At this moment, the 8-star strongman Haili came up with a gun.

He was swift and agile, like a flexible bird.

As he moved, a giant bird shadow loomed in his body.

In fact, he contained some of Lugia's blood.

When he burst into battle, he would manifest the form of Lugia.

Back then, the old pirate hid in the dark and witnessed Lugia's battle with the three sacred birds, and picked up a huge piece of bird droppings.

In fact, there was a trace of Lugia's blood in the bird droppings. It was when Lugia was injured that year that it dripped into the droppings.

Later, the old man Haidao placed the giant bird droppings in a lake and named it Shenjiang Lake.

The lake water was nourished by Lugia's droppings all year round, and it really changed.

After the old pirate established Shenjiang Lake, countless pirates who came to him drank the water of Shenjiang Lake.

The physical fitness of the pirates became stronger and stronger under the transformation of the lake water.

Their power also grew.


Haili, who lost his parents in the war, came to the Hungry Wolf Island.

At that time, he was only 5 years old.

According to the rules, people who come to the island are eligible to drink the water of the Divine Lake.

When Haili drank the lake water when he was young, he actually stimulated the powerful blood power.

Since then, he has embarked on the road of becoming a strong man.

In a blink of an eye, more than 30 years have passed.

Haili, who is nearly 40 years old, has grown into an 8-star strongman.


Millions of civilians in Shicheng are in danger.

He Haili, even as a pirate, has no choice but to stand up.

He fought in the sky, and Li Zhan was shocked when he saw this scene.

Brother Haili, the ancient gods are too powerful. Even if you are an 8-star, you will fall!

Sure enough, Mashado is too strong, and Haili can't resist it at all.


He dodged, but he had no way to avoid it. He was hit by Mashado's shadow sneak attack.

Haili flew back with blood spitting out.

Mashado roared and was about to use another shadow claw to kill him completely.


Li Zhan gritted his teeth and finally made a decision.


Li Zhan soared into the sky.

A huge axe fell from the sky.


The huge axe fell, and the axe blade chopped straight towards Machado's head.

But the next moment.

Machado's body completely became illusory.

Although the huge axe was strong, it couldn't touch Machado's body at all!

Fortunately, with this blow, he bought some time and blocked the fatal blow for Haili!

Haili flew back, and Li Zhan caught him and quickly flew back.

"Ahem, Brother Li Zhan, thank you very much."

Haili spit out blood, but he didn't forget to thank him.

Scholars are really particular.

Li Zhan led him to retreat wildly, and said with lingering fear:"Brother Haili, you are too impulsive! Even if we have to fight, we should join forces! This ancient god is not as weak as other gods in the rumors!"

Haili coughed and said:"Brother Li Zhan, I thought you would retreat from here."

Li Zhan was furious:"Bullshit! Brother Haili, you underestimate me, Li Zhan! I, Li Zhan, although I was born in a wealthy family, but I have many civilian friends all over the world!!!"

Haili smiled:"So that's the case, then we are in the same boat."

While resisting Machado's pursuit, Li Zhan said depressedly:"You guy, you are obviously a pirate, but you speak so elegantly. I heard that you once took a university diploma. Can it be true?"

"It is true"

""Fuck! You're awesome!"

The two fled at high speed.

Haili had been hit by Machado before and almost died. Now he had no fighting power at all.

Li Zhan took him to escape for a while, but found that he couldn't escape.

Machado's attack ability was too strange and too powerful.


In the void, another dark phantom appeared.

This time, Li Zhan was also hit, and was hit in the chest by Machado's shadow fist, and the whole person fell directly to the ground.

"Ahem, Hai, Brother Haili, you're going to kill me this time."

"Sorry! This ancient god is too powerful. It is simply incomparable to those ancient gods in history. Brother Li Zhan, can you still move? Retreat quickly. I can still self-destruct and cover you."

This Haili is going to self-destruct!

Li Zhan was shocked. Brother Haili, is it necessary to go to this extent?

Li Zhan still did not have the determination to fight to the death. After all, he was a descendant of a wealthy family and did not understand the mentality of the lower-class civilians. Haili smiled at him and said nothing more. He just crawled forward silently. Brilliant starlight began to burst out from his body. He really wanted to self-destruct!

Li Zhan was silent for a while, and suddenly glanced behind him.

There, was the direction of his daughter Li Na.

He was seriously injured and could barely escape, but what about his daughter?

Can he still escape with his daughter?

He suddenly gritted his teeth fiercely.


"Brother Haili, wait for me!"

"If you run away like this, you won’t be able to raise your head in front of my daughter anymore!"

"Let's blow ourselves up together, so that we can leave a majestic image in front of my daughter!"

The bodies of the two 8-star warriors quickly emitted brilliant light.

In the sky,

Li Wanshan, who was killing other defectors, was horrified.


He shouted:"You two, the Great Elder is coming here! You two hold on for a moment, there is no need to do this!!!"

Haili and Li Zhan shook their heads and smiled.

It's useless, you are only 7 stars, you don't understand the horror of the ancient gods. If we don't explode, who can escape from it?

Even if it is 7 stars, it is extremely difficult!

Moreover, even if the Great Elder comes here, is it really useful? It is true that the Great Elder is a 9-star strongman, but unless he comes here in person!

What's the use of just descending a projection?

The biggest hope is that a strong man who has entered the ultimate realm will come here.

But in this world, are there still ultimate strong men left in the world?

This time, it was really a miscalculation!

Such a terrifying existence should not be released!

At this moment.

The two 8-star strongmen looked up at the south and north

"Legend of the Dragon……"

"What a pity, the legendary dragon seems to be injured!"

"Otherwise, we wouldn't have died."

With a sigh, the two 8-star warriors were about to self-destruct.

At this moment, in the direction of Shicheng, an unconscious teenager appeared. His body was actually emitting an extremely dazzling light.

This teenager was Xu An, who had suffered a heavy blow and fainted from anger.

The source of the dazzling light was a jade pendant with the word"An" carved on his chest.

This jade pendant flew up quickly.

It actually erupted with endless pressure in the sky and transformed into the appearance of Xu Xingwu.

This scene shocked everyone.

"Xu Xingwu!!!"

"You, you are not dead???"

"No, this is not him! This seems to be just a trace of his remnant!"

"What a strong pressure! He actually left all the power of the 9 stars in this regret!"

"The ocean will was probably fooled by him. Xu Xingwu probably only allowed it to devour one third of its origin!"

"Even so, he couldn't survive! What did he want to do by leaving this regret behind? To revive again?"

"No, it shouldn't be! His soul is dead, how can he be revived?"

"What on earth does he want to do? He has already entered the 9th star. If he wants to kill us, who among us can escape?"

Everyone was horrified.

A deep sigh seemed to sound from another space.


Xu Xingwu, who was in a virtual state, sighed softly.

He lowered his head and glanced at his unconscious son.

Then he raised his head and looked at the mighty Machado.

"You are not a creature of this world."


Machado roared.

(Who are you?)

(Human, you also want to stop me?)

Xu Xingwu sighed again.

"This time I left my origin behind, hoping to protect my wife and children for the rest of their lives."

"But you came across the border and wanted to destroy the human city."

He sighed.

"Here, millions of people are in danger because of my selfishness. I cannot sit idly by and watch.

"You go back"

"This world is too immature to bear your pressure."

"If you insist on doing so, I will have no choice but to annihilate my origin and take you with me."


Machado roared angrily.

(I'm not afraid of you!)

(If you dare to stop me, I'll beat you to death!!!)


Machado took another step.

His whole body completely descended into this world!

At this moment.

The surrounding space trembled violently.

In the north and south, the twin dragons that were stabilizing the space roared angrily.

They were about to rush over with a roar.

Xu Xingwu sighed lightly and shook his head.

"Two seniors!"

"You have protected this world for many years, so don't take risks lightly."

"I started this crisis, so I will end it."

"But after this battle, my origin has dissipated. I am afraid there will no longer be Xu Xingwu in this world.……"

He looked down

"An Er, Liu Mei……"

"You guys, take care!"

With a sigh, he attacked���

The power of origin began to burn wildly!

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