Whether it is a compliment or not, it is not a matter of entanglement now.

Nanci smiled at Mu Qianqian, "It's not enough to learn to speak from me, what's more important is to learn to kill from me."

Mu Qianqian is a good student, she nodded seriously, "Don't worry about Nan Ci, I will definitely learn from you."

The two said these words as if no one was around, as if they completely ignored the existence of these people in front of them.

This made the group very angry and unhappy.

"Brother, these two little girls dare to ignore you..."

Mu Qianqian interrupted him directly, "You are wrong, I am not only ignoring your elder brother, I am also ignoring you."

The speaker, before he finished speaking, was interrupted by Mu Qianqian, and he became even more angry.

"You little bitch, if I give you three points of color, you will open a dyeing room. Today I will teach you a lesson and let you know how good I am, grandpa."

Like this kind of person who hasn't done anything after talking for a long time, they can only talk loudly, let alone Nan Ci, even Mu Qianqian is not taken seriously at all.

Mu Qianqian sneered, "If you want to do it, do it. You are willing to gossip here, but I don't want to listen to your nonsense here!"

These words succeeded in irritating the man, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, this little bitch is so arrogant, let me teach her a lesson!"

"Okay, let's go, but you still have to be careful, don't underestimate the enemy."

"Brother, don't worry, I can handle just such a little girl."

He talked about little girls, obviously not paying attention to Mu Qianqian at all.

Mu Qianqian didn't care what he said, but just stared at him.

As he rushed over, he quietly pulled out a boning knife.

Among the smaller knives, the bone razor is undoubtedly very sharp.

After all, if you want to shave the bones off the meat completely, you need not only certain skills, but also a sharp knife.

A boning knife like this is not only very useful for shaving bones, it is also very good for killing people.

Mu Qianqian and Zhou Ziyang have been studying with the old Taoist priests for so long, and they feel that it is not about showing off one's skills, let alone cultivating one's character, but how to deal with one's enemies in the shortest possible time.

Nan Ci originally wanted to take action himself, but after seeing Mu Qianqian getting ready to attack, I quietly retracted my hand.

They are equal partners and no one needs to be a hero to save others.

Every time Mu Qianqian makes a move, it is a kind of experience for herself.

If Nan Ci interferes indiscriminately and prevents her from experiencing this, it will not protect her, but will harm her.

It's better to stand aside and watch, and help her when she falls short.

Not only did Nan Ci not move, but neither did anyone else on the other side.

It seemed that they were all very confident that this character could take care of Mu Qianqian.

The man soon got into a fight with Mu Qianqian.

But the fight didn't last long.

Almost as soon as they met him, the man staggered and fell to the ground.

Where he fell, blood dropped drop by drop on the snow, forming small blood puddles.

Nanci Station was relatively close to Mu Qianqian, so he could see this scene clearly.

But those few people stood a little further away and did not see this scene.

They were a little confused when they saw the man lying motionless on the ground.

The man called eldest brother spoke even more unhappily.

"Baby, what's the matter with you? Even if you see a woman unable to walk, you can't kneel down now. Why don't you wait until you get into the tent?"

As soon as the boss said this, the others all burst into laughter.

However, they soon stopped laughing.

Because the man called Lao Ba still fell on the ground, motionless, and had no intention of getting up.

No matter how slow the reaction was, these people also reacted.

It wasn't that Lao Ba couldn't walk when he saw a woman, but that he was injured, or he was dead.

The elder brother looked at Mu Qianqian with a dark gaze, "What did you do to the eighth?"

Mu Qianqian giggled, "I didn't do anything, I just saw him living in too much pain in this last world, so I just sent him to die early."

When she said the last word, Mu Qianqian raised her right hand.

She held a boning knife in her hand, and the blade was covered with blood.

This blood belongs to Lao Ba.

When those people saw this, their eyes were fixed, and they also looked at Mu Qianqian in disbelief.

Although Mu Qianqian was wrapped so tightly that she couldn't see her face clearly, she could tell from the sound that Mu Qianqian was not very old.

Such a little girl can kill a man who is stronger than her in one face-to-face time, which is enough to see how terrible she is.

Mu Qianqian didn't care what kind of eyes these people looked at her, she looked at Nan Ci with a smile in her eyes, even a little bit of asking for credit.

"How? Am I doing okay?"

Nanci has never liked persecution education, and must be praised when it is time to praise.

So Nanci smiled and nodded, "Great!"

With Nan Ci's affirmation, Mu Qian's smiling eyes turned into crescent moons.

But she still shook her head, "Although the performance is not bad, it is definitely not great. I have to continue to work hard."

When she said this, she turned to the rest of the people.

The meaning is obvious. She also solved these people together to prove that she is great.

Being stared at by Mu Qianqian's smiling eyes, one person felt his hairs stand on end.

That is to say, relying on the large number of people and a little bit of confidence, that's why they didn't back down.

Although the person did not retreat, fear had already arisen in his heart.

The boss said in a deep voice, "We were wrong about this today, we shouldn't have come to your place, I apologize to you.

We didn't really do anything, and you killed another brother of ours, can we just let it go? "

Mu Qianqian tilted her head, "I killed all of your brothers, but you said that this is the end of it? Does your brother know that you do this?"

The boss looked deeply, "I'm thinking of the other brothers. He's already dead. We can't let us die with him! Even if he knows, he won't blame me."

The high-sounding words of these words are simply shameless to the extreme.

Obviously he brought people here, and it was he who wanted to do something to Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian, but Lao Ba was the first to show up.

Now something happened, the eighth brother died, but he, the big brother, was leaving.

If Lao Ba could really know, he would probably be able to live out of anger.

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