Xu Xingwu's actions moved all the masters present.

He was teaching the Dharma!

A 9-star master was teaching the Dharma publicly on his deathbed!

At this moment, countless masters were shouting to the sky.

"Chairman Xu, you can go with peace of mind! You are publicly teaching the Dharma today. If I am lucky enough to comprehend a little, I will certainly do my best to help the Xu family if they are in trouble in the future!"

"Chairman Xu, without further ado, just rest assured that with your righteous act today, no one will dare to embarrass the Xu family in the future!"

"Chairman Xu, our Tiannan Long family is also a family that practices ancient martial arts. Today, you have taught me the 9-star method. I am grateful for your kindness! From now on, as long as the Long family exists, the Xu family will exist!"

At this moment, the strong men expressed their opinions one after another.

Even Elder Li Wanshan, who was chasing the defectors, was shocked.

Xu Xingwu, a great man of the country!

What a pity, what a pity!!!

In the sky,

Xu Xingwu laughed loudly.

He had already turned into a shadow and kicked in front of Machado.

"Kick from below!"

"The first move of ancient martial arts!"

"With swift movements, you can focus on attacking the enemy's feet and destroy the target's mobility!"

"The key points of this move are"fast" and"explosive".」!"



In the sky.

Xu Xingwu used a series of lower body kicks.

His 9-star power burst out, connecting the laws of heaven and earth, and Machado was kicked in the ankles by it, and retreated again and again.

If it were any other strong man, Machado, as a soul body, could naturally dodge freely by virtualizing his body.

But facing Xu Xingwu, Machado's ability to virtualize would not work, because Xu Xingwu is also a soul body.



Machado was kicked continuously and was furious.

It wanted to fight back, but Xu Xingwu took the opportunity to use his second move.

"Second move, double return!"

Faced with Machado's angry counterattack, Xu Xingwu quickly distanced himself, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and took a defensive stance.

"Return the favor twice, use tenacious force-discharging techniques, and use clever strength to receive the opponent's moves!"

"If the force is applied properly, the close-range attack can be counterattacked with twice the damage!"


At this time, Machado rushed over. It was a shadow sneak attack.

Machado turned into a phantom and suddenly attacked from Xu Xingwu's shadow.


A claw chopped down.

It chopped hard on Xu Xingwu's head.

But Xu Xingwu quickly adjusted the height of his body and blocked Machado's attack with his crossed arms.


Boom boom boom boom!!!

After blocking it, he actually burst out with a clever force and directly counterattacked Machado's move!

Machado flew back and roared.


Why is this human so strong!

While Machado did not organize a new attack, Xu Xingwu said loudly again

"Double return lies in the use of"cleverness"!"

""No matter how strong the opponent's attack is, I can transform it with my cleverness!"

At this time,

Machado came again in anger.

This time, Machado used terrifying ghost-type moves.

In an instant, the power of dark shadows filled the sky and attacked, all rushing towards Xu Xingwu. It was a 360-degree group attack with no dead angles.

Xu Xingwu shouted softly:"Well done! Everyone, the next move is the third one, wide-area defense!"

"Wide-area defense is not actually a move of my ancient martial arts school. Its foundation lies in the power of rock!"

At this point, he laughed loudly:"But as a warrior, why should we be so bound by the difference in attributes?"

"Everyone, watch carefully. The secret of wide-area defense is not to"defend", but to"speed", the ultimate speed!!!"

Facing Machado's attack, Xu Xingwu repeatedly used the ancient martial arts techniques to deal with it. The group of strong men were stunned and amazed. If Wang Xuan was present, he would definitely be shocked to the point of opening his mouth. This is not the ancient martial arts style at all, this is simply a fighting-attribute move! This Xu Xingwu is probably a human-like fighting king! It's a pity that Wang Xuan was not present at this scene. Below, the strong men sighed again and again.


"It's really scary!"

"President Xu's understanding of martial arts has probably already reached the 9-star level."

"It’s such a pity that such a brilliant person is going to die today!"

"The loss of a strong man like President Xu is too great for the ancient martial arts lineage!"

"The loss of a talent like President Xu is not only a loss to the ancient martial arts lineage, but also a huge loss to the entire Dragon Country."

At this moment, the strong men sighed.

Xu Xingwu was speechless.

The world he pursued was too ideal.

How could the real world be as he wished?

The real and the ideal could not be perfectly integrated.

At this moment,

Xu Xingwu's origin became weaker and weaker.

On the far north and south sides, the twin dragons of Hezhong, who were struggling to stabilize the space, roared furiously.

They knew Xu Xingwu!

This junior had been recognized by the king.

This junior had entered the king's ruins when he was young, and he was recognized by the king.

It was thought that he would have a chance to revive the United Region.

However, today this junior is going to die.

The hope of the revival of the United Region will also be shattered with his death!


In the sky.

Xu Xingwu's body became more and more illusory.

On the opposite side, Machado was also miserable.

It stole the power of the two gods of Hoenn, although it was not the real two gods of Hoenn.

But even so, it was already very powerful.

But in this broken little world, it was seriously injured by a human!

At this moment, Machado did not have much combat power.

Xu Xingwu's strength was beyond its imagination.

Its body, although in an illusory ghost form.

But its two arms had been broken and hung on both sides of the body.

Xu Xingwu became more and more illusory, looking at Machado, he sighed:"You are slightly stronger than me, but you seem to be worried about something. I don't know what to do with you.���A real fight to the death"

"Maybe you have a reason to invade this world, maybe your reason seems to you to be very firm."

"But for me, this world is my hometown."

He was silent for a moment, then sighed and said,"Go away. I can feel that you are not an evil creature. Go back to your original world and don't invade this world again."

"If you don't leave, I will really kill you completely."

His body became fainter and fainter.

A strong man shouted and asked him to kill Machado completely.

Xu Xingwu just shook his head and said nothing. He couldn't kill it. I was just scaring it now. This kind of creature will not die in the true sense.

Instead of killing it once and making endless hatred, it is better to reason with it.

Sure enough.

Machado still has concerns. It still has to save Lord Fengwang. It can't die now.


It roared.

Under Xu Xingwu's eyes, it slowly stepped into the winding path and completely disappeared in the winding path.

After forcing Machado back, Xu Xingwu could no longer hold on.

His origin fire was getting fainter and fainter, and it had reached the point of exhaustion.

"Take care, everyone!"

He laughed loudly and said his final farewell.

He sighed again and looked at Xu An, who was in the crowd with tears streaming down his face.

"An Er."

He sighed

"From now on, I'm gone"

"You... must learn well."

After he finished speaking, his body completely dimmed.

In the void, a portal opened up.

In that portal, there seemed to be a woman waiting for him.

He walked towards the portal, and the origin fire completely dissipated.

From then on

, there was no Xu Xingwu in this world.

Below, countless strong men shouted

"Farewell President Xu!"

"Farewell President Xu!!"

"Farewell, President Xu!!!"

Xu An fell to the ground.

In silence, tears burst out.

From today on, he really no longer has a father.

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