The cold light of the dagger hit the eyes of those people, and their hearts suddenly tightened.

They thought Nan Ci was the soft persimmon, so they regarded her as a breakthrough.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all!

Nan Ci didn't care about the changes in the expressions on these people's faces. The dagger and her hand almost merged into one, and as her mind moved, it was like a harvesting machine, easily harvesting the lives of these people.

Seeing them fall down one by one, Mu Qianqian sighed, "These people are just disobedient and asked to dig their own holes. They just refused to listen. Now they are dead, and they want us to dig holes for them." "

Nan Ci had just wiped the dagger clean when he heard Mu Qianqian's words and chuckled.

"Why do you have to dig a hole for them? Isn't it normal to kill them but not bury them?"

Mu Qianqian frowned and said with some distress, "But if we don't dig a hole to bury it, it will be an eyesore here!"

"That's not easy." Nan Ci said, calling four cats and asking them to drag the bodies of these people away.

After the four cats grew bigger, it was easy to pick up a person.

Holding a person in his mouth, he ran far away in a few jumps.

A cat made two trips back and forth and threw all the corpses far away.

The four cats were probably a little disgusted. After they came back, they ran to the edge of the clean snow, opened their mouths, bit into the mouthful of snow, and then quickly threw it away.

After going back and forth several times, the four cats were finally satisfied, and then returned to Nan Ci with elegant steps.

Looking at the four cats that had become smaller, Nan Ci knelt down and rubbed their heads. "Awesome! You are all clean kittens!"

The hearts of kittens are easily satisfied. After hearing Nan Ci's praise, the four cats all narrowed their eyes and even meowed a few times.

The old Taoist priest put his hands in his sleeves and yawned loudly, "The things outside have been solved. It's better to go into the tent quickly. It's really cold outside!"

Not only was it cold, but I was also very hungry, so I was both hungry and cold.

All four people and four cats entered the tent, and warmth instantly hit their faces.

Although it can't be said to be as warm as spring, it is still much warmer than outside.

A pot has been set up on the stove, water is rolling inside, and mist is steaming around it.

Mu Qianqian trotted forward and took a look, "Is the meat cooked?"

The meat that Mu Qianqian had cut before had been chopped into pieces and put in to cook.

After cooking it for so long, it seems like it should be done.

Zhou Ziyang also walked over, took a pair of long chopsticks, and took out a small piece of meat from the pot.

The cooked chicken is white, and you can tell just by looking at the color that the meat is indeed cooked.

Mu Qianqian stared at the meat curiously, "This meat looks no different from normal chicken!"

Zhou Ziyang smiled and said, "I just don't know if it tastes any different."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Ziyang took a bite.

His sudden movement startled Mu Qianqian, "Why did you just eat it?"

"I'll try it first to see if it tastes good."

Although he said so, the others were not fools. They all knew that Zhou Ziyang wanted to eat it before Mu Qianqian so that he could taste the meat and see if there would be any problems.

Nan Ci sighed inwardly. Before he could eat the chicken, he ate a bowl of dog food first.

Fortunately, we have known each other for a long time, and this is not the first time eating dog food. I have already become accustomed to it.

Zhou Ziyang took a small piece of chicken, stuffed it all into his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it all after a while.

Mu Qianqian looked at Zhou Ziyang worriedly, "Ziyang, how are you? What does it taste like? How do you feel now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Zhou Ziyang felt it silently for a while, "It tastes similar to normal chicken, and the texture is similar. There is no special feeling after eating it, but there is something warm in the stomach, which makes me feel a lot more comfortable."

Hearing Zhou Ziyang's words, Mu Qianqian was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "That means the chicken is not poisonous, so I'm relieved.

Ziyang, don't be so reckless next time, we can actually test the poison with a silver needle. "

Mu Qianqian's words successfully made the other three people laugh.

This is the end of the world, not the world of martial arts. Why on earth would Mu Qianqian think of testing poison with a silver needle?

The smile on Zhou Ziyang's face disappeared just as quickly as it appeared.

He regained his serious expression and nodded seriously, "Okay, I'll listen to you next time."

Nan Ci stopped looking at the two people, turned around, walked to the place where the supplies were piled, and started to rummage.

After a while, Nan Ci found what he wanted-curry packets.

What's so delicious about boiled chicken in plain water? Put some curry packets and some dehydrated vegetables in it. Cook it for a while and serve it with steaming rice. Wouldn't it become a fragrant and delicious curry rice?

Nan Ci told him his plan, and Mu Qianqian immediately went to wash and steam the rice.

Without various rice cookers to use, Mu Qianqian had long ago learned how to steam rice over water. The steamed rice was even more delicious than steamed rice in a rice cooker.

Nan Ci put the curry ingredients packets and dehydrated vegetables into the pot, then hugged the big chicken drumstick and went to the tent next door.

There were also two stoves in this tent, both burning, and a large pot for boiling water.

Nan Ci chopped the chicken legs into large pieces and started cooking the meat in batches.

Seeing the old Taoist priest coming in, Nan Ci glanced at him and asked, "Does the little turtle eat raw meat or cooked meat?"

"It's cooked too."

As the old Taoist priest said, people also came forward to help with the work.

The chicken for the four cats and the little turtle only needs to be cooked and does not require any seasoning, so it is easy to make.

The meal over there is not ready yet, but the little turtle and four cats have already started eating here.

Seeing that they all ate deliciously, Nan Ci smiled with satisfaction.

Just as she was thinking, she heard Mu Qianqian calling her and the old Taoist priest.

"Nan Ci, Taoist Priest, come quickly, it's time to start dinner!"

After being hungry for almost a day, the four of us were already so hungry that our chests were touching our backs.

There is no need for a bowl. Each person has a stainless steel basin, half a bowl of rice and half a bowl of curry chicken. It tastes so satisfying.

Just like Zhou Ziyang said, the meat of this big chicken tastes no different from normal chicken.

After eating it, the body does not get any benefit or harm.

It was as if the chicken had been magnified several times by a magnifying glass, without any other changes.

Nan Ci didn't understand why, and didn't go into it.

The end of the world has come, and we don’t know why it has come. Naturally, we don’t have to know the reasons for other changes that have occurred due to the arrival of the end of the world.

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