In the sky, brilliant light shone in all directions.

Xu Xingwu was surrounded by flames, and he burst out with earth-shaking momentum.

He flew through the air, stepped forward, and came to Machado.

"Although I am just a pity, I still retain most of the 9-star power"

"If you don't retreat, I'm afraid you will be severely injured by me."


Machado screamed and hit Xu Xingwu's head fiercely.

(I'm not afraid of you!)

(If you dare to stop me from retrieving the orb, I'll beat you to death!!!)


A fierce battle unfolded in the sky.

The two were so powerful that only sonic booms could be heard everywhere, but their figures could not be seen at all.

The strong men present were terrified.

"So scary, is this the combat power of a 9-star strongman?"

"It was so horrible, I couldn’t even see how President Xu made his move!"

"That ancient god is even more powerful, and it seems to have been suppressing President Xu!"

"Can you see them fighting?"

"Can see a little"

"Brother Zhou, is your strength 8 stars?"

"No, just the peak of 7 stars."

At this moment, countless people were shocked by the fight between the two strongest men.

Who would have thought that Xu Xingwu had sacrificed his soul and left with his beloved, but left a trace of remnant on his son.

And this trace of remnant actually burst out with a power that was enough to destroy the world!

9 stars...

In the past few hundred years, no 9-star strongman has used his full strength.

Seeing it today, all the strong men were fascinated.

The power of 9 stars is really unimaginable!

I don’t know how powerful the strong men in the ultimate realm above 9 stars are.

Below, in the sunken pit,

Li Zhan and Hai Li, two 8-star strongmen, were also horrified, watching the battle in the sky.

"I didn't expect the power of the 9 stars to be like this. Brother Haili, did you feel it?"

The pirate leader nodded:"I felt it. It turns out that the power level of the 9 stars has leaped to the point of mobilizing the laws of heaven and earth."


Li Zhan also nodded, and said with a sigh on his face:"I thought that when we entered the 8-star realm and could mobilize the power of nature, we were not far from the 9-star. Now it seems that we are just getting started." After watching the battle for a while, the pirate leader pondered and said:"Xu Xingwu is a great man. In my opinion, it is not the power of 9 stars that is powerful, but he, Xu Xingwu, is powerful!"

Li Zhan was stunned:"Why?"

The pirate leader said with burning eyes:"Look at his proficiency in using the laws of heaven and earth! This person, I am afraid he has already touched the realm of the power of law, otherwise, it would be impossible to perfectly exert the power of law once he entered the 9-star."

He said again:"I guess, Xu Xingwu has stayed at the peak of 7 stars for more than ten years, and he should have been able to step into the 9-star long ago. His understanding of this world is better than you and me! In terms of talent, I am not as good as him!"

The proud pirate leader took the initiative to admit that his talent was not as good as Xu Xingwu's.

Li Zhan also nodded silently and sighed:"Yes, his talent is probably the strongest among our generation. It's a pity that he was trapped by love and went to extremes. What a pity, it's such a pity!"

While they were talking.

In the sky, the battle between Xu Xingwu and Machado had already entered a fierce stage.

At this moment.

Xu Xingwu used all his ancient martial arts skills to the fullest.

With every move he made, the laws of heaven and earth were activated.


Another violent punch collided.

He and Machado retreated more than ten steps at the same time.

In addition to the ghost attribute, Machado also has the fighting attribute, and is proficient in many powerful fighting skills.

But at this moment, it had no way to deal with Xu Xingwu.

Every time they punched, the space was blasted apart by them.

Sharp high-frequency fluctuations continued to spread in all directions.

The eardrums of some strong men were shattered one after another, and blood flowed out.

On the contrary, those with low strength could not capture those high-frequency bands, and were not affected too much.


Rumble rumble~~~~

Another fierce fist collided.

Suddenly, thunder resounded in all directions.

In the direction of Shicheng, the unconscious Xu An was awakened by the noise.

"Young Master!"

""Master, you finally woke up!"

Two 5-star old ladies had been guarding him.

Seeing him wake up, the two 5-star old ladies looked sad.

"Young Master!"

"The patriarch’s origin is about to completely dissipate!"

"Wuwu, Master, please go and see the master of the family for the last time, wuwuwu~~~"

The two old aunts were strong and burst into tears.

They witnessed everything Xu Xingwu did in Shicheng, and they were filled with sorrow and grief, with no way to release it.

At this moment, Xu An woke up, and they just wanted Xu An to see the head of the family for the last time.

And Xu An had been staring at the sky blankly, tears streaming down his face.

Although he had not learned well since he was a child, he was not stupid.

As soon as his aunt appeared, he understood the whole story.

It turned out that his father and his aunt were the original lovers.

It turned out that his parents married his mother because of the aunt's dying wishes.

It turned out that no one in the family had mentioned his aunt because his aunt was the pain in his father's heart.

At this moment, he understood everything.

After understanding, he was terrified.

Father... is leaving me.

He is going to die.

He is going to disappear completely from this world.……


Xu An roared to the sky

"Father, I was wrong!!!"

He burst into tears

""Father! I will never let you down again! Don't die!!!"

At this moment, he really knew he was wrong.

When his father was still alive, he always thought that he would not be harmed by others even if he caused endless troubles.

This was indeed the case. No matter how rampant he was outside, outsiders dared not to give his father face.

Even Wang Xuan, who had humiliated him, was intimidated by his father's power and did not dare to take his life.

In the past, he always thought that all this was what he deserved.

But at this moment, when Xu An saw that his father's origin was becoming more and more brilliant and more and more illusory, he finally realized that he was going to lose his father completely.

Endless panic and endless sadness spread from the bottom of his heart.

I will learn well! I will be obedient in the future!

Don't die, don't die!!!

At this moment, where is the resentment of the past?

The bond of blood is thicker than water, do you really think it's just talk?

But it's all too late.

Xu Xingwu, who was fighting with Machado, heard his son's sad roar.

He smiled and looked down

"An Er"

"My fate is already determined, and there is no way to change it."

He looked at the strong men in all directions.


"I'm about to completely disappear from this world"

"Before I leave, I will use this ancient god to teach you my ancient martial arts secrets!"

"If you are lucky enough to understand one or two, please bear with me if my son acts rashly in the future."

"If so, I can go on my journey with peace of mind."

After he finished speaking, his original power burned more vigorously.

He laughed loudly and attacked Mashado.

"My ancient martial arts evolved from an ancient stone slab!"

"The first move is a lower body kick. Watch out, everyone!"


He stepped into the air and kicked Machado in mid-air.

In front of everyone, he used Machado as a target and began to teach the ancient martial arts!

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