Fortunately, the two of them were packed tightly, with plenty of hats, headscarves, masks, scarves, and windproof glasses.

Under such a package, no matter how fast Zaizai ran, no wind could get through the gaps.

After a few more minutes, Zaizai's speed slowed down.

Not far ahead, there are many small igloos.

Each room is only slightly larger than a two-person tent.

From the outside, the small igloos look a bit cute.

However, all I can say is that it is cute.

In such a low igloo, let alone an adult, even a slightly taller boy could not stand up straight inside.

Without even asking, Nan Ci could guess why they built the igloo so small.

Just for warmth.

The igloo is very small overall, with no windows and only a low door. When entering, people have to squat on the ground.

But precisely because of this, wind and snow are less likely to blow in, and it can be warmer when living inside.

Some of these igloos are single.

In some cases, several igloos are gathered together, some in a circle, and some in a row.

There are a lot of igloos. From a distance, it looks like a small village, giving people the feeling of entering a fairy tale world of ice and snow.

But only when you are in it, you know that this is not romantic at all, and it is not a fairy tale at all.

Who wants to live in this small igloo if they can live in a warm, bright, spacious and sturdy house?

Mu Qianqian stared at it for a while, then sighed, "Everyone is not stupid, they all found a new residence so quickly."

Nan Ci wanted to laugh a little when he heard this.

They are all people who have gone through nine years of compulsory education, and there are many people with higher academic qualifications. Everyone has read TV series, movies, and novels. Even in the face of disasters that are coming one after another, everyone cannot really sit still and wait for death. I will definitely find a way to survive.

The two of them were staring at the igloo when they saw someone coming out of the igloo and unconsciously turned their heads to look this way.

The man was only stunned for a moment, and soon became excited. He couldn't help waving his arms towards this side, and quickly ran towards this side.

Seeing the man getting closer, Mu Qianqian was a little puzzled, "Why is he so excited when he sees us?"

Nan Ci didn't waste his brain cells thinking, "He'll come over right away, just ask him later and you'll know."

It didn't take long for Nan Ci's voice to fall, and the man scrambled to this side.

He was wearing layers of clothes, and the outermost one was dirty and torn.

He was only wearing a big hat, and he didn't wear a mask on his face. Nanci could clearly see his stubbled face.

The cheeks are thin and the facial features are particularly deep. Coupled with the stubble on the face and the haggard expression, the whole person seems to have lived in a primitive society for a long time.

When Nan Ci looked at him, he kept raising his head, his eyes full of hope, "Are you from the base? Has the base been built? Can you take us there?"

Hearing his three questions, Nanci quickly extracted key words from them.

People from the base have been here before.

A new base is under construction.

The people at the base promised to pick up the people here.

These three pieces of information quickly flashed through Nan Ci's mind.

When he spoke, Nan Ci was already very calm.

"We are not from the base, nor are we here to pick you up."

After hearing Nan Ci's answer, the man's eyes were full of disappointment, "It's not yet? Your people promised to come to pick us up. It's been half a month, why haven't you come yet? Why haven't you come yet?"

He seemed to be completely immersed in his own world, kept asking why, and gradually turned around, walking towards the igloo in the distance in despair.

"Oh, you—" Mu Qianqian wanted to call him to stop.

"Stop shouting." Nan Ci stopped Mu Qianqian, "He probably doesn't know much. If he knew enough, he would have left here long ago and gone to the base. There would be no need to wait here."

Mu Qianqian was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Nan Ci, you are still smart. You were able to think of this in such a short period of time, but I didn't think of it."

Nanci glanced at Mu Qianqian indifferently, "You just didn't think about it."

Mu Qianqian is not a fool, as long as she thinks seriously, these things cannot be unexpected.

She just didn't think about it.

Mu Qianqian chuckled, "Nan Ci, when I first met you, I thought you were a man of few words and never praised others.

But now I see I was wrong. Not only are you eloquent, but you are also particularly good at complimenting others. "

Nan Ci looked at Mu Qianqian sincerely, "No, when it comes to praising others, I'm still far behind you."

After Nan Ci said this, the two met and smiled.

After laughing, Nan Ci returned to his serious expression.

"People who live here should know the same information. There is no need for us to stay here anymore. Let's move on."

Zaizai can understand Nan Ci's words.

Almost as soon as Nan Ci finished speaking, Zaizai started to move.

However, at this moment, the man who had just left suddenly turned around and ran towards this side like crazy.

He opened his arms and ran wildly, still shouting.

"Where are you going? Can you take me with you? I want to go with you! I don't want to stay here anymore."

His hoarse roar had already drowned out the wind and snow.

People in other igloos heard the sound and got out of their igloos.

The people who came out didn't even ask what the man's situation was. They all followed the man and ran as fast as they could.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qianqian was startled, "Why are they all chasing us?"

Being chased by so many people, even though she knew they couldn't catch up, Mu Qianqian's voice still trembled.

Nan Ci patted Mu Qianqian on the shoulder, "Don't worry, they can't catch up with us.

Zai Zai, run faster! "

After Nan Ci finished speaking, Zaizai sped up.

A person with two legs can never outrun a person with four legs.

Zaizai was just running leisurely before, but now he really accelerated. The speed can only be described as lightning.

In just a few dozen seconds, Zaizai had already left those people far behind.

I could clearly see the figures of those people before, but now when I look back, I can only see small black dots.

After another minute, not even the small black dots could be seen, and those people completely disappeared into the vast world.

Until this moment, Mu Qianqian dared to take a long breath.

"You can be considered as running away! The appearance of those people just now was really scary."

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