The dark creature that suddenly appeared.

Wang Xuan recognized it at a glance.


Ghost Fight!!!

Machado is a mythical Pokémon with both ghost and fighting attributes.

It is the supervisor of the Rainbow Trial and the most loyal subordinate of the Phoenix King.

It has super combat power, but is very stubborn. It is the Pokémon that Wang Xuan is most reluctant to deal with.

At this moment, as soon as it appeared, it actually wanted to take away the Crimson Orb.

The expanded Crimson Orb was imprisoning Tang Xue.

Machado didn't care about the life and death of humans at all, and wanted to catch Tang Xue to death so that he could take away the Crimson Orb smoothly.

Wang Xuan roared and immediately let Dragonite launch an attack.


A terrifying sonic boom sounded.

Dragonite used the self-sacrifice impact and hit Machado at a high speed.

But Wang Xuan was careless in a hurry.

Although the self-sacrifice impact is powerful, it is a physical attack of general attributes.

Machado is a ghost type.

Ghost type is immune to general system

The Tyranitar came first and hit Machado hard.

But the opponent's body became ethereal, and the Tyranitar didn't hit anything, and went straight through Machado's body.

The attack was ineffective!


A violent shock wave exploded.

Machado was in Groudon's illusory body.

The Tyranitar didn't hit it, but it left a striking scratch in Groudon's body.

This action completely angered Groudon.


The illusory Groudon roared to the sky. Lava gushed out of its body.

It actually roared and clenched its huge fist, and punched itself hard.

Flame Fist!


Another loud explosion.

Groudon's huge fist fell from the sky like a giant meteorite.

Although it was an illusory body, it directly hit the Tyranitar and smashed it into the sea with the air waves caused by its fist.

On the other side, Machado was also affected.

The Flame Fist is a physical attack of fire attribute.

Ghost-type Pokémon are not immune to fire.

The dwarf, who was covered in shadows, also screamed and was beaten far away by the Flame Fist.

At this moment, the might of the first-level mythical beast was revealed by Groudon without reservation.

Quasi-gods and mythical Pokémon were all suppressed by Groudon.


Groudon was only cool for three seconds.

Kyogre on the opposite side launched a sneak attack without any martial ethics.

While Groudon was cleaning the invaders in its body, it actually roared and threw a waterfall at Groudon fiercely.

It is the god of the sea, controlling the sea.

Its waterfall is simply terrifying!

Boom boom boom!!!

At this moment, the sea water in the entire ocean was all churning.

Huge waves rushed into the sky, one after another.

At this moment, the ocean seemed to be hanging upside down, smashing hard into the earth.

Countless sea water was smashed up, forming a huge wave that shook the earth! The

God's Waterfall, activated!!!


This Climbing Waterfall almost had a devastating effect comparable to a Z-Move.

Groudon was hit hard, screamed, and was blown away.

The red gem in its body was washed by endless waves.

The flame on it was almost extinguished.

This Climbing Waterfall had an outstanding effect!

The Origin Groudon with dual attributes of earth and fire was indeed severely defeated by water-attributed moves!

Even Tang Xue, who was trapped in the red gem, was able to get out in the end.


The white bird Xiaoying cried out.

It flew out of the giant red orb first.

It spread its wings and caught Tang Xue who fell.

It wanted to fly towards Wang Xuan, but Kyogre's climbing the waterfall was not over yet, and the huge waves were still bombarding Groudon.

"Fly south!"

"Get out of here quickly!"

"I will come and join you guys after I save one more person!!!"

Wang Xuan loudly instructed Bai Niao Xiaoying.~~~

The other party cried out.

Resisting the pressure brought by the divine beast, it flew away quickly with Tang Xue.

Seeing Tang Xue successfully escape, Wang Xuan felt relieved.

At this time, the Tyrannosaurus flew back from the sea again.

It was slapped away by Groudon just now, and felt very embarrassed.

It thought to itself, although you are a divine beast, I am also a quasi-god after all!

Dare to embarrass me in front of Bliss Egg Sister, I will kill you!!!


It roared angrily and decisively launched a counterattack. It opened its huge mouth and sprayed a dragon's breath at Groudon.

Take advantage of its illness and kill it!

At this moment.

Groudon was flying backwards uncontrollably.

Although Tyrannosaurus was not as high as it, it was still a quasi-god after all.

A dragon's breath sprayed, causing it to be injured again, and the injury became more serious.

This is not over yet.

In its own shadow.

Machado didn't know when he got out again.

Machado unleashed a fierce flaming fist.

This punch was exactly the same as the one Groudon had just unleashed, and even more powerful!


Groudon took another attack.

His broken body was in even greater pain.

The next moment.


Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

The violent storm-like attack came again.

Dragonite pursued the victory, and Machado also pursued the victory.

At this moment, the two powerful Pokémon seemed to have reached an agreement to kill Groudon first.

In its rage, Dragonite completely demonstrated the combat power of a quasi-god. Machado was even more fierce, and unleashed more than ten flaming fists again, each one more fierce than the last.

This little dwarf, its attack power was not very high at the beginning.

But as it unleashed its flaming fists again and again, its attack power actually became higher and higher.

Groudon was already seriously injured by the previous sneak attack of the waterfall.

At this moment.

He was beaten by the Tyrannosaurus and Machado again, and he couldn't hold on any longer.~~~!

It wailed, and its huge body suddenly collapsed and vanished, returning to its original appearance.

Wang Xuan had been waiting for a long time.

He stepped on the scabbard and rushed towards the scabbard.

After the body became lighter, the flying speed (floating) of the scabbard was greatly improved.

Wang Xuan actually snatched the scabbard in front of Kyogre and Machado.

It was hot!

This orb was like magma.

But Wang Xuan was extremely excited. After putting it away, he ran away.

""Vyvern, cover me!" The Vyvern roared to the sky, indicating that it was okay.

But the next moment, the furious Machado punched it away, this time with an ice punch.

Ice-type defeats dragon-type and flying-type.

The Vyvern was beaten by this ice punch.

It instantly felt ashamed to face its sister Happiny.

"Come back, Dragonite!"

Wang Xuan put Dragonite back into the Poké Ball and continued to flee.

Machado refused to give up and stared at Wang Xuan.

The reason why it appeared was for the orb of the Hoenn Twin Gods, and it immediately chased Wang Xuan.


As Wang Xuan was fleeing, he recalled the scene in the movie on Earth where Machado violently killed Xiaozhi.

"Machado, you want this orb? No problem!"

"Did you see that bighead carp?"

"You go and take the blue gem from its body, and I will give you this red gem!"

Upon hearing Wang Xuan's words, Machado immediately stopped.


It made a sound like it had discovered a chick.


"It's true!"

Wang Xuan immediately used one of the island master's auxiliary abilities, eloquence.

This eloquence, like the heavy armor, light armor, and forging abilities, is an amplification ability unique to the island master, which can be understood as a mouth cannon.

It is said that the island master who specializes in eloquence can even use his eloquence to convince a powerful sea beast to become his contracted beast.

At this moment, Wang Xuan looked at Machado and said loudly


"I just want to study this bead. I will give it to you as soon as I finish studying it!"

"You don't want me to destroy this bead after you push me into a corner, do you?"

"Believe me!"

"The time I spend on research will not exceed 10 minutes!"

"As long as you defeat that Fathead, I will definitely give you this red gem!"

This Machado, no one knew where it came from.

But Wang Xuan believed in his own judgment. Pokémon like Machado are very easy to fool. They are too stupid. Sure enough.

Under Wang Xuan's eloquence.

This Machado nodded slightly.



(Okay, I'll go grab the blue gem now.)

(Don't lie to me, otherwise, I will kill you.)

It seems that it is determined to get the two god gems.

Wang Xuan nodded quickly:"Go, I'm waiting for you, come on!"


It chirped again and immediately flew towards Kyogre.

Some other adventurers around saw that Wang Xuan could actually do this, and they immediately became interested.

Among them, there are also many island owners.

Eloquence is one of the common abilities of island owners. If

Wang Xuan can use it, they can naturally use it as well.

Immediately, someone flew forward hesitantly, wanting to communicate with Machado.

Wang Xuan's eyes became sharp, and he released Dragonite again.

"Flying dragon!"


""Kill these rubbish!!!"


Dragonite roared to the sky.

Sister Happiny, the last time doesn't count. Now I'm going to show my power. Remember my heroic figure!

The killing begins


At the same time, in the monitoring room deep under the sea, the unknown material of the monitoring screen lit up again.

The middle-aged man looked at Machado's performance on the screen and became very angry.


"So stupid!!!"

"You believe whatever others say. How can there be such a stupid Pokémon like you!!!"

He was furious.

But he forgot that he had deceived Machado in the same way before.

"Poisonous frog!"


"Go and deal with that human boy for me immediately!"

"We must not let him ruin our plans!!!" A quack sounded in the shadow of the monitoring room. A large group of poisonous frogs and bad frogs immediately swam towards the sea surface.

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