of supplies, and if no one is guarding them, no one can rest assured.

After a brief discussion, the four of them were divided into two shifts.

The old Taoist priest and Zhou Ziyang slept in the same tent, taking the little turtle, glutinous rice balls and Bai Bai with them.

Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian slept in a tent, and Zaizai and Tiantian also lived together.

The four cats all enlarged their bodies, and when they curled up, four people lay between them.

Wrapped so tightly, it's a bit crowded, but it's really warm.

This was the first time since his rebirth that Nan Ci spent the night somewhere other than a safe house, and it was also the first time he slept in the same room as someone else.

Nan Ci originally thought that she might not be able to sleep.

But after lying down, I closed my eyes and fell asleep in a short while.

Although he didn't fall into a deep sleep, and his ears were still paying attention to the movements around him, he still got a good rest.

In the apocalypse, sleeping with one ear up is completely normal.

Not to mention sleeping with one ear up, there are even people sleeping with their eyes open.

All of this is just to survive.

I slept pretty well that night, and there were no other accidents.

Early the next morning, just as the sun was shining brightly outside, Nan Ci opened his eyes.

Her body moved slightly, and Zaizai noticed it, and her body instantly shrank, giving Nan Ci room to move.

The quality of this sleeping bag is still very good, and with the blessing of Zaizai's thick fur, I didn't feel cold at all that night.

The moment he got out of the sleeping bag, the air-conditioning swept through his whole body. It was as cold as if he had no clothes on. Nan Ci's body trembled.

"Nan Ci, you're awake!"

Hearing Mu Qianqian's voice, Nan Ci looked towards Mu Qianqian and saw that she was getting out of the sleeping bag. Her eyes were surrounded by a circle of black and blue, and her eyes were also filled with red bloodshot eyes.

Seeing Mu Qianqian's appearance, Nan Ci was a little puzzled, "What's wrong with you? Could it be that you went out to become a thief?"

Although he said this, Nan Ci knew clearly that Mu Qianqian didn't go out at all last night, didn't even turn her body, and didn't make any movement at all.

Mu Qianqian sighed, "I haven't dared to sleep. I was afraid that someone would come over in the middle of the night, and I was afraid that the wind and snow would be too heavy for the tent to hold. I probably fell asleep in the early morning."

Hearing Mu Qianqian's explanation, Nan Ci was both amused and helpless, "You think too much, but it's normal to have such worries.

Now that you see everything is fine, you should feel relieved, right? "

"Don't worry!" Mu Qianqian nodded vigorously, "If nothing else, Nan Ci, the quality of this tent and sleeping bag is really good!"

"Okay, stop boasting, get up quickly! Wash up and have breakfast. After eating, you can sleep again."

Fortunately, there was leftover rice from the night before, so I just needed to heat it up and bake some pancakes.

Pancakes are made very quickly.

When the curry chicken is hot, the steaming pancakes are also coming out of the pan.

Because it is not a yeast pancake, the pancake is not soft enough.

But after breaking it open and soaking it in the curry chicken, letting it soak up the soup before eating it, it will be much more delicious.

The pancakes filled with soup are salty, delicious and chewy.

After eating a few bites of pancakes and a bite of chicken, my body warmed up.

After dinner, Mu Qianqian went to catch up on her sleep, while Nan Ci, the old Taoist priest and Zhou Ziyang started making ice bricks.

Making ice bricks is easy, but making enough ice bricks to surround a tent is not something that can be done in a short time.

Fortunately, they don't have much of anything now, except plenty of time.

The earthquake damaged buildings and ground, and heavy snow covered the ruins.

Even if they want to find supplies, they don't have the conditions to go out now. Apart from eating and drinking, making ice bricks has become their only thing.

Occasionally, people passed by their tent. Some came up to ask for a drink of hot water, some wanted to take the opportunity to stay, and some had murderous intentions towards them.

No matter which one it is, the four of them can deal with it calmly.

There wasn't much in the tent, but a little further away from the tent, there were a few more graves piled up with snow.

More and more ice bricks were made, and after more than ten days, the tent where they lived was finally completely surrounded.

The ice wall is very close to the side of the tent, but under the eaves of the tent.

If there is too much snow on the tent, it will slide down the exterior of the ice wall, gradually wrapping the tent in ice and snow.

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