Seeing that Mu Qianqian didn't speak, the eldest brother felt a little uneasy, so he could only continue to ask gently.

"What do you think of my proposal? Although it seems that your skills are pretty good, you can't beat four feet with two fists. If there are so many of us together, you may not be able to cope with it.

Anyway, it’s not like we have a life-and-death feud, so let’s just forget about it.

We have never known each other before, and we will be friends from now on. If there is anything we need help with, just ask and we will never refuse. "

Mu Qianqian smiled and nodded, "That's a coincidence. I have something I need you to do now."

The eldest brother thought that Mu Qianqian had agreed, so he breathed a sigh of relief and asked quickly, "What's the matter?"

Mu Qianqian said in a light tone, "It's not a big deal. I just want you to die. Can you commit suicide?"

Without waiting for her elder brother's answer, Mu Qianqian continued, "It's best to just dig a hole and lie down in it after you die.

You definitely won't be able to bury yourselves by yourself, but it doesn't matter. The snow is falling heavily now. In a day or two, your graves will be three feet high. "

When she said these words, Mu Qianqian's tone was relaxed, as if she was chatting with a good friend.

But the meaning behind the words made everyone in the group change their faces.

Just now, they thought Mu Qianqian was willing to let go of their eldest brother, but now his face was as dark as paper, and his eyes were gloomy as he looked at Mu Qianqian.

"So, you don't want to let this matter go by like this? Do you really think that if you can kill an old man, you can deal with all of us?"

Mu Qianqian blinked and looked at the other party in surprise and disbelief, "No, no, no, don't you think I have to deal with you all alone?"

This person obviously didn't understand what Mu Qianqian meant. He just thought that Mu Qianqian said this deliberately to make him angry.

He, who had never sincerely admitted his mistake, suddenly became angry and said, "Brothers, what are you waiting for? This bitch is just playing tricks on us. There are so many of us, why are we still afraid of these two women? Everyone Let's go together and quickly clean up the two of them, then go to the tent together and take care of the people inside-"

"No need to bother."

A calm male voice suddenly sounded, interrupting his words.

He was stunned for a moment, but soon looked around cautiously, "Who? Who is talking?"

The old Taoist priest laughed and said, "You are really interesting. Just now you were going to the tent to get rid of us. Now that we have walked in front of you, you have asked us who we are."

"So you are the brother who lives in the tent! Brother, listen to me. In fact, it was all a misunderstanding. We just had some conflicts with these two women, but it was precisely because of this that we accidentally discovered another relationship with the two women. one side.

Brother, a woman like this, no matter how good-looking she is or how good her figure is, is not a good thing, nor is she a fuel-efficient lamp.

Why don't we help you get rid of these two women? From now on, we brothers will help each other. What kind of women can't be found? Don't you think so? "

The old Taoist priest walked out of the darkness with leisurely steps, plucked his ears with one finger, and looked at Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian with some distress.

"Look, he is buying me in front of you. Don't you have anything to say?"

Hearing the old Taoist priest's question, Nan Ci tilted his head, "How about you ask what kind of reward they can give."

Hearing this, the old Taoist priest nodded with deep understanding, "Your words reminded me that I really should ask."

Saying this, the old Taoist priest looked at his elder brother, "If I do what you say, what benefits will I get?"

The eldest brother was overjoyed when he heard this. He felt that his suggestion was adopted by the old Taoist priest.

"Of course there are benefits! There are many more! I can't finish them all in a moment.

But one thing, brother, don’t worry, as long as you choose to help us, they and I will call you big brother from now on. "

In his opinion, it is basically impossible for a man to refuse such a proposal.

Which man hasn’t fantasized about becoming the eldest brother who can make all the difference?

In the past, I could only think about it, but there was no way to make this idea a reality.

But now, it is completely different.

As long as he nods his head, he can become the big brother above everyone else. Which man would refuse such a good thing?

Just when he thought that the old Taoist priest would definitely agree, he saw the old Taoist priest shook his head and said, "This condition you gave is really rubbish. I can't stand it."

Almost as soon as the old Taoist priest finished speaking, the man showed an incredible look.

Seeing his eyes changing like his face changing in a Sichuan opera, Mu Qianqian was immediately amused.

"You are such an interesting person, why do you take yourself so seriously? If the Taoist Master wants to recruit a younger brother like you, he can recruit hundreds of them just by waving his hand.

There are many people who are stronger and more capable than you, so who cares about you? "

Zhou Ziyang had already walked to Mu Qianqian's side silently. At this time, he raised his hand and slowly touched Mu Qianqian's head, "Okay, just watch this kind of person for fun, you don't have to keep watching. .

It's freezing outside, and he doesn't deserve to let you stand outside for so long. "

When Zhou Ziyang spoke, his voice was not loud and his tone was gentle.

But these gentle words made those people even more angry.

At this moment, they also know that it is impossible to succeed in instigating rebellion.

There were only two paths before them.

One is to fight.

The second is to run away quickly.

After several people looked at each other, they rushed towards Nan Ci at the same time.

Nan Ci felt a little strange when he saw them suddenly rushing toward him.

If not for anything else, Nan Ci mainly didn't understand why they thought he was easy to deal with.

After seeing the surprise in Nan Ci's eyes, several people secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that their choice is correct. Although Nan Ci's words are unpleasant, he is obviously the easiest one to deal with among these people.

But soon, they knew that what they had taken for granted was completely wrong.

Strange as it is, Nan Ci didn't forget to take action.

There are advantages to wearing thick clothes. As long as the weapons are not particularly outrageous, they can be easily drawn from the body.

When Nan Ci turned his wrist, there was a dagger in his hand.

The entire dagger is jet black, but it shines with a cold light in the middle of the night.

The dagger was held in Nan Ci's hand, but it seemed to be integrated with Nan Ci's hand.

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