On the sea, the situation has completely changed.

Groudon was blown up, and the battle between the two gods ended in an instant.

But the crisis was not resolved.

Without an opponent, Kyogre's huge eyes flashed with doubt.

"Where did Groudon go?"


The next moment, this rationality was instantly wiped out by the unknown existence.

The lines on its body surface became darker.

——Kill, kill everyone!

——As long as you kill everyone in this world, you will be the strongest Poseidon under my command!

That voice kept bewitching it and controlling its consciousness.

Kyogre's reason was instantly overwhelmed, and his crazy killing intent surged again.

The adventurers around him who tried to catch him were immediately killed.

Finally, someone realized that something was wrong and shouted in panic:


"This, this is not an ancient species at all!"

"The ancient species were not so strong, absolutely not so strong!"

"Damn, this giant beast is definitely a legendary god!!!"


"Stop fighting, run away!!!"

"Damn it! Wang Xuan, let us go!"

""You bunch of independent people, don't force us to go crazy!!!"

Wang Xuan was leading some independent people to snipe people from various major forces.

At this moment, the adventurers from various major forces shouted and cursed loudly.

They were really scared. The crisis of death made them feel deeply terrified.

Wang Xuan and the group of independent people were still okay, but the key was the terrifying giant beast!

At this moment, they just wanted to escape.

They finally realized that what they had been facing was not the ancient species at all!

Although the ancient species was powerful, it was not so terrifying!

This giant beast, any random move could trigger the great power of nature, how could it be beaten? It was impossible to beat it at all!




Screams continued to ring out.

Countless people died on the spot and stayed in the ocean world forever.

In front of such a terrifying super ancient Pokémon, humans are so insignificant.

At this moment, Wang Xuan was also shocked.

This is fucking.

Games and animations... lie!

Such a terrifying beast, can it really be caught by people? ? ?

At this time.

Machado also took action.

Its orange-red eyes looked at Kyogre without any emotion.

Compared with Kyogre, its size is too small.

Kyogre is like a huge flying mountain, and Machado's size is only the size of a normal human child.

With such a significant contrast, anyone would think that Machado would be killed by Kyogre's buttocks in the next moment.


Machado actually took the initiative.


It made a sharp cry like a little chicken.

This sound obviously sounds very childish, but its orange-red eyes are full of emotionless indifference.

It's as if all the creatures in this world, in front of it, life or death has nothing to do with it.

It was a kind of indifference from the soul level.

It didn't have the ferocity of a quasi-god, nor the overwhelming pressure of a mythical beast.

Even its orange-red eyes, combined with its petite body, looked a little funny.

But such a petite Pokémon had a cold aura that ignored all life.


Its body suddenly turned into a phantom.

The pitch-black shadow rushed towards Kyogre as fast as lightning.

It was a shadow (ghost) attack!

But, I don't know what the specific move was.



Kyogre roared to the sky, letting out a terrifying roar.

Even in an unconscious state, Kyogre is still a level 1 mythical beast.

Facing Machado's attack, a layer of bright blue halo quickly emerged on the surface of Kyogre's body.

At this moment, the air solidified instantly.

Countless crystal clear light spots suddenly appeared in the air.

Above Kyogre's huge head, a bright yellow ball of light quickly emerged.

The small light spots floating in the air flew quickly towards the bright yellow ball of light.

In less than 2 seconds, it became extremely huge.

The dazzling light shone all around.

Countless small light spots gathered in the bright yellow ball of light.

The terrifying pressure even caused the space in that area to slightly deform.

"Is this... a Destroying Death Beam?"

Wang Xuan's eyes widened, staring at the light ball in disbelief.

Is this a Destroying Death Beam?

Looking at its appearance and the process of charging, it is exactly the same as the Destroying Death Beam.

But damn, a Destroying Death Beam that can even bend space?

The Destroying Death Beam is very powerful, with a super strong power coefficient of 150.

But no matter how terrifying it is, it can't be to the point where it can even bend space, right?


Before Wang Xuan could make further judgments,

Kyogre roared and fiercely shot out the light.



A sound like cloth being torn was heard.

Where the light passed, a faint gray-black mark was actually left in the space.

A crack in the space!!!

This attack actually created a crack in the space!!!

A group of unlucky adventurers happened to be where the attack trajectory passed.

In an instant, the group of adventurers were melted, and not even a slag was left.

The other adventurers were stunned for a moment, and when they reacted, they ran away crying and shouting.

"I, I want to go out!!!"

"Wuwuwu, why is there such a terrifying existence in the ruins? I want to get out, wuwuwu T_T"

In front of the mythical beast, humans are so powerless!

Wang Xuan gritted his teeth and looked into Kyogre's body.

At this moment, the little assistant had not woken up yet and was still trapped inside the blue orb.

But the cat, seeing Wang Xuan looking over, let out a sharp cry.

"Meow~ Go open the Water Gym, meow~"

"Meow~ If we don't go now, we'll die. Meow~~~"

Wang Xuan was stunned.

A talking Meowth?

Is it the one from Team Rocket?

Before Wang Xuan could ask further, the destructive death beam had already hit Machado.

This ghost was so reckless. Facing

Kyogre's attack, it did not dodge, but kept its forward momentum and did not withdraw its ghost-type moves.


The next moment, a scene that stunned Wang Xuan happened.

After the devastating death ray hit Machado, the body of the dwarf was blown into a large piece of pitch-black mist.

The mist actually intercepted Kyogre's death ray of destruction, and transformed all the bright yellow light that shot through Machado into pitch-black light.


A pitch-black ball of light appeared.

The black fog began to gather, and Machado's figure appeared again.

The extremely dazzling black quickly gathered in the ball of light.

The next moment, boom!!!

The pitch-black light was shot out by Machado.

This dwarf actually also used a destructive death ray!

It's just a weird pitch-black color!

Looking at this scene,

Wang Xuan suddenly woke up.

"This Machado, the ghost-type move it just used must be Shadow Steal!"

Shadow stealing can seize the opponent's ability to counterattack.

At this moment, two destructive death lights collided with a bang.

Above the sea, the space completely trembled.

Large patches of gray-black spots appeared in the sky.

The mythical Pokémon VS the super ancient Pokémon actually caused violent space turbulence!

This Machado can actually compete with the level 1 legendary beast, it's so terrible!!!

Its shadow stealing ability is simply against the sky!

In the sky, on the opposite side of those gray-black spots, there was an extremely familiar huge pressure.

Wang Xuan felt it carefully and found that it was the ocean will!

The ocean will sensed the opportunity and wanted to break into this independent space.

Unfortunately, those gray-black spots healed quickly, and the space stabilized again. It could only retreat regretfully.

Machado kept using shadow stealing, and its ability became stronger and stronger.

Wang Xuan's deception worked. It completely set its sights on the blue gem and started a fierce battle with Kyogre over this sea area.

Deep in the seabed, no one noticed.

A large group of frogs were quietly approaching this sea area.

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